Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Τρίτη 20 Οκτωβρίου 2015

‘New Jungle’ grows: Shocking images show migrant camp in French port city, mayor calls on army

‘New Jungle’ grows: Shocking images show migrant camp in French port city, mayor calls on army

An aerial picture taken on October 8, 2015 shows the "New Jungle" migrants camp where some 3,500 people live while they attempt to enter Britain, near the port of Calais, northern France. © Denis Charlet
Aerial images of France’s ‘New Jungle’ refugee camp show the surging number of people currently living in makeshift tents in the port of Calais hoping to move on to the UK. Meanwhile, the city’s mayor is considering calling in the army to maintain order.

The number of migrants camping in tents outside Calais has doubled to 6,000, according to a French government official. “I do not know what comes next, but 6,000 is the most we can take,”Fabienne Buccio told Reuters. “Migrants and people smugglers need to learn that Calais is a dead-end street.” 
An aerial view of a field called the "New Jungle" with tents and makeshift shelters where migrants and asylum seekers stay, is seen in Calais, France, in this picture taken October 1, 2015. © Pascal Rossignol
The ‘New Jungle’ migrants’ camp is the fastest growing refugee “town” in France, as boats ferrying migrants continue to arrive in the port city. 
The influx of refugees has been blamed on higher security measures that are making it more difficult for migrants to cross the Channel and enter the UK. Most of the people living at the camp have fled conflicts in the Middle East or Africa. 
An aerial picture taken on October 8, 2015 shows the "New Jungle" migrants camp where some 3,500 people live while they attempt to enter Britain, near the port of Calais, northern France. © Denis Charlet
Supplies at the camp are running low and the situation has been described as dire. 
The mayor of Calais, Natacha Bouchard, has called on the French army to help with security at the site.“Maybe the army should come to watch over the place,” RMC radio quoted Bouchart as saying. The request comes despite 750 police officers already having been tasked with keeping the camp secure.
An aerial picture taken in Calais on October 9, 2015 shows a site dubbed the "New Jungle", where some 3,000 people have set up camp -- most seeking desperately to get to England. © Denis Charlet
The situation has been made worse by plunging temperatures, dropping down to around 5C (41F) at night. As winter approaches, many are raising humanitarian concerns. 
An aerial view shows the motorway that passes near a field called the "New Jungle" with tents and makeshift shelters where migrants and asylum seekers stay, is seen in Calais, France, in this picture taken October 1, 2015. © Pascal Rossignol
The French port of Calais is a popular destination for migrants who want to try their luck at illegally entering England via the Eurotunnel. Up to 16 migrants have been killed near the tunnel since June while trying to cross the border.

Θα πρέπει να ενταχθεί η Τουρκία στην ΕΕ;

Despite declining poll numbers and mounting criticism of her traitorous stance on the Muslim migration at home, Merkel offered to speed up Turkey’s application for EU membership in return for stopping the flow of refugees across its borders.
It’s blackmail and Merkel is paying it – in spades. Turkey has been the gateway for Muslim migrants into Europe. Turkey could have, and should have stopped it — instead they are holding Europe ransom for EU membership which will be the final nail in Europe’s coffin.
Chancellor Merkel is in Turkey negotiating with President Erdogan, promising to expedite Turkey’s membership into the EU. Such cowardice and stupidity is without peer.
“She said that in return Germany could help accelerate visa-free travel for Turkish citizens wanting to visit the EU. Stopping short of an offer to welcome Turkey into the EU, she pledged to push forward Ankara’s EU membership talks.” …… more here.
The golden throne she sits upon is a trojan horse.
Understand what this means. Turkey has been agitating to join the EU for some time. Should Turkey join the EU, it would be the first predominately Muslim country ever to join the European Union. It would make it an Islamic entity.
Turkey is not a European country. Ninety-seven percent of its territory lies in Asia. And Turkey is far too big for the EU to absorb. With a population predicted to reach 91 million by 2050, it will be the dominant member of the EU. Goodbye, European culture, which is an inevitability of the Muslim invasion as it is.
Turkey is responsible for a large majority of the Muslim migrants invading Europe – this is like a protection racket.
“Angela Merkel is making big promises to Turkey if it helps keep migrants out of Europe,”Quartz, October 18, 2015
A large share of the migrants making their way to Europe from Syria, Iraq, and elsewhere pass through Turkey. European Union leaders—chief among them German chancellor Angela Merkel—want to help the country stem the flow, but Turkey wants more than just financial aid in return.
Turkey says it needs €3 billion ($3.4 billion) in aid to shore up its borders. At a recent EU summit, leaders made positive noises about a deal but didn’t delve into specifics. But when Merkel visited Turkey this weekend, she hinted at other concessions in return for greater cooperation on dealing with migrants—namely, visa-free travel in the EU for Turkish citizens and, ultimately, full EU membership.
Merkel’s decision to court Turkey has drawn criticism. The EU has long been critical of Turkey’s record on human rights and free speech, and Merkel’s meeting with president Recep Tayyip Erdogan and other Turkish officials comes amid escalating violence between government forces and Kurdish separatists.
Turkey began formal EU membership talks a decade ago, and remains far from meeting most conditions to join the club. The release of a regular report on Turkey’s progress to meeting the requirements of EU membership—critical of the defense of “fundamental rights” in the country in the past—has been postponed, according to The New York Times.
Merkel’s high-profile visit, featuring much pomp and circumstance, is also just two weeks ahead of national elections in Turkey, in which Erdogan is trying to engineer a parliamentary majority for his Justice and Development Party.
The chancellor’s visit shows how desperately the EU, and Germany in particular, need Turkey’s help to deal with the refugee crisis. Erdogan knew that the normally low-key Merkel would not have otherwise chosen to appear in Istanbul at such a politically charged time, and made the most of the opportunity.
erdogan merkel

