Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Δευτέρα 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

Human skeleton found on famed Antikythera shipwreck

Brett Seymour, EUA/WHOI/ARGO
Divers examine human bones excavated from the Antikythera shipwreck.
Hannes Schroeder snaps on two pairs of blue latex gloves, then wipes his hands with a solution of bleach. In front of him is a large Tupperware box full of plastic bags that each contain sea water and a piece of red-stained bone. He lifts one out and inspects its contents as several archaeologists hover behind, waiting for his verdict. They’re hoping he can pull off a feat never attempted before — DNA analysis on someone who has been under the sea for 2,000 years.

But on 31 August this year, investigators made another groundbreaking discovery: a human skeleton, buried under around half a metre of pottery sherds and sand. “We’re thrilled,” says Brendan Foley, an underwater archaeologist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, and co-director of the excavations team. “We don’t know of anything else like it.”
Through the window, sunlight sparkles on cobalt water. The researchers are on the tiny Greek island of Antikythera, a 10-minute boat ride from the wreckage of a 2,000-year-old merchant ship. Discovered by sponge divers in 1900, the wreck was the first ever investigated by archaeologists. Its most famous bounty to date has been a surprisingly sophisticated clockwork devicethat modelled the motions of the Sun, Moon and planets in the sky — dubbed1 the ‘Antikythera mechanism’.
Brett Seymour, EUA/WHOI/ARGO
A partial skull, with three teeth, is among the human remains found at the Antikythera wreck.
Within days of the find, Foley invited Schroeder, an expert in ancient-DNA analysis from the Natural History Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen, to assess whether genetic material might be extracted from the bones. On his way to Antikythera, Schroeder was doubtful. But as he removes the bones from their bags he is pleasantly surprised. The material is a little chalky, but overall looks well preserved. “It doesn’t look like bone that’s 2,000 years old,” he says. Then, sifting through several large pieces of skull, he finds both petrous bones — dense nuggets behind the ear that preserve DNA better than other parts of the skeleton or the teeth. “It’s amazing you guys found that,” Schroeder says. “If there’s any DNA, then from what we know, it’ll be there.”
Schroeder agrees to go ahead with DNA extraction when permission is granted by the Greek authorities. It would take about a week to find out whether the sample contains any DNA, he says: then perhaps a couple of months to sequence it and analyse the results.
For Schroeder, the discovery gives him the chance to push the boundaries of ancient-DNA studies. So far, most have been conducted on samples from cold climates such as northern Europe. “I’ve been trying to push the application of ancient DNA into environments where people don’t usually look for DNA,” he says. (He was part of a team that last year published the first Mediterranean ancient genome, of a Neolithic individual from Spain2.)
Foley and the archaeologists, meanwhile, are elated by the chance to learn more about the people on board the first-century bc ship, which carried luxury items from the eastern Mediterranean, probably intended for wealthy buyers in Rome.

