Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Τρίτη 5 Μαΐου 2015

Obama jokes about future of 'playing dominoes' on Letterman show

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 5 Μαΐ 2015
Watch President Barack Obama joke with David Letterman about his future on The Late Show 

Police fire percussion grenades as fans riot in Brazil's World Cup stadiums

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 5 Μαΐ 2015
Players are forced to leave the pitch in Fortaleza as violent fans storm the field during the final of a local league in Northeastern Brazil. Report by Claire Mewse.

Horse racing fan killed in Peru after crossing the track

Δευτέρα 4 Μαΐου 2015

VICE News Daily: No End in Sight to Europe's Migrant Crisis

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 4 Μαΐ 2015
The VICE News Capsule is a news roundup that looks beyond the headlines. Today: Italian authorities rescue thousands of migrants over the weekend, hundreds of women and girls freed from Boko Haram, dialysis patients in Yemen face setbacks because of ongoing air strikes, and Germany is still a graveyard of unexploded World War II explosives.

Authorities Rescue Thousands of Migrants off Libyan Coast
Human traffickers are taking advantage of calmer seas and increasing the number of boats sent out to sea.

Military Frees Hundreds Taken by Boko Haram
Scores of women and children are now receiving medical treatment and shelter at a government-run camp in the eastern city of Yola.

Dialysis Patients Concerned over Power Shortages
Nearly 700 people at a kidney center in Hodeida face treatment delays, and some are concerned they'll die if conditions don't improve.

A Graveyard of Unexploded World War II Bombs
Munitions specialists detonate or defuse more than 2,000 tons of explosives every year.

تقدم المقاومة بعدن غداة وصول قوة عربية

Παρασκευή 1 Μαΐου 2015

The Kremlin just launched what it claims is the 'quietest submarine in the world'

Admiralty Shipyards Launches Sub Krasnodar
(Admiralty Shipyards) The Krasnodar Russia has taken another major step towards modernizing its navy.
The Russian defense company Admiralty Shipyards launched its second diesel-electric Varshavyanka-class submarine this week.
Called Krasnodar, the company claims that the vessel will be "the quietest submarine in the world," Zachary Keck reports for The National Interest. 
Krasnodar is part of a plan to update Russia's submarine fleet. According to Russia Today, the submarine is the "second Varshavyanka submarine out of six planned for the Black Sea Fleet by the end of 2016." 
The Varshavyanka-class is an update to Russia's current Kilo-class submarine. Although Varshavyanka-class submarines can not dive as deep or stay submerged underwater as long as nuclear submarines, they are nearly impossible to detect acoustically.
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Russian Navy Submarines
(Anton Egorov) 
Primarily, the Varshavyanka-class submarines will be used for anti-shipping and anti-submarine warfare in shallower water. According to Naval Technology, the submarines can cruise for a range of 400 miles, can patrol for 45 days, and carry surface-to-air missiles and torpedoes.
The mixture of weaponry onboard the submarines allow the vessels to hypothetically strike both a mixture of land, sea, and underwater targets.  
The first Varshavyanka-class submarine was launched in November 2013. Dubbed the Novorossiysk, the submarine is also based in the Black Sea. 
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Novorossiysk submarine
(OLGA MALTSEVA/AFP/Getty Images) The Russian Novorossiysk submarine, which is the first Varshavyanka-class submarine. 
In addition to the Varshavyanka-class, Russia plans on adding an additional 14 to 18 diesel-electric submarines similar to Lada-class subs over the next 15 years. 
Russia also plans to replace its Delta III and Delta IV-class subs with Borei II submarines in the coming years. The Oscar II-class sub will be replaced with the entirely new Yasen submarine class after 2020. 

