Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Παρασκευή 3 Απριλίου 2015

Shabaab massacres dozens in attack on Kenyan university

Shabaab massacres dozens in attack on Kenyan university

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Shabaab terrorists attacked the Garissa University College in Kenya earlier today. Initial reports say that approximately 10 gunmen were involved in assault, which leftat least 147 people dead and dozens more wounded.
Some members of the Shabaab assault team were killed by security forces, but others took a number of students hostage after the initial attack.
A spokesman for Shabaab, al Qaeda’s official branch in Somalia, said the gunmen deliberately separated Muslims from non-Muslims during the attack. “We sorted people out and released the Muslims,” Sheikh Abdiasis Abu Musab told Reuters.
NPR reports that the terrorists entered a dormitory and were heard asking students whether or not they could recite the Muslim Shahada, or prayer. Those who could were spared, while those who could not were either killed or held as hostages. In the chaos of the attack, other witnesses say the gunmen fired sporadically on teachers and students.
This process is similar to what reportedly happened during Shabaab’s September 2013 siege of the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya. The Associated Press (AP), citing other published reports, noted that witnesses said “the gunmen rounded up people, asked questions about Islam that a Muslim would know and told the Muslims to leave the mall.”
A Shabaab official reportedly emailed the AP an explanation of the Westgate Mall attack: “The Mujahideen carried out a meticulous vetting process at the mall and have taken every possible precaution to separate the Muslims from the Kuffar (disbelievers) before carrying out their attack.” The same Shabaab source reportedly said that any foreigner was a “legitimate target.”
In February, Shabaab released a video commemorating the Westgate Mall attack. The video was spliced together with quotes from al Qaeda leaders Osama bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri. According to a translation of the video by the SITE Intelligence Group, the Shabaab narrator claimed that “after the initial phase of the attacks, the mujahideen carried out a vetting process in which non-Muslims were separated from the Muslims.”
“This was done in order to safeguard the inviolable blood of the Muslims,” the narrator continued, adding that “the mujahideen maintained the moral high ground” and did not “deliberately” target women and children, who were were “allowed to safely evacuate the mall.”
In reality, such attacks are never as smoothly planned as Shabaab claimed. But that is the narrative the group is using to justify some of its high-profile attacks.
The Kenyan government quickly fingered a Shabaab official named Mohamed Mohamud, also known as “Dulyadin” and “Gamadhere,” as the mastermind for today’s attack. The Kenyan Interior Ministry posted a wanted poster for Mohamud on its official Twitter feed, asking witnesses to contact officials with any information that could lead to Mohamud’s arrest. Kenyan authorities had previously linked Mohamud to other attacks in their country.
Late last month, a Shabaab suicide assault team stormed a hotel in Mogadishu. Despite setbacks to African forces, and some successful counterterrorism strikes by the US, the group remains a lethal insurgency and terrorist organization.

ASIA/SYRIA - Idlib in the hands of jihadists. Orthodox priest kidnapped

ASIA/SYRIA - Idlib in the hands of jihadists. Orthodox priest kidnapped

Idlib (Agenzia Fides) - The city of Idlib has fallen into the hands of anti-Assad jihadist militias since Saturday, March 28, and there is news of violence and discrimination against the Christian inhabitants of the city.
According to various local sources consulted by Agenzia Fides, the Islamist militia kidnapped the Greek Orthodox priest Ibrahim Farah, 57, who led the Greek-Orthodox parish dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and had decided to stay and not to leave the city before the offensive of the various anti-government rebel groups that participated in the conquest of the city.
According to social media, the priest is waiting to appear before one of the Islamic courts set up by the jihadists in the territories which have fallen under their control. In addition to the priest, even other lay Christians of the parish were kidnapped. The seizure is attributed by many to the Al-Nusra Front, formation close to al-Qaida and active in the Syrian conflict, which in the past also clashed militarily with jihadists of the Islamic State (Is).
Before the Civil War, there were over a thousand Christians in the city of Idlib, concentrated in certain areas in the center. Most of them left their homes before the offensive of the rebel groups, and moved to nearby towns of Mhardeh, Ariha and Banyas. Idlib, in north-west Syria, strategically located 25 kilometers from the Turkish border, is the second provincial capital to fall into the hands of jihadists after Raqqa, in the hands of the Islamic State since 2013. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 01/04/2015)