Rare discovery

The skeleton discovery is a rare find, agrees Mark Dunkley, an underwater archaeologist from the London-based heritage organization Historic England. Unless covered by sediment or otherwise protected, the bodies of shipwreck victims are usually swept away and decay, or are eaten by fish. Complete skeletons have been recovered from younger ships, such as the sixteenth-century English warship the Mary Rose and the seventeenth-century Vasa in Sweden. Both sank in mud, close to port. But “the farther you go back, the rarer it is”, says Dunkley.
Only a handful of examples of human remains have been found on ancient wrecks, says archaeologist Dimitris Kourkoumelis of the Greek Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities, who collaborates with Foley. They include a skull found inside a Roman soldier’s helmet near Sardinia, and a skeleton reportedly discovered inside a sunken sarcophagus near the Greek island of Syrna (although the bones disappeared before the find could be confirmed).
Michael Tsimperopoulos, EUA/WHOI/ARGO
Hannes Schroeder (left), project co-director Theotokis Theodoulou (centre) and Brendan Foley inspect the bones.
In fact, the best-documented example is the Antikythera wreck itself: scattered bones were found by the French marine explorer Jacques Cousteau, who excavated here in 1976. Argyro Nafplioti, an osteoarchaeologist at the University of Cambridge, UK, concluded that the remains came from at least four individuals, including a young man, a woman and a teenager of unknown sex3.
At the wreck site, only broken pots now remain on the sea floor — the sponge divers recovered all artefacts visible on the seabed in 1900–01. But Foley thinks that much of the ship’s cargo may be buried under the sediment. His team, including expert technical divers and members of the Greek archaeological service, relocated and mapped the 50-metre-deep site before beginning their own excavations in 2014. They have found items such as wine jars, glassware, two bronze spears from statues, gold jewellery and table jugs used by the crew (see ‘Ancient bounty’). The divers have also recovered ship components including enormous anchors and a teardrop-shaped lead weight, found in June, that may be the first known example of what ancient texts describe as a ‘war dolphin’ — a defensive weapon carried by merchant vessels to smash hostile ships.
Source: Stefan Williams, Australian Centre for Field Robotics; Alex Tourtas, EUA/WHOI/ARGO
The skeleton uncovered in August consists of a partial skull with three teeth, two arm bones, several rib pieces and two femurs, all apparently from the same person. Foley’s team plans further excavations to see whether more bones are still under the sand.
That so many individuals have been found at Antikythera — when most wrecks yield none — may be partly because few other wrecks have been as exhaustively investigated. But the researchers think it also reveals something about how the ship sank. This was a huge vessel for its time, perhaps more than 40 metres long, says Foley, with multiple decks and many people on board. The wreck is close to shore, at the foot of the island’s steep cliffs. He concludes that a storm smashed the ship against the rocks so that it broke up and sank before people had a chance to react. “We think it was such a violent wrecking event, people got trapped below decks.”

Mediterranean mystery

Michael Tsimperopoulos, EUA/WHOI/ARGO
Diver Gemma Smith brings up bones from the Antikythera wreck.
The individuals found at Antikythera could be from the crew, which would probably have consisted of 15–20 people on a ship this size. Greek and Roman merchant ships also commonly carried passengers, and sometimes slaves. One reason people get trapped inside shipwrecks is if they are chained, points out Dunkley. “The crew would be able to get off relatively fast. Those shackled would have no opportunity to escape.” Intriguingly, the recently discovered bones were surrounded by corroded iron objects, so far unidentified; the iron oxide has stained the bones amber red.
Schroeder says that because ancient underwater remains are so rare, DNA analysis on such samples using state-of-the-art techniques has barely been tried. (Analyses were conducted on skeletons from the Mary Rose and the Vasa, but specialists no longer see those methods — based on amplifying DNA using a method called PCR — as reliable, because it is too difficult to distinguish ancient DNA from modern contamination.) Exceptions include analyses on8,000-year-old wheat from a submerged site off the English coast (although these results have been questioned because the DNA did not show the expected age-related damage4), and mitochondrial DNA from a 12,000-year-old skeleton found in a freshwater sinkhole in Mexico5.
Anthony Ayiomamitis
The surprisingly complex Antikythera mechanism modelled the motions of the Sun, Moon and planets.
Finding undisturbed remains such as those at Antikythera is crucial because it offers the opportunity to extract any DNA in the best possible condition. Previously salvaged bones are not ideal for analysis because they have often been washed, treated with conservation mater­ials or kept in warm conditions (all of which can destroy fragile DNA), or handled in a way that contaminates them.
Schroeder guesses from the skeleton’s fairly robust femur and unworn teeth that the individual was a young man. As well as confirming the person’s gender, DNA from the Antikythera bones could provide information about characteristics from hair and eye colour to ancestry and geographic origin. In the past few years, modern genome sequences have revealed that genetic variation in populations mirrors geography, says Schroeder. He and others are now starting to look at how ancient individuals fit on that map, to reconstruct past population movements. Would the shipwreck victim look more Greek-Italian or Near Eastern, he wonders?
Over dinner, the researchers decide to nickname the bones’ owner Pamphilos, after a name found neatly scratched on a wine cup from the wreck. “Your mind starts spinning,” says Schroeder. “Who were those people who crossed the Mediterranean 2,000 years ago? Maybe one of them was the astronomer who owned the mechanism.”

