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Δευτέρα 10 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Three Turks who won multiple US military contracts arrested on espionage charges

Three Turks have been arrested on Sunday in the United States on espionage charges, that include "funneling military secrets out of the country," after winning numerous military contracts with the Pentagon.
Two of the three were American citizens according to a statement released by the U.S. Department of Defense. The statement added that the three men established a technology company in the U.S. in order to secure military contracts from the Pentagon.

The trio won U.S. military contracts for missile launching systems on warplanes, parts manufacturing for submarine torpedoes and grenade launchers. However once the U.S. Department of Defense discovered that the parts were being illegally manufactured in Turkey the men were arrested on charges of "taking military secrets out of the country".

The three, including a female member of the group who admitted to the charges, are facing 20 year prison sentences.

Κυριακή 9 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Seismologists surprised by deep California quakes

Seismologists surprised by deep California quakes

New type of weak temblors in upper mantle detected

2:00PM, OCTOBER 6, 2016
Newport-Inglewood Fault
CURIOUS QUAKES  A dense network of seismometers monitoring the Newport-Inglewood Fault in Southern California detected earthquakes originating from far deeper underground than once thought possible.
Mysterious earthquakes rattle deep beneath Southern California.
The tiny quakes originate from tens of kilometers below ground along the Newport-Inglewood Fault near Long Beach, Calif., seismologists report in the Oct. 7 Science. Rocks at that depth should be too hot and malleable to snag and break — a key mechanism behind earthquakes. Some unknown process must be at play in the roots of the fault that makes this new type of earthquake possible, says study coauthor Asaf Inbal, a seismologist at Caltech.
“This is a wide open question that we don’t have a good answer to,” he says.
The quakes puzzle scientists, but they don’t pose a direct threat, says Yuri Fialko, a geophysicist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, Calif. “Luckily for us, they remain small and don’t grow into bigger, potentially damaging events,” he says. Still, small earthquakes “may eventually lead to the triggering of larger earthquakes” and warrant further study.
The Newport-Inglewood Fault sits along a boundary where two chunks of Earth’s crust grind past one another. Seismometers monitor the fault, but the unusually deep quakes are usually too weak to be heard. Seismic noise from sources such as passing trucks and landing planes conceals the quakes, which register around magnitude 2.0 at most, with weaker temblors dipping into negative magnitudes.
Story continues after diagram

Deep rumbling

A dense network of seismometers around Long Beach, Calif., picked up many small earthquakes at a depth of about 25 to 32 kilometers along the Newport-Inglewood Fault, far below the conventional seismically active zone for the fault. The seismicity could be caused by fluids rising from Earth’s mantle, researchers propose.

Inbal and colleagues analyzed data from a six-month survey in 2011 that deployed about 5,300 seismometers in the area, one of the densest amounts ever arrayed over such a fault. Combining the data with information from another, smaller survey in 2013 amplified faint earthquake signals above the background noise. The deepest newfound quakes come from Earth’s upper mantle at depths of more than 30 kilometers — far below the conventional seismically active zone for the fault, the researchers found. At these depths, rocks should flow when under stress, rather than accumulating strain and breaking.
One possible explanation is that upper mantle fluids flow into the fault and provide a source of high pressure that extends the depth of seismic activity, the researchers propose. More observations should reveal whether this explanation holds water.

