Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Παρασκευή 4 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Κοινές δηλώσεις Κέρι - Κοτζιά στο στο υπ. Εξωτερικών

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 4 Δεκ 2015
Τη στήριξή του στις προσπάθειες, που, όπως είπε, καταβάλλει η Ελλάδα στην οικονομία εξέφρασε ο υπουργός Εξωτερικών των ΗΠΑ Τζον Κέρι κατά την έναρξη των κοινών δηλώσεων με τον Έλληνα ομόλογό του Νίκο Κοτζιά, μετά τη συνάντησή τους στο υπουργείο Εξωτερικών. Μάλιστα, ο κ. Κέρι ανέφερε στα ελληνικά «η Αμερική στηρίζει την Ελλάδα».

The Annual Address Putin began with the anti-Terrorist notes

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 4 Δεκ 2015
Georgievsky hall of the Kremlin by tradition, Vladimir Putin addressed the Federal Assembly with Annual Address.
At the Meeting attended by over 1000 people: the members of the Federation Council, State Duma deputies, Government members, heads of the constitutional and Supreme courts, governors, chairmen of legislative assemblies of subjects of Federation, heads of traditional confessions, public figures, including heads of civic chambers of regions, heads of major media.
The Russian President began his speech by thanking the Russian soldiers who are fighting international terrorism and offered to honor the memory of the fallen in Syria heroes with a moment of silence.
Vladimir Putin said that he knows who is in Turkey fills your pocket and makes you money to terrorists for selling looted Syrian oil. It is this money which the bandits recruit mercenaries, buy weapons, organize the inhuman terrorist attacks against Russian citizens, against citizens of France, Lebanon, Mali, and other States. "-We remember that in Turkey, took refuge and received moral and material support to the militants, who were active in the North Caucasus in the 90-ies and 2000-ies".
Watch the video on the Putin News channel: The Annual Address Putin began with the anti-Terrorist notes. 

US Air Force F 15 Aircraft arrive in Turkey to stand united against Putin

Ετοιμο το στρατιωτικό μεταγωγικό αεροσκάφος IL-76!

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 4 Δεκ 2015
Πιλοτικά έργα εγκατάστασης Ιβάνοβο Κέντρο και επανεκπαίδευση των πληρωμάτων πτήσης που λαμβάνονται στρατιωτικό μεταγωγικό αεροσκάφος IL-76, η νεότερη έκδοση. Δεδομένου ότι ο ανταποκριτής του τηλεοπτικού καναλιού «Star», μοιάζει σχεδόν πανομοιότυπο με το θρυλικό προκατόχους τους, αλλά τα χαρακτηριστικά αυτής ριζικά διαφορετικό, νέο συγκρότημα της αεροπορίας.

Πέμπτη 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Inside The Heart Of The IS Caliphate

See How Deepest Ocean Currents Move

Deep in the Southern Ocean lies the densest and coldest water on the planet. But that doesn’t mean that it isn’t moving.
On the contrary, a vividly detailed animation of deep ocean currents, created by Australian scientists with the help of their country’s most powerful supercomputer, reveals a deep-sea world that’s full of dynamic activity.
It shows underwater ocean storms generated by eddies, waterfalls of cold dense water that plummet off the Antarctic Continental Shelf into the abyss and underwater waves more than a mile high.
"Scientists who have seen the visualization have been astonished at the level of detail,” Andy Hogg, an associate professor and ARC Future Fellow at Australian National University, said in a release. Hogg is also a member of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science.
The animation required so much data that it took seven hours to process a single second of the finished product.
But the animation is more than just a bunch of pretty pictures. “Being able to actually see how the bottom water moves in three dimensions rather than just looking at numerical, two-dimensional outputs has already opened new areas for scientific research,” Hogg said.
By peeling away the surface layer of water, the animation shows how the cold, dense water produced off the Antarctic coastline spreads out into the rest of the world’s ocean basins. The water’s extreme density and coldness drive many important currents in the ocean basins connected to the Southern Ocean.
The water movement also helps the planet to cope with global warming driven by human burning of fossil fuels. As water near the surface is drawn deep, it takes with it heat and carbon that otherwise would have been returned to the atmosphere.
 ”The inhospitable climate of Antarctica and the lack of sustained observations of the ocean in this region over a significant period of time adds to the importance of using ocean models to create visualizations like these,” Hogg explained.
From Hogg’s web page, here’s a more detailed explanation of Southern Ocean circulation.

The Marshall Islands Are Vanishing

The Marshall Islands Are Vanishing
Photo: Stefan Lins/Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0)
 — Linber Anej waded out in low tide to haul concrete chunks and metal scraps to shore and rebuild the makeshift sea wall in front of his home. The temporary barrier is no match for the rising seas that regularly flood the shacks and muddy streets with saltwater and raw sewage, but every day except Sunday, Mr. Anej joins a group of men and boys to haul the flotsam back into place.
“It’s insane, I know,” said Mr. Anej, 30, who lives with his family of 13, including his parents, siblings and children, in a four-room house. “But it’s the only option we’ve got.”
Standing near his house at the edge of a densely packed slum of tin shacks, he said, “I feel like we’re living underwater.”
Worlds away, in plush hotel conference rooms in Paris, London, New York and Washington, Tony A. deBrum, the foreign minister of the Marshall Islands, tells the stories of men like Mr. Anej to convey to more powerful policy makers the peril facing his island nation in the Pacific as sea levels rise — and to shape the legal and financial terms of a major United Nations climate change accord now being negotiated in Paris.
Mr. deBrum’s focus is squarely on the West’s wallets — recouping “loss and damage,” in negotiators’ parlance, for the destruction wrought by the rich nations’ industrial might on the global environment. Many other low-lying nations are just as threatened by rising seas. In Bangladesh, some 17 percent of the land could be inundated by 2050, displacing about 18 million people. But the Marshall Islands holds an important card: Under a 1986 compact, the roughly 70,000 residents of the Marshalls, because of their long military ties to Washington, are free to emigrate to the United States, a pass that will become more enticing as the water rises on the islands’ shores.
The debate over loss and damage has been intense because the final language of the Paris accord could require developed countries, first and foremost the United States, to give billions of dollars to vulnerable countries like the Marshall Islands. Senior Republicans in Congress are already preparing for a fight, they say on behalf of the American taxpayer.
“Our constituents are worried that the pledges you are committing the United States to will strengthen foreign economies at the expense of American workers,” 37 Republican senators wrote last month. “They are also skeptical about sending billions of their hard-earned dollars to government officials from developing nations.”
Mr. deBrum is undeterred.
“It does not make sense for us to go to Paris and come back with something that says, ‘In a few years’ time, your country is going to be underwater,’” Mr. deBrum said in an interview at his seaside home in Majuro, the capital of the Marshall Islands. “We see the damage occurring now. We’re trying to beat back the sea.”

Nicaragua: Momotombo stratovolcano spouts ash and lava

The Motomombo stratovolcano began spouting ash and lava, Wednesday, after a series of eruptions began the day before. It is the volcano's first eruption in 110 years and it sent plumes of steam and ash up to 1 km (3,281 feet) into the air.