Typhoon Malakas, equivalent of a Category 3 tropical cyclone, will landfall in southwest Japan Monday.

Typhoon Malakas Skirts Taiwan, Heads Towards Japan

Typhoon Malakas passes Taiwan and is making it's way towards mainland Japan. 
Story Highlights
Typhoon Malakas, equivalent of a Category 3 tropical cyclone, will landfall in southwest Japan Monday.
Damaging winds will spread into Kyushu and Shikoku Monday into Tuesday.
Malakas will be a heavy rain and flooding threat for Japan through late Tuesday or early Wednesday (Japan time).
Typhoon Malakas will landfall in southwest Japan Monday spreading damaging winds and heavy rainfall eastward over parts of southern Japan into Tuesday.
The center of Malakas is nearing the Japanese island of Kyushu, currently the equivalent of a Category 3 tropical cyclone, as of Monday evening, local time. (Japan is 13 hours ahead of U.S. Eastern daylight time.)
Current Storm Info
Current Storm Info
    Warnings for this damaging wind potential, heavy rain and flooding potential have been issued by the Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA).
    Wind gusts topping 50 mph have already been measured in Kagoshima Prefecture, and will only increase as the eyewall of Malakas heads ashore.
    (MORE: Typhoon Alley: Where The Most Intense Tropical Cyclones Most Frequently Occur)
    Current Winds
    Current Winds
      Damaging winds are likely for portions of Kyushu and Shikoku islands, and winds in a very localized area near where Malakas makes landfall and in mountainous terrain in southern Kyushu Island could be as high as 120 mph. 
      Wind Speed Probability for Winds Greater than 74 mph.
      Wind Speed Probability for Winds Greater than 74 mph.
        Malakas will impact Kyushu in southern mainland Japan late Monday evening and continue to interact with Shikoku and much of southern Japan Tuesday (local time), but is expected to be weakening with time. 
        Projected Path and Intensity
        Projected Path and Intensity
          The most widespread impact in mainland Japan will be heavy rainfall and flooding. Over 12 inches of rain has already been tallied at Tokorono, in Okinawa Prefecture over 48-hours as of early Monday, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency.
          Additional amounts of 5-12 inches are expected through early Wednesday in southern and central Japan, with locally higher amounts in mountainous terrain.
          Mudslides and landslides are possible in and around the higher terrain of the southern and central Japan.
          Rainfall Forecast
          Rainfall Forecast
            The center of Malakas is expected to pass near Tokyo early Wednesday as a weakening tropical storm or tropical depression on Wednesday morning. Heavy rainfall is expected. 

            Malakas Impact on Taiwan and Japan's Ryukyu Islands

            Wind gusts were reported up to 59 mph on an elevated station at Lanyu, Taiwan, and 38 mph in Hualien province in eastern Taiwan on Saturday morning Taiwan time.  
            In Japan, wind gusts up to 100 mph were reported in Yonagunijima where the eye directly passed overhead. Gusts to 60 mph were reported in Ishigaki in the far southern Ryukyu Islands early Saturday. 

            Κυριακή 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

            Tragedy in Thailand: At least 13 dead after tourist boat capsizes(video)

            Four people have died after a boat containing Muslim tourists capsized in Thailand, trapping up to 100 people underwater. The ferry tipped over near the Wat Sanam Chai temple, a popular tourist destination in the city of Ayutthaya, about 50 miles north of Bangkok. TV reporter @Thanakarn_BrightTV20 posted a video of the aftermath, showing dozens of rescue workers clambering over the stricken vessel as large crowds gathered on a nearby jetty. He tweeted: "Urgent! Capsized near Wat Sanam Chai in Thailand approximately 100 people who have been lost underwater." The Bangkok Post reported that so far four people have been confirmed dead, while several more are still missing. Rescue workers are continuing the search for survivors. Initial reports from Thailand suggest a large group of Muslim tourists were celebrating the opening of a new mosque near the ancient Wat Sanam Chai, an active Buddhist temple on the banks of the Chao Phraya River. They had just boarded the boat to leave when the vessel capsized in front of hundreds of fellow vistors stood on the pier. It is not yet clear what caused the boat to capsize.

