Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Τρίτη 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Turkish Sub Confronts Russian Ship in Dardanelles (VIDEO)

Turkish Sub Confronts Russian Ship in Dardanelles (VIDEO)

© Photo: SRP NERPA

The Russian Navy transport ship Yauza was met by a Turkish Navy submarine while passing through the Dardanelles Strait on Monday, Russia's RT reports, citing Turkey's Hurriyet Daily News.

The Russian ship, passing from the Aegean Sea into the Sea of Marmara, is believed to have been on its way to the Black Sea. The video accompanying the news report was reportedly filmed in the city of Canakkale, on the southern coast of the Dardanelles, at their narrowest point.
The Turkish sub is said to have been accompanying a Turkish coast guard vessel.
The Turkish daily emphasized that this was a particularly tense moment, given the situation surrounding the Su-24 bomber shot down by the Turkish Air Force over Syria last week, which resulted in the deaths of two Russian servicemen, and a rapid cooling in relations between Ankara and Moscow.
The Dardanelles. The video showing the tense moment between the Yauza and the Turkish sub was shot from the Turkish city of Canakkale.
The Dardanelles. The video showing the tense moment between the Yauza and the Turkish sub was shot from the Turkish city of Canakkale.
Moscow has demanded an apology for what it considers an act of aggression on Turkey's part. Ankara, meanwhile, has refused, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu stating at a press conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Monday that "no country should ask us to apologize…We apologize for committing mistakes, not for doing our duty."
The video also comes on the heels of reports that two Turkish Navy subs are following the Russian missile cruiser Moskva, off coast of Syria. The Moskva is charged with protecting the Russian air base at Hmeymim in the Syrian province of Latakia.
The Yauza, a 14,400 ton, a 133 meter transport ship, formerly a polar logistic ship, was obtained by the Russian Navy earlier this year, and handed over to the Navy after an overhaul and deep modernization in May. The ship, built in the 1970s, is equipped with new diesel generators, new crane equipment, and new security, communications and navigation systems. 
On Tuesday, a military diplomatic source told Russia's RIA Novosti that Russian Navy ships are not experiencing any problems in passing through the Bosporus and the Dardanelles at the moment, adding that the Yauza's meeting with the Turkish sub is not out of the ordinary in conditions of heavy traffic in the transit zone.

How much do you want live in a building like this?

Kazakhstan Apartment Building Project With Rooftop Skiing Feature Waiting For Approval
How much do you want live in a building like this?

1st December 2015


Design Proposal: Shokhan Mataibekov.

Skiing on the roof might sound like an accident waiting to happen but if this ambitious Kazakhstan building project gets the go-ahead it might just revolutionise the idea of rooftop skiing forever. And when we say “forever”, we mean until the sun implodes and life in our solar system is extinguished. After that cataclysmic event happens, who knows what rooftop skiing will look like?

This new housing complex design, proposed by the architecture group Shokan Mataibekov in Astana – Kazakthstan, will feature 421 apartments contained within 21 storeys. More excitingly than that, it would feature a 1,000-foot ski slope that curves down from the roof all the way to the ground floor.

Design Proposal: Shokhan Mataibekov.

House Slalom, as it’s currently known, would be the first building of its kind anywhere in the known universe. The ski slope would be made of Snowflex, and would operate equally as well in the summer as it would in the winter.

Skiers would get to the top of the slope via a chairlift system. It’s thought at this time that the complex would be made open to the public, not just apartment residents (making it a potential treat for everyone in Astana, not just the crib-owners). The project is currently awaiting approval from city officials. If this idea gets the bureaucratic thumbs-up, how much would you like to see one constructed in your city/town/village/hamlet?

Design Proposal: Shokhan Mataibekov.
Design Proposal: Shokhan Mataibekov.

Δευτέρα 30 Νοεμβρίου 2015

World Leaders Come Together for 'Family Photo' at COP21


Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 29 Νοε 2015
Sub for more: | Video just published by the Turkish aid agency, Humanitarian Relief Foundation, also known as IHH shows Russian airstrikes destroying one of their baking facilities.