Cementing a theory about the sea creatures of the Ediacara Biota

Cementing a theory about the sea creatures of the Ediacara Biota

Fossil photo from the Ediacara Biota. (Photo by James Gehling)
Earth’s earliest community of complex sea creatures lived in a warm, slimy, planetary petri dish that nurtured a broad array of exotic species. Yet we likely wouldn’t know about it at all, scientists say, if not for a quirk in the chemistry of ancient oceans.
A Yale-led research team found that the Ediacara Biota, a collection of marine fossils found in sandstone around the world, record the operation of an unusual mechanism that preserved impressions of the creatures’ soft bodies for hundreds of millions of years. The findings appear in the journal Geology.
The Ediacara Biota takes its name from a fossil deposit in South Australia, but fossils of the Ediacara Biota are found worldwide in rocks ranging in age from 541 to 580 million years old. The creatures themselves were as small as a few millimeters and as large as one meter, and lived in dense, diverse communities on the seafloor.
“Many of them are outright bizarre in appearance, and do not resemble any organisms alive today,” said Lidya Tarhan, a postdoctoral fellow at Yale and first author of the study. “We would like to understand their relationship to the complex animals that evolved shortly thereafter. Are the Ediacara organisms some sort of failed evolutionary experiment, or do they include the ancestors of the animals that subsequently colonized the oceans?”
Fossil photo from the Ediacara Biota. (Photo by James Gehling)
A big part of that answer involves figuring out how these fossils were able to form. The animals themselves were entirely soft-bodied; they lived before the evolution of shells, teeth, or bones, which are typically the only parts of an organism to become fossilized.
What the researchers realized, they said, was that oceans during the time of the Ediacara Biota were much richer in dissolved silica than they are today. This enabled the transformation of loose sand around the animals into rock to occur over a matter of hours or years, rather than the usual timeframe of thousands to millions of years.
“The Ediacara organisms were rapidly buried by sand during underwater storm events,” Tarhan noted. “This process of cementing the sand grains around them must have happened rapidly because otherwise, by the time the carcasses rotted away, the sand burying them would have simply collapsed into the hollow left by the erstwhile carcass.”
The team conducted its research using detailed microscope-based techniques. The researchers were able to measure the elemental composition of cements on a micron scale.
The paper was co-authored by Ashleigh Hood, who is a Yale postdoctoral associate; Derek Briggs, Yale’s G. Evelyn Hutchinson Professor of Geology and Geophysics and curator of invertebrate paleontology at the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History; Mary Droser of the University of California-Riverside; and James Gehling of South Australian Museum and the University of Adelaide.
The research is supported in part by a National Science Foundation Earth Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship, a grant from the American Philosophical Society Lewis and Clark Fund, a NASA Exobiology grant, a NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship, and the Foundations of Complex Life NASA Astrobiology Institute.

The 2016 Draconid meteor shower is expected to reach its peak on October 8

2016 Draconid Meteor Shower

The 2016 Draconid meteor shower is expected to reach its peak on October 8. A First Quarter Moon may make it harder for observers to see many shooting stars.
Illustration image
The Draconid Meteor Shower is also known as Giacobinids.
© Spencer
The best time to see the shooting stars from this meteor shower is right before nightfall.

2 Meteor Showers in October

The Draconid meteor shower, also sometimes known as the Giacobinids, is one of the 2 meteor showers to annually grace the skies in October.
The Draconids owe their name to the constellation Draco the Dragon, and are created when the Earth passes through the dust debris left by comet 21 P/ Giacobini-Zinner. The comet takes about 6.6 years to make a single revolution around the Sun.
Although the Draconids have been responsible for some of the most spectacular meteor showers in recorded history, most recently in 2011, most astronomers and sky gazers consider these to be one of the least interesting meteor showers in during the year.
The Orionids is the second meteor shower in October. It usually peaks around October 21.

Location in the Sky Tonight

NOTE: The table below changes every day to show the coming night's location
Draconids meteor shower for Athens (Night between 9 Οκτ and 10 Οκτ)
Κυρ 1:00 πμ324°Northwest20,0°
Κυρ 2:00 πμ330°North-northwest13,6°
Κυρ 3:00 πμ337°North-northwest8,4°
Κυρ 4:00 πμ345°North-northwest4,7°
Κυρ 5:00 πμ354°North2,6°
Κυρ 6:00 πμNorth2,3°
Κυρ 7:00 πμ12°North-northeast3,8°
Κυρ 8:00 μμ315°Northwest61,1°
Κυρ 9:00 μμ312°Northwest52,4°
Κυρ 10:00 μμ312°Northwest43,6°
Κυρ 11:00 μμ315°Northwest35,0°
Δευ 12:00 πμ319°Northwest26,9°
Direction to see the Draconids in the sky:
  • Azimuth is the direction, based on true north, a compass might show a slightly different value.
  • Altitude is height in degrees over horizon.

Where Can I See the Draconids?

Viewers in Northern America, Europe and Asia are the best situated to enjoy the Draconids. Those closer to the Equator in the Southern Hemisphere can also sometimes see few meteors from the Draconids.
While it is not necessary to look in a particular direction to enjoy a meteor shower, astronomers suggest locating the Draco the Dragon's 2 brightest stars, Eltanin and Rastaban. The meteor shower seems to emerge from the dragon’s head.

When to View the Draconids

Unlike other meteor showers, the best time to view the Draconids is just after the Sun sets and right before nightfall. This is because, the Draconids’ radiant point - the point in the sky where the meteor shower seems to come from - is highest in the sky during dusk. The shower peaks around October 7 and 8 every year.

How to View the Draconids

There isn’t a lot of skill involved in watching a meteor shower. Here are some tips on how to maximize your time looking for the Draconids:
  • Get out of the city to a place where city and artificial lights do not impede your viewing
  • If you are out viewing the shower during its peak, you will not need any special equipment. You should be able to see the shower with your naked eyes.
  • Carry a blanket or a comfortable chair with you - viewing meteors, just like any other kind of star gazing is a waiting game, and you need to be comfortable. Plus, you may not want to leave until you can’t see the majestic celestial fireworks anymore.
  • Check the weather and moonrise and moonset timings for your location before you leave, and plan your viewing around it.