            2017 Volvo V90 Cross Country - Overview

            Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 18 Σεπ 2016
            2017 Volvo V90 Cross Country revealedHigh-riding Swede bound for Australia

            The all-new 2017 Volvo V90 Cross Country, a high-riding company to the fresh V90 wagon, has been revealed today ahead of Australian sales debut next year.

            As expected, and in the spirit of the now retired XC70 before it, the V90 CC arrives as a jacked-up variant of the regular V90 but with the requisite assortment of ruggedised features.

            Like its predecessor the XC70 – itself once known as the V70 Cross Country – this new model will enter the range as a lower and more patently wagon-styled alternative to the big XC90, in a relationship similar to that between the Audi A6 Allroad and the Q7 SUV.

            Key details for the V90 CC’s drivetrains and ground clearance are still to come, although it is plain to see that the high-riding wagon sits a good deal taller than its regular V90 sibling.

            Styling differences include unique bumpers at both ends, along with a patterned grille design in place of the V90’s vertical louvres, and a new wheel design.

            Powering the V90 Cross Country will likely be the same range powering the S90/V90/XC90, including a 235kW/400Nm 2.0-litre twin-charged four-cylinder ‘T6’ petrol and the 173kW/480Nm four-cylinder ‘D5’ turbo-diesel.

            Other powertrain options include a 180kW/350Nm twin-charged ‘T5’ petrol and the flagship 300kW/650Nm T8 hybrid which employs a 2.0-litre twin-charged petrol driving the front wheels and an electric motor on the rear axle.

            “Australians have openly displayed their appreciation of the Volvo Cross Country over the years, with the vehicle’s go anywhere capability whilst looking the part in any environment. We see this trait continuing with the new V90 Cross Country”, said Kevin McCann, Managing Director of Volvo Car Australia.


            Greg Bosnich, corporate director for Volvo Car Australia, told CarAdvice this week that the V90 Cross Country is expected locally in the first half of 2017, with more details on the car expected over the next few days.
            Read More

            Εκρηξη στη Νέα Υόρκη με 29 τραυματίες (ΒΙΝΤΕΟ & ΦΩΤΟ)

            Τουλάχιστον 29 άνθρωποι τραυματίστηκαν το Σάββατο το βράδυ από έκρηξη στη συνοικία Τσέλσι της Νέας Υόρκης.
            Τα αίτια της έκρηξης παραμένουν συγκεχυμένα, με τον δήμαρχο της πόλης Μπιλ Ντε Μπλάζιο να κάνει λόγο για «σκόπιμη ενέργεια», προσθέτοντας ωστόσο ότι δεν υπάρχουν στοιχεία που να τη συνδέουν με τρομοκρατία.
            Αστυνομικοί οι οποίοι ερευνούν την περιοχή γύρω από το σημείο της έκρηξης ανακάλυψαν εκρηκτικό μηχανισμό με χύτρα ταχύτητας συνδεδεμένη μέσω καλωδίων με συσκευή κινητού τηλεφώνου, αναφέρει το CNN, επικαλούμενη πηγές των αρχών ασφαλείας.
            Ο κ. Ντε Μπλάζιο σημείωσε ακόμη ότι δεν υπάρχουν ενδείξεις σύνδεσης της έκρηξης στο Τσέλσι με την έκρηξη αυτοσχέδιου μηχανισμού στο γειτονικό Νιου Τζέρσεϊ, μερικές ώρες νωρίτερα.
            Η έκρηξη συνέβη περίπου στις 9 το βράδυ του Σαββάτου (4 τα ξημερώματα Κυριακής ώρα Ελλάδος).
            Σε μαρτυρίες γίνεται λόγος για ιδιαίτερα ηχηρή έκρηξη και κόσμο ο οποίος έτρεχε πανικόβλητος.
            Το Τσέλσι, μία από τις πιο πολυσύχναστες συνοικίες του Μανχάταν, συγκεντρώνει κόσμο τα σαββατοκύριακα, καθώς εκεί βρίσκονται πολλά μπαρ και εστιατόρια.