Κυριακή 18 Οκτωβρίου 2015

ΔΥΟ ΣΟΥΠΕΡ ΤΥΦΩΝΕΣ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΚΑΘ" ΟΔΟΝ ΝΑ ΧΤΥΠΗΣΟΥΝ ΦΙΛΙΠΙΝΕΣ(Dangerous Super Typhoon Koppu Making Landfall in Luzon, Philippines)

NW PACIFIC OCEAN *Full Update* Dangerous Super Typhoon Koppu Making Landfall in Luzon, Philippines
Powerful super typhoon Koppu was making landfall in eastern Luzon, Philippines on October 17 when NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite passed overhead and looked at the storm in infrared light. Koppu is a powerful Category Four storm on the Saffir-Simpson Wind Scale and its slow movement across Luzon on the next several days is expected to create dangerous inland flooding from heavy rainfall. Koppu is known locally in the Philippines as "Lando" and has triggered many warnings.
The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument aboard NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite looked at the super typhoon on October 17 at 1804 UTC (2:04 p.m. EDT). The infrared VIIRS image showed powerful thunderstorms wrapping around the center of circulation with cloud top temperatures as cold as -81F/-63C/210K.
At 2100 UTC (5 p.m. EDT) it was centered near 16.0 North latitude and 122.1 East longitude, about 105 miles northeast of Manila, Philippines. Koppu was moving west at 11 knots. Maximum sustained winds were near 130 knots (149 mph/240 kph) and those typhoon force winds extended 50 miles out from the center.
Koppu is moving westward and landfalling in Luzon. The storm is expected to slow down and curve to the north, while lingering over land for the next 2 to 3 days. The slow movement will lead to heavy rainfall totals and dangerous flooding. Koppu's extended passage over Luzon could lead to vast rainfall totals of 1,000 mm (40 inches) or more.
Many Warnings are in effect in the Philippines. Public storm warning signal #4 is in force in Aurora and southern Isabela. Public storm warning signal #3 is in force in rest of Isabela, Quirino, Nueva Vizcaya, Nueva Ecija, Ifugao and Northern Quezon including Polillo Islands
Public storm warning signal #2 is in force in Cagayan including Calayan and Babuyan group of Islands, Benguet, Mt. Province, Abra, Kalinga, Apayao, Ilocos Norte & Sur, La Union, Pangasinan, Zambales, Tarlac, Pampanga, Bulacan, Rizal, rest of Quezon, Camarines Norte, Metro Manila
Public storm warning signal #1 is in force in Batanes, Bataan, Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Lubang Island, northern Oriental Mindoro, Marinduque, Camarines Sur, Albay, Catanduanes
The system will then continue northward towards Taiwan and restrengthen to typhoon force.
Rob Gutro
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
Image Credit: NRL/NASA/NOAA

Τρίτη 13 Οκτωβρίου 2015

Swimming Crinoids

  00:01             01:03  
Swimming Crinoids
During the dive on the southeast side of Johnston Atoll on September 17, 2015, the remotely operated vehicle disturbed several crinoids who took to the water. This video provides a fascinating explanation of how these aanimals, whom you might not initially suspect of being swimmers, do in fact swim.

Κυριακή 11 Οκτωβρίου 2015

Ρωσία και οι Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες έχουν βρει μια συμβιβαστική λύση στο ζήτημα της Συρίας

Στρατιωτική Ρωσία και οι Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες έχουν βρει μια συμβιβαστική λύση στο ζήτημα της Συρίας

Στρατός των ΗΠΑ και της Ρωσίας τηλεδιάσκεψης συζητήθηκε η ασφάλεια των αεροπορικών δραστηριοτήτων στη Συρία. Ο κύριος σκοπός των διαβουλεύσεων - να αποφευχθούν οι πιθανές αεροπορικά επεισόδια μεταξύ των δύο χωρών κατά τη διάρκεια των επιχειρήσεων εναντίον της ομάδας «Ισλαμικό Κράτος» στη Συρία. Αυτό αναφέρθηκε στο ρωσικό υπουργείο Άμυνας.