Τετάρτη 5 Οκτωβρίου 2016

New Mercedes Generation EQ Concept - Awesome SUV!!

Exterior design with new electro-look

"Generation EQ is hot and cool," says Gorden Wagener, Head of Design at Daimler AG. "Its fascination lies in a reinterpretation of our design philosophy of sensual purity, the aim being to create an avant-garde, contemporary and distinctive electro-look. At the same time, the design of the visionary show car, which has been reduced to the essentials, reveals an alluring progressivity."

The monolithic basic form of "Generation EQ" unites the genes of an SUV with the dynamic character of a coupé and a dash of shooting brake at the rear end. The squat, elongated greenhouse gives rise to muscular-purist proportions. The new electro-look is the result of a flowing transition from the gleaming black bonnet across the windscreen to the dark-tinted panoramic roof – an exciting contrast to the alubeam silver paintwork.

Scarcely visible body panel joins, concealed windscreen wipers, cameras instead of exterior mirrors and an absence of conventional door handles emphasise the stretched, dynamic silhouette, making the SUV crossover appear as a unified whole while reducing its air resistance. An intentionally reduced side view, broad shoulders and large 21-inch light-alloy wheels make for a dynamic presence even before the vehicle moves off.

Driver-oriented cockpit with new electro-look

The focus of the driver-oriented cockpit is on simple, touch-based controls with a new electro-look consistently reflecting the exterior styling. The asymmetrical design of the instrument panel with its large, floating wide-screen display is tailored to the driver. The innovative, digital user experience differentiates "Generation EQ" from the familiar control logic in today's vehicles, while giving a peek into the future of user interaction at Mercedes‑Benz.

Interior with new, touch-based controls and no knobs

The interior of "Generation EQ" is characterised by contemporary luxury, this finding its main expression in an all-new user interface, which combines emotive appeal with intelligence and user-friendliness while dispensing with traditional switches and knobs, except for the electric seat adjustment typical of Mercedes. Two of the three narrow spokes on the steering wheel are provided with touch controls, which are integrated into OLED displays (OLED = organic light emitting diode ). They indicate icons and symbols in the respective menus. The driver can swipe through the various menus and confirm their selection with a click.

The 24-inch (53 x 11 cm) TFT high-definition wide-screen display presents all the relevant information, such as speed, range, driving data or navigation and map details. The innovation is apparent from the differentiation between a highly reduced and a complex display, including intermediate stages. Whether there is a low information density with a very clean look to the display, or whether extra content is on view, is left to the driver's personal preference.

User interface design with individualised content

The information density can be increased step-by-step from a digital display and built up into a single- or dual-tube instrument containing more detailed information and feedback on speed and range. These modular displays allow the content to be individualised. An attractive user interface design is ensured by, among other things, a world of colours in electric blue, white and rose gold – the colours of the instrument displays adapt, depending on driving mode or charging process, to allow fast and intuitive recognition.

Bordered in rose gold, the centre console appears to float in space: dispensing with mechanical controls, it is equipped with touch-sensitive elements. Similarly to the touch controls on the steering wheel, the driver can use a finger to operate the automatic climate control and the infotainment system. As "Generation EQ" is devoid of conventional exterior mirrors, cameras are used to project an image of the traffic behind onto integrated displays in the doors. Both the door openers and the electric window lifters are touch-controlled.

Avant-garde, functional interior

"Generation EQ" comes with four individual seats. The reduced volume, impression of floating in space and avant-garde seat upholstery layout make for a visual lightness. A tailored sound experience is provided by speakers integrated into the head restraints. The side bolsters are covered in light-white leather, while perforations with a pixel rain look reveal a view of particles in rose gold. Stitching with a PCB look on the deep-brown centre sections produces an exciting contrast. TFT monitors for rear-seat entertainment are integrated into the front backrests.

2016 2017 Test Drive Concept Review

Hurricane Matthew from the Space Station

Oct. 4, 2016 - Update No. 2 - View of Matthew from the International Space Station

Cameras outside the International Space Station captured dramatic views of major Hurricane Matthew Oct. 3 as the orbital complex flew 250 miles over the storm at 4:15 p.m. EDT. Packing winds of 140 miles an hour as a Category 4 hurricane, Matthew was expected to pass over western Haiti and eastern Cuba Oct. 4 before charging north over the Bahamas Oct. 5 and potentially threatening the east coast of the United States later in the week.

