Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Πέμπτη 14 Ιουλίου 2016


O Tour da Tocha segue pelo Brasil afora e nesta quarta-feira, dia 13 de julho, desembarcou em Joinville, Santa Catarina. No trecho final da viagem pelo estado, um dos símbolos olímpicos sofreu novamente na mão de manifestantes. Depois de tentarem apagar a chama jogando água ou derrubando o condutor, desta vez a tentativa foi com um extintor de incêndio. Usando um equipamento de tamanho reduzido, um homem invadiu a área de condução, mas não teve sucesso na empreitada. De supetão, levou uma gravata de um dos membros da Força Nacional de Segurança e a condutora Viviane, motorista da Rio 2016, seguiu seu trajeto.
Ela sofreu com a fumaça branca, que tomou conta do local. Viviane Ficou um pouco enjoada devido à inalação do pó químico, mas passa bem. 
Na semana passada, no Rio Grande do Sul, a chama olímpica também foi alvo de manifestantes. Por mais de uma vez pessoas tentaram jogar água na Tocha, mas sem sucesso. Nas duas oportunidades, os manifestantes foram contidos pela Força Nacional e detidos para averiguação. As ações aconteceram no trajeto que passou pela Redenção e depois pela Avenida João Pessoa, em Porto Alegre.
A proteção da Tocha é feita por cerca de 20 agentes da Força Nacional e dois carros do Comitê Organizador. Entre o condutor e os veículos de mídia e segurança é feito um corredor e um cordão de isolamento para evitar incidentes.
Nesta quinta-feira, o Tour da Tocha volta ao Paraná. Abre o dia em São José dos Pinhais e depois viaja até a capital Curitiba.

Δευτέρα 11 Ιουλίου 2016

'Buenas noches Cenicienta': Una droga que se disuelve en la bebida alerta a Río de Janeiro

 "η Βραζιλία είναι μια χώρα με υψηλό ποσοστό εγκληματικότητας» και ότι «η πιο κοινή μορφή βίας είναι ένοπλη ληστεία". 

La droga que amenaza los JJ.OO. 2016 generalmente se utiliza en bares con el fin de cometer violaciones o robar.
Claudia Daut Reuters
Una droga denominada 'Buenas noches Cenicienta' amenaza los Juegos Olímpicos de Río de Janeiro, informa La droga, que se detectó en los carnavales del país, causa confusión y pérdida de conocimiento. 
Por esta droga, que se disuelve en la bebida, durante el último carnaval desarrollado en febrero se observó "un aumento exponencial de denuncias de hurtos, robos" y de "hechos violentos de gravedad".
Pilar OlivaresReuters
"Es una sustancia que generalmente se utiliza en bares con el fin de violar", explicó Samira Bueno, directora ejecutiva del Foro Brasileño de Seguridad Pública, quien agregó que después las víctimas "apenas se acuerdan de lo sucedido". En junio la policía detuvo a dos hombres que usaron la droga en más de 23 ocasiones para robar a sus víctimas en la zona sur de Río, la más turística de la ciudad.
Varias embajadas, incluidas las de Argentina y España, han advertido a los turistas que estén atentos a sus bebidas en los bares. Las alertas internacionales se enfocan además en las amenazas que representan el virus del Zika, la violencia y la criminalidad.
Pilar Olivares Reuters
En ese sentido, la embajada de España advierte en su página web que "Brasil es un país con un alto índice de criminalidad" y que "la forma de violencia más común son los asaltos a mano armada". 

Κυριακή 10 Ιουλίου 2016

VIDEO--Το Ισλαμικό Κράτος καταρρίψει ένα Mi-25 στη Συρία, σκοτώθηκαν δύο ρώσοι πιλότοι

Медиа-крыло группировки ИГИЛ опубликовало кадры крушения ударного вертолета Ми-25, которым управляли российские пилоты-инструкторы.

Как ранее сообщалось, два летчика ВКС России геройски погибли в пятницу 8 июля во время боя с террористами ИГИЛ* под сирийской Пальмирой в провинции Хомс.