El EI toma el control de un campamento de refugiados palestinos en Damasco

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 2 Απρ 2015
El Estado Islámico ha establecido una nueva base de operaciones a escasos 6 kilómetros de la residencia del presidente sirio, Bashar al Assad, después de hacerse con el control del campo de refugiados palestinos de Yarmouk, en las afueras de Damasco

Πέμπτη 2 Απριλίου 2015

RAW File; Suicide attack at protest in Khost Afghanistan kills 17

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 2 Απρ 2015
(Reuters) - A suicide bomber on Thursday blew himself up in the middle of a demonstration against corruption in Afghanistan's eastern province of Khost, killing 17 people and injuring at least 50 more, government officials said.

Violence has escalated in Afghanistan as most foreign troops withdrew in 2014 and last year was the worst on record, with more than 10,000 civilian casualties, the United Nations says.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility and it was unclear whether the attack was linked to the insurgency led by the Afghan Taliban, an Islamist militant group.

"The protest against corruption had been going on for days," said Khost police chief, Faizullah Ghairat. "Today a suicide bomber blew himself up among the protesters."

One of the organizers, outspoken lawmaker Humayun Humayn, was injured in the attack, Ghairat added. Although the police chief did not describe his condition, other officials said Humayun had lost both his legs.

The Afghan Taliban, ousted from power in 2001 by U.S.-led forces, is fighting to unseat the internationally backed government in Kabul.

Space Station Flies Over Super Typhoon Maysak:

Space Station Flies Over Super Typhoon Maysak: Typhoon Maysak strengthened into a super typhoon on March 31, reaching Category 5 hurricane status on the Saffir-Simpson Wind Scale. NASA Astronaut Terry Virts captured this image while flying over the weather system on board theInternational Space Station. Commenting on the storm, Virts wrote, "The eye of ‪#‎Maysak‬ typhoon really stands out early in the morning with the shadow being cast deep into the vortex." His ESA crewmate on station also viewed the storm and wrote, "Commands respect even from ‪#‎space‬: we just flew over typhoon #Maysak."
The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) satellites captured rainfall and cloud data that revealed heavy rainfall and high thunderstorms in the strengthening storm.

Rain, snow, hail, ice, and every mix in between make up the precipitation that touches everyone on our planet. But precipitation doesn't fall equally in all places around the world, as seen in NASA's new animation that captures every shower, snowstorm and tropical cyclone over a six-day period in August 2014. The time lapse was created from data captured by the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) satellite mission, now just over a year old, which scientists are using to better understand freshwater resources, natural disasters, crop health and more.
While local television forecasts include satellite data or radar images taken from a ground station, GPM orbits in space to observe precipitation around the world. A snapshot of the precipitation is taken every 30 minutes, then processed and made available to users 18 hours later. New rain maps are routinely created by programs that merge the data from the GPM Core Observatory, a joint mission of NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), and a dozen other weather satellites. These maps, called Integrated Multi-satellite Retrievals for GPM (IMERG), are false-colored with rain in greens and reds, and snowfall depicted in blues and purples.
“For the first time, this global map allows us to track light rain and snow consistently over high latitudes and across oceans,” said Gail Skofronick-Jackson, GPM project scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.
These views allow scientists and weather-watchers to get the big picture of a week in August. Near the equator the rain systems move westward in a steady stream. At higher latitudes, storm fronts that stretch for hundreds of miles travel eastward across North America and Europe in the Northern Hemisphere, and across the Southern Ocean that surrounds Antarctica. It’s quiet between those bands. Zooming in on the IMERG data visualizations can also provide glimpses of the range of precipitation at a given time on Earth.

Τετάρτη 1 Απριλίου 2015

Obama lifts Egypt arms freeze

Δευτέρα 30 Μαρτίου 2015



Τροχαίο δυστύχημα με νεκρό οδηγό και τραυματίες τους Γιάννη Φετφατζίδη, Παναγιώτη Ταχτσίδη και Βαγγέλη Μόρα, σημειώθηκε το πρωί της Δευτέρας (30/3) στην Βουδαπέστη.
Πιο συγκεκριμένα, οι Γιάννης Φετφατζίδης, Παναγιώτης Ταχτσίδης και Βαγγέλης Μόρας επέβαιναν σε ταξί το οποίο τους μετέφερε προς το αεροδρόμιο της Βουδαπέστης προκειμένου να πετάξουν για την Ιταλία.