Συζήτηση για το βίντεο διήρκεσε περίπου μία ώρα και ένα μισό.

"Οι συζητήσεις ήταν επαγγελματίες και είχαν ως στόχο αποκλειστικά την εφαρμογή ειδικών μέτρων ασφαλείας», - δήλωσε ο εκπρόσωπος του Πενταγώνου ένα Peter Cook μετά τις συνομιλίες.

Κατά τη διάρκεια της επαφής τα μέρη κατόρθωσαν να επιτύχουν πρόοδο, και οι Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες συμφώνησαν να συνεχίσουν τις συζητήσεις με τη Ρωσία στο εγγύς μέλλον, κατέληξε στο συμπέρασμα Cooke.

Νωρίτερα είχε αναφερθεί ότι το ρωσικό υπουργείο Άμυνας έχει στείλει αμερικανούς συναδέλφους σχέδιο εγγράφου σχετικά με τις δράσεις στον εναέριο χώρο της Συρίας.

Ανάκληση της Ρωσικής τηλεδιάσκεψης άρχισε να εντοπίσουμε απεργίες σε στόχους στη Ρωσία απαγόρευσε την τρομοκρατική οργάνωση "Ισλαμικό Κράτος» στη Συρία, 30 Σεπτεμβρίου. Η επιχείρηση ξεκίνησε μετά από τον Ρώσο Πρόεδρο Βλαντιμίρ Πούτιν έλαβε την εντολή του Συμβουλίου της Ομοσπονδίας σχετικά με τη χρήση των Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων έξω από τη χώρα. Το αίτημα για στρατιωτική βοήθεια για την αντιμετώπιση της IG στη Μόσχα ζήτησε από τον Πρόεδρο της Συρίας Μπασάρ Άσαντ.

Φωτογραφία: Υπουργείο Εθνικής Άμυνας της Ρωσίας

the third frigate of the series for the French Navy, made its first sea outing.


7 October, the FREMM Languedoc, the third frigate of the series for the French Navy, made its first sea outing. This industrial milestone marks the start of the vessel’s sea trials, which will take place off the coast of Brittany. With three FREMM multi-mission frigates currently under construction on the Lorient site, DCNS will have delivered six FREMMs to the French Navy before mid-2019, in accordance with the Military Programming Law 2015-2019, as well as two FREMMs for the export market.
Languedoc, the French navy’s third FREMM-class frigate, sails out of Lorient for its initial sea trials, which will test its propulsion and navigations systems. Six of these ships will be delivered by 2019 (DCNS photo)
Languedoc, the French navy’s third FREMM-class frigate, sails out of Lorient for its initial sea trials, which will test its propulsion and navigations systems. Six of these ships will be delivered by 2019 (DCNS photo)
DCNS has now completed the first sea outing of the FREMM Languedoc on the Lorient site, the third of the series of vessels ordered by OCCAR (l’Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d’Armement – Organization for Joint Armament) on behalf of the DGA (French Defence Procurement Agency) and the French Navy. During this first sea outing, the main objective was to test the performance of the vessel’s propulsion and navigation system.
The FREMM Languedoc will benefit from a significant reduction in the duration of its sea trials compared to the previous FREMMs: six weeks instead of the previous eight. This optimised trial duration illustrates the transition to «series mode» for the multi-mission frigates.
DCNS teams and those of its partners were thus able to capitalise on the experience acquired with the FREMMs already delivered to proceed with the integration of the combat system’s sensors and weapons before the FREMM Languedoc’s first sea outing. This streamlining of the scheduling allows an optimisation of the duration and number of sea outings for the frigate and therefore, in the end, a reduction in the total time required for vessel trials.
«The acceleration of the trial scheduling for the FREMM Languedoc is a demonstration of DCNS capacity to ensure efficient serial production», explains Anne Bianchi, Director of the FREMM Programme at DCNS.
In the medium term, the FREMM programme will involve for DCNS the construction of ten frigates, eight of them for the French Navy
In the medium term, the FREMM programme will involve for DCNS the construction of ten frigates, eight of them for the French Navy


Total length466 feet/142 m
Width65.6 feet/20 m
Displacement6,000 tonnes
Maximum speed27 knots/31 mph/50 km/h
Operation108 persons (including helicopter detachment)
Accommodation capacity145 men and women
Cruising range at 15 knots/17 mph/28 km/h6,000 nautical miles/6,905 miles/11,112 km