Some have alleged the facility is an arms depot covering as a bread bakery.

According to IHH officials, Russian jets first targeted positions close to the bakery as a warning. As people inside the bakery left for safety they recorded the airstrikes demolishing the building.

Clearly in the second hit on the facility secondary explosions can be seen lending credence to the arms depot claims.

The bakery produces around 16,000 loaves per day and no one was killed or wounded in the strike.

We'll continue to monitor these developments as more information becomes available.
As always we welcome your input in the comments below.

This has been a Next News Network breaking news alert. 

Κυριακή 29 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Batalla campal en Estambul durante la protesta por el asesinato del abogado opositor de Erdogan

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 29 Νοε 2015
La Policía turca ha dispersado con cañones de agua una manifestación que había reunido en Estambul a unas 2.000 personas para protestar por la muerte de Tahir Elci, un abogado kurdo crítico con el Gobierno, asesinado este sábado en Diyarbakir. 

تصفية ثلاثة إرهابيين عائدين من سوريا في داغستان

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 29 Νοε 2015
قتل ثلاثة إرهابيين عائدين من سوريا ينتمون لتنظيم "داعش" في عملية خاصة بجنوب جمهورية داغستان الروسية حيث فرض نظام مكافحة الإرهاب الليلة الماضية. 

جدل بشأن زيارة البابا تواضروس للقدس

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 29 Νοε 2015
شيعت الكنيسة القبطية في القدس المحتلة الأنبا إبراهيم الذي يعتبر الشخصية الدينية الثانية من حيث التراتب بعد البابا تواضروس بابا الأقباط بمصر. وقد أثار حضور تواضروس الكثير من الجدل خصوصا أنها أنهت القطيعة التي فرضها سلفه البابا شنودة.
تقرير: وليد العمري


Storm clouds
Storm clouds
Let's talk about the weather.
A new report from the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction found that 90 percent of all major disasters in the past 20 years were caused by weather. From floods to droughts, storms to heatwaves, a grand total of 6,457 events claimed the lives of 606,000 people, and impacted 4.1 billion others, who were either hurt, homeless, or needed help after disaster struck. The events also caused an estimated $1.89 trillion in damage.
The events were pulled from the International Disaster Database, also known as EM-DAT, a massive database of disasters around the world.
The events in EM-DAT are classified into several major groups. The two largest being technological and natural disasters. Natural disasters encompass weather-related events like floods, storms, etc, biological causes like disease outbreaks, geological events like volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and earthquakes, and extraterrestrial events. (Don't get too excited, they just mean meteorite impacts, not alien warfare.) Technological events are building collapses, infrastructure failure, or transport accidents.
All disasters listed in the database (which stretches back to 1900) must meet at least one of four criteria. For any given event to be included in the database, the event must have either caused the death of 10 or more people, affected 100 or more people, caused the country in which it occurred to declare a state of emergency, or triggered a call for international assistance.
Purposeful attacks, however disastrous, are not present in the database. For example, in the category of technological disasters that occurred in the United States in 2001, the crash of American Airlines Flight 587 was included, but the September 11 attacks are not. In war-torn nations like Syria, only one storm and 3 technological events are listed between 2010 and 2015 for a total of 91 deaths, while publications like The New York Times put the death toll in Syria at 200,000 deaths due to violence since the war started in 2010.
With that caveat firmly in place, the number of deaths due to weather is troubling, and different parts of the world are getting hit with different types of weather troubles. The most common weather disaster is flooding, making up nearly half of the total events. But floods, while devastating, aren't nearly as deadly as storms, which were responsible for the deaths of 242,000 people, primarily in poorer countries. 138,000 of those deaths were attributable to a single cyclone that struck Myanmar in 2008. Heatwaves, on the other hand primarily affected wealthy countries, killing 148,000 people in 20 years, mostly in Europe, a continent not used to extreme heat.
Experts worry that events like this will continue to increase as climate change continues. Higher temperatures caused by global warming can change weather patterns and raise sea levels, putting an even greater proportion of the world's population at risk.