Напомним, вчера «Русская Весна» первой сообщила, что боевики ИГИЛ сбили военный вертолет ВВС Сирии на востоке Пальмиры.

В субботу российском оборонном ведомстве подтвердили эту информацию и рассказали, что 8 июля большая бандгруппа террористов ИГИЛ атаковала позиции Армии Сирии на востоке от Пальмиры. Прорвав оборону САА, боевики заняли господствующие высоты. В этот момент российские военные инструкторы, пилот полковник Ряфагать Хабибулин и летчик-оператор Евгений Долгин совершали облет сирийского ударного вертолета Ми-25 (экспортный вариант российского Ми-24).

В Минобороны уточнили, что «экипаж получил запрос от сирийского командования группировки на огневое поражение наступающих боевиков. Командир экипажа Ряфагать Хабибулин принял решение атаковать террористов».

Благодаря «грамотным действиями российского экипажа, наступление боевиков было сорвано. Израсходовав боекомплект, при развороте на обратный курс, огнем с земли вертолет был подбит террористами и упал в районе, подконтрольном сирийской правительственной армии. Экипаж вертолета погиб», — добавили в российском оборонном ведомстве.

Также сообщается, что геройски погибшие военнослужащие уже представлены командованием к высоким государственным наградам.

Известно, что полковник Хабибулин служил в должности командира 55-го отдельного полка армейской авиации, базирующегося на аэродроме Кореновск в Краснодарском крае. 

После падения Ми-25 тела пилотов с боем были эвакуированы с места крушения и на российскую военную базу.

Πέμπτη 7 Ιουλίου 2016

Flooding in the Yangtze river basin in China has left 112 people dead or missing in recent days

Flooding in the Yangtze river basin in China has left 112 people dead or missing in recent days, with more damage feared from a typhoon expected to land within days. About 16 million people have been affected by heavy rains that have engulfed vast areas near the Yangtze, China's longest river, the Beijing News cited the civil affairs ministry as saying. Water levels in Lake Taihu, close to Shanghai, are at their highest since 1954, it said, adding the area faced a serious risk of flooding if a typhoon hit nearby on Friday. Pictures of a farmer in eastern China breaking down in tears as waters mounted around his 6,000 pigs were posted by state media. Other images showed a sports stadium in the central province of Hubei turned into a "giant bathtub" by the rainfall. Flooding is common during the summer monsoon season in southern China, but rainfall has been particularly heavy this year and many areas have been lashed by torrential rains this week. Rain is expected to move north this week towards the Huai river, the Beijing News added. China's vice-premier, Wang Yang, warned last month that a strong El Nino effect this year would increase the risk of floods in the Yangtze and Huai river basins. An El Nino effect was linked to China's worst floods of recent years when more than 4,000 people died in 1998, mostly around the Yangtze. The Beijing News quoted a meteorologist as saying rain patterns this year were more disparate than in 1998, diminishing the risk of a similar toll. China's national observatory issued an orange alert for storms across the country's south and east last week - the second highest warning in a four-tiered system. Whole villages were levelled and at least 98 killed in the eastern province of Jiangsu last month after the region was hit by a storm with hurricane-force winds and the worst tornado in half a century. Floods also hit south Asia this week, with 33 killed in Pakistan and 25 dead in India after unusually heavy rains.

Τετάρτη 6 Ιουλίου 2016

Messi, καταδικάστηκε σε φυλάκιση για φορολογική απάτη

Ο Αργεντινός αστέρων Lionel Messi της Μπαρτσελόνα Jorge και ο πατέρας του καταδικάστηκαν την Τετάρτη σε 21 μήνες στη φυλακή για έναν φόρο εκατομμυριούχος απάτης στην Ισπανία, αν και εισάγετε δύσκολα φυλακή, όταν ποινές λιγότερο από δύο χρόνια.

Τρίτη 5 Ιουλίου 2016

Putin Tells Russian Diplomats: 'NATO... Making A Show Of Its Anti-Russian Stance'.....