Ωστόσο στη διαδρομή ένα άλλο διερχόμενο όχημα έπεσε πάνω τους, με αποτέλεσμα να χάσει την ζωή του ο ένας οδηγός και να τραυματιστούν οι 3 Έλληνες διεθνείς.
Δείτε τις πρώτες εικόνες από τον χώρο που έγινε το δυστύχημα, όπως το μετέδωσε η ουγγρική τηλεόραση:

Οι παίκτες της Εθνικής διακομήσθηκαν σε νοσοκομείο της Βουδαπέστης, όπου τους παρασχέθηκαν οι πρώτες βοήθειες. Οι Φετφατζίδης και Μόρας μάλιστα έχασαν τις αισθήσεις τους από τη σύγκρουση. Ο πρώτος έκανε ράμματα στο κεφάλι του, ενώ ο Ταχτσίδης έκανε ράμματα στο γόνατό του.

Η ενημέρωση από την ΕΠΟ, αναφέρει χαρακτηριστικά: «Οι διεθνείς ποδοσφαιριστές Φετφατζίδης, Μόρας και Ταχτσίδης ενεπλάκησαν σε τροχαίο στη Βουδαπέστη, καθ” οδόν προς το αεροδρόμιο της πόλης προκειμένου να επιβιβαστούν σε προγραμματισμένη πτήση και να επιστρέψουν στην Ιταλία.
Ωστόσο, άπαντες είναι καλά στην υγεία τους και δεν ανταπροκρίνονται στην πραγματικότητα πληροφορίες περί σοβαρού τραυματισμού τους.
Τα στελέχη της Εθνικής Ομάδας είναι σε διαρκή επαφή μαζί τους από νωρίς το πρωί.
Περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες θα ανακοινωθούν εντός της ημέρας».
Στη σχετική ενημέρωση ξεκαθαρίζεται πως δεν ανταπροκρίνονται στην πραγματικότητα πληροφορίες περί σοβαρού τραυματισμού τους, καθώς αρχικά γράφτηκε πως ένας εκ των διεθνών νοσηλευόταν στην εντατική.



The power of the sign of the Cross is confirmed by scientific study
The physicist Angelina Malakhovskaya verify the miraculous properties of the sign of the Cross and prayer.
"It is well established that the old habit becomes the sign of the Cross over the food and drink before the meal, is an obvious secret meaning. Behind it remains the practical utility: Food literally cleaned in an instant. 
This is a great miracle that literally happens every day, "said physicist Angelina Malakhovskaya who was invited by the newspaper Zhizn Friday.
The Malakhovskaya has studied the power of the sign of the Cross with the blessing of the Church for about 10 years now.
He has conducted a large number of experiments have repeatedly verified before the results come in their publicity.
In particular he has discovered the unparalleled bactericidal properties of water after the blessing of an Orthodox prayer and the sign of the Cross.
The study also revealed a new, earlier unknown property of the Word of God to transform the structure of water, increasing significantly the optical density in the spectral range of the short ultraviolet, the newspaper writes.
Scientists have verified the power of action of Prayer (Our Father) and the Orthodox sign of the Cross in pathogenic bacteria.
Aliquots of water from different reservoirs (wells, rivers, lakes) were taken for investigation. All samples had goldish staphylococcus, a coliform. It turned out, however, that if the Lord's Prayer and said point of the cross made thereon, the number of harmful bacteria will decrease seven, ten, one hundred, and even more than 1000 times.
The experiments were made in such a way as to exclude the slightest possible mental influence. The prayer was said by believers and unbelievers, but the number of pathogenic bacteria in different environments with different bacterial groups even then decreased, compared with the reference standards.
Scientists also demonstrated the beneficial effect of prayer and the sign of the Cross have on people. All participants in the experiments were their blood pressure tends to stabilize, and improved blood markers. 
When dramatically, the pointer changes to the healing needed:
In hypotensive their blood pressure went up, while hypertensive descended.
Also observed that the sign of the Cross if done roughly, with the three fingers heeled together carelessly or positioned outside of the necessary points (median Koutelou, the center of the solar plexus, and in pits below the right and left shoulder), the positive result was much weaker or absent altogether.


