Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Δευτέρα 28 Μαρτίου 2016

“We Fought For 400 Years So The Islamists Would Leave” Golden Dawn MP Ilias Kasidiaris Gives Amazing Speech, Rips Greek Government And Call Them Traitors

In an impassioned, no-holds-barred speech, Golden Dawn MP Ilias Kasidiaris ripped the Greek Government and her Ministers for allowing and continuing to support a Muslim invasion of Europe under the guise of’ “migrantion.” Calling them traitors who sold out Greece and have dishonored the memory of those who fought to keep Greece from becoming a Muslim nation and selling out their neighbor, Mr. Kasidiaris’ then proposes a law that will imprison and expel illegals and all those who aid in smuggling them into Greece.
The speech was made on March 21st, and I have provided a full transcript of the dialogue below:

…with Mr. Kasidiaris, Parliamentary Representative of Golden Dawn.
I’ll begin with the “International Day Against Racism,” by denouncing the only racism that exists at this moment in Greece: The racism against the Greeks
Because when Parliament, when the Government, this sold-out to the foreigner usurers of a Government, for months occupies themselves with what will happen with the illegal immigrants and how more illegal immigrants can enter Greece, the Greek people are literally unhappy, they are impoverished and are facing a miserable situation.
So, the only racism that exists in this country, racism that only a Golden Dawn National Government can crack down on, is the racism against the Greeks!
And it’s a sad phenomenon and indicative of the degenerated condition of the State today, of today’s wretched coaltion, that currently is still sitting on ministerial benches, still sitting on the governmental benches is an agent who sold out Greek history and committed treason!
Because concession of the name of Macedonia to foreign foreign forces is treason!
We turn you over to the great shame of history.
We didn’t by chance say that when Golden Dawn comes into power, when there will truly be a Greek government in Greece, agents such as Mouzalas and like all those who sell out Greece will be deported to Skopje. Because that must be the fate of every traitor.
Because blood has been spilled for centuries, not just for our national sovereignty, not just for the name of Macedonia, not just so that Greece isn’t an Islamic country!
We fought for four hundred years, rivers of blood were spilled so the Islamists leave, so the Muslims leave, so the crescent leaves from Greece, so these hateful symbols and this hateful religion leaves from our country!
Rivers of blood were spilled which you didn’t respect and today you’re trying, in minimal time, to Islamize our country, to sell out our national rights, to make Greece into an Islamic country, to give up our national sovereignty, to give up the name of Macedonia. The national treason will not pass!
It will not pass, and the Popular Association- Golden Dawn promises this.
I saw, even, that earlier panic prevailed, the guard was mobilized behind the scenes, so that there won’t’ be incidents, so we don’t attack the said agent who committed these disgraces.
Although many citizens tell us- both me personally and to other MPs from the Popular Association- that “Those who commit these disgraces, you should shake them up with beat downs,” we choose…
<<Sit down, sit down and don’t interrupt me!>>
<<Sit down and don’t interrupt me!>>
<<SYRIZA found an advocate from New Democracy, let’s have a laugh!>>
<<SYRIZA found an advocate from New Democracy.>>
<<Mr. President, Mr. President, what’s going to happen now, am I going to tolerate every fool, every despicable person interrupting me, every disgrace interrupting me?>>
–“Don’t cause an issue now…”—
<<I will continue.>>
We will shake you up, not with beat downs, as the citizens say, but with legality, because here there have been many specific crimes, very specific crimes with the illegal immigration issue, by those appointed and who impersonate Ministers: Felony abuse of power, felony fraud against the public, felony false statements at the expense of the public. All of this is punishable with life sentences, because all who enter Greece- let’s make mention of some legal issues, despite the face that the Greek people today aren’t looking for legal advice, they are demanding solutions and political cleansing. All those entering Greece aren’t even applying for asylum.
Therefore, they are automatically illegal immigrants- pay attention to the term, “illegal immigrants”- precisely as it is defined by the Summit decision you signed!
This term, therefore, illegal immigrant, regards all of them, the absolute majority of those who are currently in Greece. Therefore, they shouldn’t be transferred to the notorious hospitality areas. It’s illegal. It is felony abuse of power to waste millions of Euros of public money to feed and luxuriously house illegal immigrants.
And for this crime, when Golden Dawns assumes the governance of this country, those responsible will pay! Beyond that, today’s question from New Democracy is a mockery of a question, of course. SYRIZA and New Democracy Argue. There is a dispute over who would give the most to the illegal immigrants. And so I can be precise here, there was a decision by the Government of New Democracy from the year 2014 which today is being implemented on what happens at the hosting sites, at these infamous structures, which aren’t the Hilton. They aren’t the Hilton, the acting minister said it wrong. They are Four Seasons Hotels, if I read exactly what is provided to the illegal immigrants. And I’m referring to the Four Seasons because that’s where Kammenos ate steaks and paid 800 Euros per steak.
What is laid down in this law of New Democracy, who today fights with SYRIZA over who gives the most comforts of the illegal immigrants? Entertainment programs and information activities, sports, dance, psychological and educational trips for illegal immigrants.
Today, some children were supposed to go to Brussels from Greek Thrace, some students, with expenses paid by the Popular Association- Golden Dawn, with expenses paid by our MEP General Synadinos, and the de-Hellenized Ministry of Education intervened and prohibited the Greek youths of Thrace from going to Brussels, because the expenses would have been paid for by Golden Dawn.
I will close submitting to the minutes the solution to the major problem of illegal immigration. It’s the legislative proposal being submitted by the Popular Association- Golden Dawn to combat illegal immigration. If this law is passed -and one day it will be passed- two things will occur and the problem will be solved in just one day. First, it will be of statutory offense of illegally cross the borders of Greece. Whoever commits this crime won’t be going to a “hot spot,” they will be going to prisons where they will also work on projects for the public. And second, life term sentences for traffickers, for the smugglers. And since I spoke of smugglers, here are the relevant documents with a politician from New Democracy, with an executive from New Democracy, named Prevezanos, who was a candidate for mayor in Aetolia-Arcanina, embracing the President of New Democracy and other MPs, such as Karagounis, and who was arrested for human trafficking.
Only with the solutions proposed by the Popular Association – Golden Dawn will there be a resolution to the illegal immigration issue and will Greece be able to once again belong to the Greeks, so we Greeks ourselves don’t become a minority in our Fatherland.

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