            Σε ανεπιβεβαίωτες πληροφορίες, γίνεται λόγος για έκρηξη σε κάδο απορριμάτων, η οποία ήταν τόσο ισχυρή που έσπασαν τζάμια σε παρακείμενο κτήριο.
            Το Αντιτρομοκρατικό Τμήμα της Αστυνομίας της Νέας Υόρκης, που ερευνά την υπόθεση «ανέβασε» στο Twitter φωτογραφία από τον κατεστραμμένο κάδο απορριμάτων.
            Ο επικεφαλής της διεύθυνσης ειδικών επιχειρήσεων της Αστυνομίας της Νέας Υόρκης δήλωσε στο Twitter ότι «πιθανός δεύτερος μηχανισμός έχει εντοπιστεί» στην ίδια ευρύτερη περιοχή.
            Το CNN μετέδωσε ότι πηγές των υπηρεσιών επιβολής του νόμου πιστεύουν πως η έκρηξη προκλήθηκε από αυτοσχέδιο εκρηκτικό μηχανισμό.

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            U.S.-led jets kill dozens of Syrian soldiers: Russia, monitor

            U.S.-led coalition jets bombed a Syrian army position at Jebel Tharda near Deir al-Zor airport on Saturday, killing dozens of Syrian soldiers, Russia and a war monitor said, paving the way for Islamic State to briefly overrun it.
            The U.S. military, in an apparent admission that it may have hit the position, said in a statement that coalition air strikes near Deir al-Zor had been halted when Russia told coalition officials they may have hit the Syrian army.
            Syria's army general command said in a statement that the air strike was "conclusive evidence" of U.S. support for Islamic State, noting that the strike was "dangerous and blatant aggression".
            Islamic State said in a statement on its Amaq news channel that it had gained "complete control" over Jebel Tharda but both Syrian state television and Russian state media said the positions lost to the militant group were later recaptured.
            The defense ministry in Russia, which has been aiding Syria's President Bashar al-Assad in the civil war, said U.S. jets had killed more than 60 Syrian soldiers in four air strikes by two F-16s and two A-10s coming from the direction of Iraq.
            "Syria is a complex situation with various military forces and militias in close proximity, but coalition forces would not intentionally strike a known Syrian military unit," U.S. officials said.
            The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based monitoring group with contacts across the country, cited a military source at Deir al-Zor airport as saying that at least 80 Syrian soldiers had been killed in the strike.
            Russia's Defence Ministry said that if the coalition bombing was a mistake, it was evidence of Washington's "stubborn refusal" to coordinate its actions with Russia's government.
            The U.S.-led coalition has been conducting air strikes against Islamic State since September 2014 and is also supporting rebels against Assad elsewhere in Syria.
            The Observatory said that Russian jets had been conducting bombing in the area at the same time, and that violent clashes took place afterwards between Islamic State and the Syrian army around the position.
            Syria's army controls Deir al-Zor airport and parts of the city which are otherwise entirely surrounded by territory held by Islamic State.

            Syria's war between Assad and rebels seeking to topple him has drawn in regional and global powers and allowed militant jihadist groups including Islamic State to gain territory and inspire attacks.The United States and Russia agreed a deal on Syria last week, involving a ceasefire which came into effect on Monday, aid deliveries to besieged areas and eventual joint targeting of militant jihadist groups if the truce works out.

            (Reporting by Angus McDowall; Editing by Louise Ireland and Dominic Evans)

            Παρασκευή 16 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

            Το εσφαγμένο αρνίο της Αποκάλυψης στη Συρία….(video+21)