Η φυσικός Angelina Malakhovskaya επαληθεύει τις θαυματουργικές ιδιότητες του σημείου του Σταυρού και της προσευχής.
«Είναι διαπιστωμένο ότι η παλιά συνήθεια να γίνεται το σημείο του Σταυρού πάνω από το φαγητό και το ποτό πριν το γεύμα, έχει ένα προφανές μυστικό νόημα. Πίσω από αυτό παραμένει η πρακτική χρησιμότητα: Η τροφή κυριολεκτικά καθαρίζεται μέσα σε μια στιγμή.
Αυτό είναι ένα μεγάλο θαύμα, που κυριολεκτικά συμβαίνει κάθε ημέρα», είπε η φυσικός Angelina Malakhovskaya που προσκλήθηκε από την εφημερίδα Zhizn την Παρασκευή.
Η Malakhovskaya έχει μελετήσει τη δύναμη του σημείου του Σταυρού με την ευλογία της Εκκλησίας, για 10 περίπου χρόνια τώρα.
Έχει διεξάγει ένα μεγάλο αριθμό πειραμάτων που έχει επανειλημμένα επαληθευθεί, πριν τα αποτελέσματά τους έρθουν στη δημοσιότητα.
Ειδικότερα έχει ανακαλύψει τις απαράμιλλες βακτηριοκτόνες ιδιότητες του νερού μετά την ευλογία του από μία Ορθόδοξη προσευχή και το σημείο του Σταυρού.
Η μελέτη επίσης αποκάλυψε μία νέα, ενωρίτερα άγνωστη ιδιότητα του λόγου του Θεού να μετασχηματίζει τη δομή του ύδατος, αυξάνοντας αξιοσημείωτα την οπτική του πυκνότητα στην περιοχή του φάσματος της βραχείας υπεριώδους ακτινοβολίας, γράφει η εφημερίδα.
Οι επιστήμονες έχουν επαληθεύσει την δύναμη της δράσης της Κυριακής προσευχής (Πάτερ ημών) και του Ορθοδόξου σημείου του Σταυρού στα παθογενή βακτήρια.
Δείγματα νερού από διάφορες δεξαμενές (πηγάδια, ποταμούς, λίμνες) πάρθηκαν για έρευνα. Όλα τα δείγματα είχαν goldish staphylococcus, ένα κολοβακτηρίδιο. Αποδείχθηκε εν τούτοις, ότι αν η Κυριακή προσευχή λεχθεί και το σημείο του Σταυρού γίνει επάνω τους, ο αριθμός των βλαβερών βακτηριδίων θα μειωθεί επτά, δέκα, εκατό ακόμη και πάνω από 1000 φορές.
Τα πειράματα έγιναν με τέτοιο τρόπο, ώστε να αποκλείουν και την ελάχιστη πιθανή νοητική επιρροή. Η προσευχή ειπώθηκε και από πιστούς και από απίστους, αλλά ο αριθμός των παθογόνων βακτηρίων σε διάφορα περιβάλλοντα με διαφορετικές ομάδες βακτηρίων ακόμη και τότε μειώθηκε, συγκρινόμενος με τα πρότυπα αναφοράς.
Οι επιστήμονες απέδειξαν επίσης την ευεργετική επίδραση που η προσευχή και το σημείο του Σταυρού έχουν πάνω στους ανθρώπους. Όλοι οι συμμετέχοντες στα πειράματα είχαν την πίεση του αίματός τους να τείνει να σταθεροποιηθεί, και τους αιματικούς δείκτες βελτιωμένους.
Κατά τρόπο εντυπωσιακό, οι δείκτες άλλαζαν προς την ίαση που χρειαζόταν:
Στους υποτασικούς η αιματική τους πίεση ανέβηκε, ενώ στους υπερτασικούς κατέβηκε.
Επίσης παρατηρήθηκε ότι το σημείο του Σταυρού εάν γίνεται πρόχειρα, με τα τρία δάχτυλα βαλμένα μαζί απρόσεκτα ή τοποθετούμενα εκτός των απαραιτήτων σημείων (στο μέσο του κούτελου, το κέντρο του ηλιακού πλέγματος, και στα κοιλώματα κάτω από το δεξί και αριστερό ώμο), το θετικό αποτέλεσμα ήταν πολύ πιο αδύνατο, ή απουσίαζε εντελώς.