Four Days To NATO's Warsaw Summit, Putin Tells Meeting Of Russian Diplomats: 'Today, NATO Seems To Be Making A Show Of Its Anti-Russian Stance'

On June 30, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the eighth meeting of Russian Federation ambassadors and permanent envoys at the Russian Foreign Ministry. In his speech, Putin stressed that NATO' committed a grave mistake by deciding to expand eastward, instead of building a new security architecture with Russia, "as a full-fledged partner, "to provide "equal and indivisible security from the Atlantic to the Pacific." He added that NATO not only seeks to find in "Russia's actions pretexts to affirm its own legitimacy and the need for its existence, "but is also taking "genuinely confrontational steps." However, as concerns Europe, Putin stressed that Russia had not abandoned the idea of establishing an economic and humanitarian common space from the "Atlantic to the Pacific "together with the EU. This common space could guarantee "the entire Eurasian continent" long-term sustainable development, an allusion to Putin's pet Eurasian integration project and the more ambitious idea of creating an economic and political space from Lisbon to Vladivostok.
As for the United States, Putin said that Russia sought a partnership based "on equality and mutual consideration of interests."
Below are excerpts from Putin's speech:
Russian President Vladimir Putin at the meeting of Russian Federation ambassadors and permanent envoys. (Source:, June 30, 2016)
'NATO...Is Taking Genuinely Confrontational Steps'
"...It is unacceptable to prolong the Ukrainian crisis and unacceptable to blame others for this, particularly Russia. This only worsens the already unhealthy situation on the European continent and aggravates the consequences of the great mistake that was NATO's decision to expand eastwards rather than to start building, with Russia as a full-fledged partner, a new architecture for equal and indivisible security from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
"Today, NATO seems to be making a show of its anti-Russian stance. NATO not only seeks to find in Russia's actions pretexts to affirm its own legitimacy and the need for its existence, but is also taking genuinely confrontational steps. The mythical Iranian nuclear threat has gone now. As I said publicly on many occasions, it was the Iranian nuclear threat that was used to justify the need for a missile defense system, but we see that work to build this system's infrastructure in Eastern Europe continues. Back when these plans were taking shape, we said that this was a deception, a fetish, a mere pretext. And this is exactly what it was. The number of military exercises has increased dramatically, including in the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea. We are constantly accused of military activity, but where? Only on our own soil. We are supposed to accept as normal the military build-up on our borders. Rapid reaction forces are being deployed in Poland and the Baltic countries, and there is a build-up in offensive weapons. All of this seeks to undermine the military parity achieved over a period of decades.
"Let me say that we keep constant watch over all that is happening. We know what constitutes an adequate response in this situation and we most certainly will respond if needed in the future. However, we are not going to let ourselves get intoxicated by these military passions. It seems that others are trying to nudge us this way, provoke us into a costly and futile arms race so that we divert resources and effort from our great socioeconomic development tasks at home. We will not do this, but we will always ensure our reliable defense and will guarantee the security of our country and its citizens
'Russia Has Not Abandoned The Idea Of Establishing A Common...Space From The Atlantic To The Pacific Together With The European Union'
"What I would like to stress in this respect is that 'Brexit' is the choice Britain's people have made and we have not and will not interfere in this process However, we will follow these developments closely of course, follow the talks between London and Brussels and the potential consequences for Europe and for all of us. It is clear that this referendum's traumatic effect will make itself felt for a long time yet. We will see how they all put democratic principles into practice.
"Let me also stress that not only has Russia not abandoned the idea of establishing a common economic and humanitarian space from the Atlantic to the Pacific together with the European Union, but we also think this would be the most promising policy in terms of guaranteeing the entire Eurasian continent's long-term sustainable development.
"As for the United States, as we know, the presidential election campaign is now in its final stage. Naturally, we will respect the American voters' choice and are ready to work with whoever becomes the next president.
"Moreover, what we want is to work in close cooperation with the United States on international affairs, but we will not accept the approach of that part of the U.S. establishment that thinks they can decide themselves in which areas we will cooperate and in which areas they will turn up the pressure, including through sanctions. We seek a partnership based on equality and consideration of each other's interests. Only on this basis can we work together...
"Our diplomats understand, of course, how important the battle to influence public opinion and shape the public mood is these days. We have given these issues much attention over recent years. However, today, as we face a growing barrage of information attacks unleashed against Russia by some of our so-called partners, we need to make even greater efforts in this direction.
"We are living in an information age, and the old saying that whoever controls information controls the world unquestionably sums up today's reality. Sometimes, you get the impression that an event has not taken place at all unless the media reports on it. [Former French President] Jacques Chirac said to me once, 'You must get the cameras in, otherwise, it will look as though we never actually met.' This is how things happen in practice.
"We must put up strong resistance to the Western media's information monopoly, including by using all available methods to support Russian media outlets operating abroad. Of course, we must also act to counter lies about Russia and not allow falsifications of history.”