            Επί Χουσείν Μπαράκ Ομπάμα μονοκράτορα ……Αποκάλυψη με οσμή αίματος αμερικανικού θρίλερ…. To Iσλαμικό Κράτος καταδίκασε σε θάνατο πάνω από μια δεκάδα ανθρώπους στην περιοχή της Deir Ezzor στην Α Συρία.Σφαγείο πραγματικό.Άνθρωποι είναι κρεμασμένοι ανάποδα με την καταηγορία της κατασκοπείας την α΄ημέρα της μουσουλμανικής γιορτής Aïd al-Adha.
             Το γραφείο επικοινωνίας της οργάνωσης διέδωσε ένα βίντεο μέσω της ISIS al-Khayr με φρικτές εικόνες αποκεφαλισμούς εκτελέσεις βασανιστήρια.Ένας κάποιος αριθμός ατόμων βρίσκονται εντός σφαγείου  αλυσοδεμένοι οι μεν με τους δε,σιδεροδέσμιοι  που έπειτα σφαγιάζονται σαν αρνιά.
            Το εσφαγμένο αρνίο της Αποκάλυψης στη Συρία….
            Άλλες εικόνες δείχνουν ομοίως κάποιον αριθμό ατόμων δεμένων που αποκεφαλίζονται.Η κατηγορία που αποδόθηκε στα θύματα που φέρουν πορτοκαλί στολές σε στιλ Γκουαντάναμο είναι ότι ασκούσαν κατασκοπεία υπέρ της διεθνούς συμμαχίας.Συνελήφθηκαν αφότου σύμφωνα με τους τρομοκράτες εξαρθρώθηκε το δίκτυό τους.Τους κατηγορούν ότι διοχέτευαν φωτογραφίες και πληροφορίες μέσω Internet.
            Η οργάνωση αναφέρει ότι ο εγκέφαλος του δικτύου είναι ένας ονόματι Haider που ζει στην Τουρκία και δούλευε για το ΥPG πριν εργαστεί για την διεθνή συμμαχία.raialyoum 12/9/16

            Πέμπτη 15 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

            Halley's Comet: Facts About the Most Famous Comet που ισως να σηματοδοτησε και την γεννηση του Χριστου!