Oct. 4, 2016 - Update No. 1 - NASA Sees Hurricane Matthew Making Landfall in Haiti

Hurricane Matthew made landfall in western Haiti during the morning hours of Oct. 4, and a NASA animation of NOAA's GOES-East satellite covered the monster storm.
satellite imagery animation of Hurricane Matthew
This animation of NOAA's GOES-East satellite imagery from Oct. 2 to Oct. 4, 2016, shows Hurricane Matthew moving through the Caribbean Sea and making landfall on Oct. 4 over western Haiti.

NOAA's GOES-East satellite provides continuous imagery of the Atlantic Ocean and eastern U.S. and has been keeping a close eye on powerful Hurricane Matthew. Infrared imagery shows Matthew's movements at night, while visible imagery shows Matthew's movements during the day. At NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, both infrared and visible imagery were combined into an animation from Oct. 2 to Oct. 4. The animation ends just after Hurricane Matthew made landfall on Oct. 4 near Les Anglais in western Haiti about 7 a.m. EDT (1100 UTC). 

visible-light image of Hurricane Matthew
This visible-light image of Hurricane Matthew was taken from NOAA's GOES-East satellite at 7:45 a.m. EDT on Oct. 4, 2016, within the hour of landfall in western Haiti.
Credits: NASA/NOAA GOES Project

infrared image of Matthew from Aqua satellite
This infrared image of Matthew was taken from the MODIS instrument aboard NASA's Aqua satellite on Oct. 4, 2016, at 2:10 a.m. EDT (0610 UTC). Red indicates very cold cloud tops with the potential to generate very heavy rainfall.
Credits: NASA/NRL
A hurricane warning is in effect for Haiti; the Cuban provinces of Guantanamo, Santiago de Cuba, Holguin, Granma and Las Tunas; the southeastern Bahamas, including the Inaguas, Mayaguana, Acklins, Crooked Island, Long Cay and Ragged Island; the Central Bahamas, including Long Island, Exuma, Rum Cay, San Salvador and Cat Island; and the northwestern Bahamas, including the Abacos, Andros Island, Berry Islands, Bimini, Eleuthera, Grand Bahama Island and New Providence.
A tropical storm warning is in effect for the Dominican Republic from Barahona westward to the border with Haiti, Jamaica, and the Turks and Caicos Islands.
There are also hurricane and tropical storm watches in effect today, Oct. 4. A hurricane watch is in effect for the Cuban province of Camaguey. A tropical storm watch is in effect for the Dominican Republic from Puerto Plata westward to the border with Haiti.
On Oct. 4 at 2:10 a.m. EDT (0610 UTC), NASA's Aqua satellite passed over Matthew and analyzed the hurricane in infrared light to show temperatures. The MODIS, or Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, instrument aboard NASA's Aqua satellite revealed cloud top temperatures as cold or colder than minus 70 F (minus 56.6 C). NASA research indicates very cold cloud tops with the potential to generate very heavy rainfall.
At 8 a.m. EDT (1200 UTC) on Oct. 4 the eye of Hurricane Matthew was located inland Haiti near 18.4 degrees north latitude and 74.2 degrees west longitude. That's just 10 miles (15 km) east of Tiburon, Haiti, and about 125 miles (200 km) south of the eastern tip of Cuba.  
NOAA's National Hurricane Center (NHC) said Matthew was moving to the north near 9 mph (15 kph), and this general motion is expected to continue today.  A turn toward the north-northwest is expected by Wednesday, Oct. 5, followed by a northwest turn Wednesday night. On the forecast track, the eye of Matthew will move near or over portions of the southeastern and central Bahamas tonight and Wednesday, and approach the northwestern Bahamas Wednesday night.
Maximum sustained winds remain near 145 mph (230 kph) with higher gusts.  Matthew is a category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale.  Some fluctuations in intensity are possible during the next couple of days, but Matthew is expected to remain a powerful hurricane through at least Wednesday night.
Hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 40 miles (65 km) from the center and tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 185 miles (295 km). The estimated minimum central pressure is 934 millibars.

Τρίτη 4 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Ο Ρωσος προεδρος Πούτιν ελευθερωνει άγρια ​​άλογα στην φυση (video)

„Diese Pferde sind praktisch von der Erde verschwunden“ - Putin entlässt Wildpferde in die Freiheit
Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin hat gestern das staatliche Orenburgski-Naturschutzgebiet in der Orenburg-Region besucht, um zusammen mit Tierpflegern einige Przewalski-Pferde in ihren natürlichen Lebensraum zu entlassen. Das Naturschutzgebiet ist für das Programm zur Auswilderung dieser bedrohten Pferde bekannt.
Putin lockte die Pferde mit Hafer in die Freiheit und erklärte, dass es sich hierbei um „ein einmaliges Ereignis“ handele, da diese Pferde „praktisch von der Erde verschwunden“ sind. Nach der Auswilderung setzte sich der russische Präsident mit Mitwirkenden des Projekts für eine Tasse Tee zusammen.
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