Η Ήρα συναντά τον Δία

NASA's Juno spacecraft has finally made it all the way to Jupiter. 

The solar-powered craft took off from Earth in 2011 and is now orbiting Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system. 

Juno burned its engines for 35 minutes in order to slow down its velocity by more than 1,200 miles per hour in order to safely enter the planet's orbit. In total, it traveled about 1.7 billion miles before reaching destination. 

Scientists believe Jupiter may be the first planet to form in our solar system, and it could hold clues about how the solar system changed over time. 

Over the course of the mission, researchers will investigate whether the planet has a solid core, map its magnetic field and learn more about the mysterious red spot on Jupiter's surface. 

Juno has already sent back some data for NASA scientists to digest. It captured the first images of Jupiter's moons in motion around the planet. 

And it used ultraviolet imaging to capture Jupiter's extremely powerful auroras. 

Since the planet is a gas giant, it gives off large waves of radiation that could degrade some of Juno's systems. If all goes as planned, the Juno mission will wrap up in February 2018. 

Σάββατο 2 Ιουλίου 2016

CAVES 2016 – The visible face | European Space Agency

Scenes from training of six astronauts who will spend six nights underground in a cave in Sardinia, Italy. After a week of training, the astronauts descend into the caves to set up basecamp 800 meters underground.

One of the last unexplored environments on our planet, caves offer parallels to exploring space. ESA’s underground training course “Cooperative Adventure for Valuing and Exercising human behaviour and performance Skills”—CAVES—prepares astronauts over two weeks to work safely and effectively in multicultural teams.

This year’s participants are an even more international team than ever, including ESA’s Pedro Duque, NASA’s Jessica Meir and Richard Arnold, Japan’s astronaut Aki Hoshide, China’s Ye Guangfu and Russia’s Sergei Korsakov.

The similarities between caving and spaceflight are highlighted throughout the course. Speleologists and astronauts adopt the ‘buddy system’, and both astronaut trainers and CAVES instructors repeat the same mantras of “slow is fast,” “check your gear, and then trust it,” and “always be aware of where you are and where your buddy is”.

Caves offer a dark and alien underground environment with many analogies to space. Deep underground, our senses are deprived of many sounds and natural light. The procedure for moving along a cave wall resembles spacewalking and cave explorers need to stay alert, take critical decisions both as an individual and as a team, just as in space.

CAVES stands for Cooperative Adventure for Valuing and Exercising human behavior and performance Skills. The two-week course prepares astronauts to work safely and effectively in multicultural teams in an environment where safety is critical—in caves.

Held each year, CAVES teaches astronauts to explore the underground system of the Sa Grutta caves in Sardinia, Italy, as a team, delving deep underground to perform scientific experiments as well as chart and document their activities.

The course is run by the European Astronaut Center to simulate spaceflight. Seasoned International Space Station astronauts as well as rookies participate in the course and share experiences while learning how to improve leadership, teamwork, decision-making and problem-solving skills.