            Halley's Comet: Facts About the Most Famous Comet

            An image of Halley's Comet taken in 1986.
            An image of Halley's Comet taken in 1986.
            Credit: NASA
            Halley's Comet is arguably the most famous comet. It is a "periodic" comet and returns to Earth's vicinity about every 75 years, making it possible for a human to see it twice in his or her lifetime. The last time it was here was in 1986, and it is projected to return in 2061.
            The comet is named after English astronomer Edmond Halley, who examined reports of a comet approaching Earth in 1531, 1607 and 1682. He concluded that these three comets were actually the same comet returning over and over again, and predicted the comet would come again in 1758.
            Halley didn't live to see the comet's return, but his discovery led to the comet being named after him. (The traditional pronunciation of the name usuallyrhymes with valley.) Halley's calculations showed that at least some comets orbit the sun.
            Further, the first Halley's Comet of the space age – in 1986 – saw several spacecraft approach its vicinity to sample its composition. High-powered telescopes also observed the comet as it swung by Earth.
            Halley's in history
            The first known observation of Halley's took place in 239 B.C., according to the European Space Agency. Chinese astronomers recorded its passage in the Shih Chi and Wen Hsien Thung Khao chronicles.
            When Halley's returned in 164 B.C. and 87 B.C., it probably was noted in Babylonian records now housed at the British Museum in London. "These texts have important bearing on the orbital motion of the comet in the ancient past," noted a Nature research paper about the tablets.
            This portion of the Bayeux Tapestry shows Halley's Comet during its appearance in 1066.
            This portion of the Bayeux Tapestry shows Halley's Comet during its appearance in 1066.
            Credit: Public domain
            Halley's most famous appearance occurred shortly before the 1066 invasion of England by William the Conquerer. It is said that William felt the comet heralded his success. In any case, the comet was put on the Bayeux Tapestry – which chronicles the invasion – in William's honor.
            Another appearance of the comet in 1301 possibly inspired Italian painter Giotto's rendering of the Star of Bethlehem in "The Adoration of the Magi," according to the Britannica encyclopedia.
            Astronomers in these times, however, saw each appearance of Halley's Comet as an isolated event. Comets were often foreseen as a sign of great disaster or change.
            Even when Shakespeare wrote his play "Julius Caesar" around 1600, just 105 years before Edmond Halley calculated that the comet returns over and over again, one famous phrase spoke of comets as heralds: "When beggars die there are no comets seen; The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes."
            Discovery of Halley's recurrence
            Astronomy began changing swiftly around the time of Shakespeare, however. Many astronomers of his time held that Earth was the center of the solar system, but Nicolaus Copernicus – who died about 20 years before Shakespeare's birth – published findings showing that the center was actually the sun.
            It took several generations for Copernicus' calculations to take hold in the astronomy community, but when they did, they provided a powerful model for how objects move around the solar system and the universe.
            Edmond Halley
            Edmond Halley
            Edmond Halley published "A Synopsis of the Astronomy of Comets" in 1705, cataloguing what he had found from searching historical records of 24 comets appearing near Earth between 1337 to 1698. Three of those observations appeared to be very similar in terms of orbit and other parameters, leading Halley to propose that one comet might be visiting Earth again and again.
            The comet appeared in 1531, 1607 and 1682. Halley suggested the same comet could return to Earth in 1758. Halley did not live long enough to see its return – he died in 1742 – but his discovery inspired others to name the comet after him.
            On each successive journey to the inner solar system, astronomers on Earth turned their telescopes skyward to watch Halley's approach.
            The comet's pass in 1910 was particularly spectacular, as the comet flew by about 13.9 million miles (22.4 million kilometers) from Earth, which is about 1/15 the distance between Earth and the Sun. On that occasion, Halley's wascaptured on camera for the first time.
            According to biographer Albert Bigelow Paine, the writer Mark Twain said in 1909, "I came in with Halley's Comet in 1835. It is coming again next year, and I expect to go out with it." Twain died on April 21, 1910, one day after perihelion, when the comet emerged from the far side of the sun.
            This photo of Halley's comet was taken by the Russian Vega 2 spacecraft, one of two Soviet probes (Vega 1 was the other) to rendezvous with the comet during its 1986 trip through the solar system in March 1986. The closest approach of Vega 1 to Halley was 8890 km while Vega 2 had a close encounter at 8030 km.
            This photo of Halley's comet was taken by the Russian Vega 2 spacecraft, one of two Soviet probes (Vega 1 was the other) to rendezvous with the comet during its 1986 trip through the solar system in March 1986. The closest approach of Vega 1 to Halley was 8890 km while Vega 2 had a close encounter at 8030 km.
            Credit: ESA
            Halley's in the Space Age
            When Halley's Comet came by Earth in 1986, it was the first time we could send spacecraft up to look at it.
            That was a fortunate occurrence, as the comet ended up being underwhelming in observations from Earth. When the comet made its closest approach to the sun, it was on the opposite side of that star from the Earth – making it a faint and distant object, some 39 million miles away from Earth.
            Several spacecraft successfully made the journey to the comet. This fleet of spaceships is sometimes dubbed the "Halley Armada." Two joint Soviet/French probes (Vega 1 and 2) flew nearby, with one of them capturing pictures of the heart or nucleus of the comet for the first time.
            The European Space Agency's Giotto got even closer to the nucleus, beaming back spectacular images to Earth. Japan sent two probes of its own (Sakigake and Suisei) that also obtained information on Halley.
            Additionally, NASA's International Cometary Explorer (already in orbit since 1978) captured pictures of Halley from 17.3 million miles (28 million kilometers away.)
            "It was inevitable that this most famous of all comets would receive unprecedented attention, but the actual magnitude of the effort has surprised even most of those involved in it," NASA noted in an account of the event.
            Sadly, the astronauts aboard Challenger's STS-51L mission were also scheduled to look at the telescope when they arrived in the orbit, but they never got the chance. The shuttle exploded about two minutes after launch on Jan. 28, 1986, due to a rocket malfunction.
            It will be many decades until Halley's gets close to Earth again, but in the meantime you can see its remnants every year. The Orionid meteor shower, which is spawned by Halley's fragments, occurs annually in October. Halley's also produced a shower in May, called the Eta Aquarids.
            When Halley's sweeps by Earth in 2061, the comet will be on the same side of the sun as Earth and will be much brighter than in 1986.
            One astronomer predicted it could be as bright as apparent magnitude -0.3. This is relatively bright, but well below that of the brightest star in Earth's sky: Sirius, at magnitude -1.4 as seen from Earth.
            — Elizabeth Howell, Contributor