Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Σάββατο 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Cypriot Tasoula Hadjitofi vows to halt illicit art trafficking by terrorists

Cypriot Tasoula Hadjitofi vows to halt illicit art trafficking by terrorists

Saturday, 12 December, 2015
New strategies for combating illicit art and antiquities trafficking were discussed at a London event following an initiative of the city’s Mayor, Boris Johnson, coupled with the dynamic involvement of Walk of Truth and its newly-launched platform, Culture Crime Watchers Worldwide (CCWW).

Founder of the non-governmental organisation, Walk of Truth, is Cypriot Tasoula Hadjitofi, who
said that she founded the organisation which invites people from all over the world to contribute to the protection of cultural heritage from violence and crime. The CCWW, she said, aims to empower people to share any information they have on illegal trade of cultural heritage.

According to a press release, in an era where the wars in Iraq and Syria threaten the cultural heritage of the Middle East, where illicit art trafficking is flourishing, the London Mayor hosted a ceremony on November 30 and welcomed Members of Parliament. Invited speakers included Tasoula Hadjitofi, Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO, renowned Archaeologist Lord Collin Renfrew, Claire Hutcheon of the Art and Antiquities Unit at Scotland Yard, and Peter Stone Blue Shield.

In his speech, David Burrowes MP, founder and co-chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for the Protection of Cultural Heritage (also participating in this initiative), alluded to Hadjitofi, as the “driving force behind this event and the APPG” as well as a “Monuments Lady”, who has dedicated her life to the repatriation of looted cultural artifacts originating from her beloved Cyprus and all over the world.

In his presentation, the London Mayor announced efforts for combating the illicit trafficking of antiquities from terrorists and declared London’s willingness to become a safe haven for looted artefacts emerging from conflict zones. These artifacts, as he clarified, will ideally be repatriated in their country of origin following the conflict resolution.

The City Hall of London meeting was organized on the occasion of the launch of an APPG for the protection of cultural heritage.

"ISIS-Daesh and other terrorist organisations are hell bent on committing appalling acts of terrorism and murder around the world. In addition, they seek to destroy democracy and obliterate history. London stands ready to provide a safe haven for the temporary storage of these irreplaceable artefacts until they can be returned to their home countries", Johnson said.

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