Any day, another savage Islamic video. (Video thanks to American Infidel)
Before interviewing six of the prisoners, a Kurdish Islamic State fighter told Kurdish Muslims that the Islamic State does not seek to harm them, but only the “disbelieving secularists” among the Kurds. Non-practicing Muslims would be slaughtered. Tell us again, Mr. President, how this war is not Islamic.
“This is a message is to the Kurdish Muslim people. We say to you that our war is not against you but it is against the disbelieving secularists from among the Kurds, because they drive you to the fire with disbelief and atheism.”
According to the tenets of Islam, pure Islam, a non-practicing Muslim, a secular Muslim is an apostate punishable by death. This is authentic Islam. The President’s denial of reality will only further serve the enemy’s goals to expand and conquer.
“Islamic State releases a new video from Kirkuk parading Peshmerga forces in cages,” The Telegraph, February 22, 2015
The video appears to show caged Kurdish fighters interviewed in the moments before their deathsTcaptives, in orange jumpsuits with their heads lowered, are led to cages in a square surrounded by concrete walls and masked IS fighters carrying pistolsIslamic State militants have released a new video which appears to show caged Kurdish fighters being interviewed in the moments before their deaths.With a microphone pushed through the bars of their cage, each man quietly repeats talking points about the righteousness of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’s (Isil) brutal campaign through the Middle East and North Africa.At one point, the nine-minute propaganda film shows more than a dozen prisoners being paraded through crowded streets of northern Iraqi province of Kirkuk, with black-clad militants hanging to the cages and pumping their fists.
The video purports to show captured Kurdish peshmerga fighters paraded through Iraqi streets in cagesSITE reports:The Kirkuk provincial division of the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq released a video of parading 21 Kurdish Peshmerga elements in cages through streets, and interviewing some of them, where they warn their colleagues to stop fighting the IS. The 9 minute, 18 second video, entitled, “And Heal the Breasts of a Believing People,” was distributed on Twitter on February 21, 2015. The title is similar to that given to the production in which the IS burned alive Jordanian pilot Mu’adh al-Kasasibah. The al-Malhama Brigade, a pro-Islamic State (IS) jihadi media group, had distributed on February 13 a video containing similar scenes of the parading of caged Peshmerga, but recorded from a different angle. The IS video does not show the execution of the men, but during the scene in which fighters stand behind each captive, the screen flashes and shows the beheading of the 21 Egyptian Christians by an IS division in Libya.Before interviewing six of the captives, a Kurdish IS fighter told Kurdish Muslims that the group does not seek to harm them, but the “disbelieving secularists” among the Kurds. He stated: “This is a message is to the Kurdish Muslim people. We say to you that our war is not against you but it is against the disbelieving secularists from among the Kurds, because they drive you to the fire with disbelief and atheism. We want to extract you from worshiping the worshipers to worshiping the Lord of the worshipers. From here, we say to you, O Peshmerga, leave your work, otherwise your destiny will be same as those: either in the cage or under the ground.”
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