The Syrian military is on the verge of collapse

(George Ourfalian/Reuters) Forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad hold their weapons as they walk in Aleppo's historic citadel October 1, 2014. The Syrian Army is facing its most serious challenges since the start of the Syrian Civil War. 
Fatigued, over-stretched, and losing the support of its base constituency, the Syrian Army is conceivably nearing the point of collapse. Major rebel offenseshave taken control of the strategic cities of Idlib and Jisr al-Shegour in the north. Meanwhile, a second rebel offensive in the south has been steadily working its way towards Damascus, the capital. 
These steady rebel gains have demoralized the Syrian military, created fissures within the regime of president Bashar al-Assad, and force Damascus to accept greater foreign assistance in propping an ailing government, according to an April 30th New York Times report. 
Here's why the regime may be nearing its most serious crisis yet.

A plunge in Syrian Army manpower

The Syrian Army has suffered extreme causality and desertion rates during the civil war. During the 4 years of the conflict so far, the military has lost approximately half of its personnel. 
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Syria Control Map Mar 31 2015
(Institute for the Study of War) "Four years ago, Syria’s army had 250,000 soldiers; now, because of casualties and desertions, it has 125,000 regulars, alongside 125,000 pro-government militia members, including Iranian-trained Iraqis, Pakistanis and Afghan Hazaras," the Times reports
This increased reliance on foreign fighters has elevated the Iranian-backed Lebanese Shi'ite militia group Hezbollah to a key position, often to the chagrin of the Syrian military. According to the Times, Hezbollah "now leads or even directs the fight in many places," at the expense of Syrian commanders. 
When irregular volunteers and foreign fighters are taken into account, the regime has not seen a collapse in overall firepower. But an increasing reliance on irregular forces and foreigners further limits the regime's actual reach and credibility.
Furthermore, clashes have erupted between the Syrian military and the Iranian-backed National Defense Forces in the crucial regime-held city of Homs. 

A multitude of smaller fighting forces also makes it more difficult for Assad to coordinate the military into a single overarching force, or mobilize specifically in the regime's defense.

Declining support for the government

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(Abed Kontar/Reuters) Men inspect a site hit by what activists said were barrel bombs thrown by forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar Al-Assad in Kansafra village in the Jabal al-Zawiya in Idlib province January 27, 2015. Throughout the civil war, Assad has counted on the support of religious minorities for his rule. Much of the regime's top leadership is comprised of Alawites, a Shia offshoot. Generally Assad could also count on a de facto truce with Kurds, Christians, and Druze as well.
But after years of grinding warfare the minority communities are increasingly unwilling to send their sons off to military service within the Syrian Army. A growing number of communities that once supported the regime are keeping their children home in order to create local defense forces that are disconnected from regime command and control structures, the Times reports.  
Draft-dodging and desertions are also on the rise. In response, Assad has bannedmilitary-aged males from leaving the country and has pressed discharged soldiers into multiple rounds of duty. This has fueled discontent with the regime and further eroded support among Assad's base.  

Government infighting 

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(Ammar Abdallah/Reuters) A damaged picture of Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad is seen on a wall in Idlib city, after rebel fighters took control of the area on March 28, 2015. The text on the poster reads in Arabic "With Bashar." The stresses of the civil war have taken a toll on the inner workings of the Assad regime. Assad's political security chief was reportedly beaten to death after an argument with the head of Syria's Military Intelligence over the role of foreign fighters. After the incident, Assad was forced to replace both officials.
This infighting is escalating only weeks after Assad allegedly gave a direct order for the arrest of his cousin on charges of plotting against the regime

The regime is almost broke

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syrian pound
(Ali Jarekji/Reuters) A woman shows U.S. dollars and Syrian pounds in Amman, Jordan on December 12, 2011 The years of fighting and the collapse of the Syrian economy has almost bankrupted the government. According to the Times, Syria started the civil war with approximately $30 billion in foreign exchange reserves. After four years, the regime is down to approximately $1 billion. 
This erosion in foreign capital and the collapse of the war economy has collapsed the value of the Syrian pound. The Assad regime has carried out raids throughout Damascus in a desperate effort to find foreign currency. 
Meanwhile, the weakening of the pound has led to further discontent within the Syrian Army, according to the Times, as soldiers continued to be paid the same salaries but with a currency that's becoming more and more worthless.

Security is failing in Damascus

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Syria Car Bombing East Damascus June
(Mohammed Abdullah/Reuters) Smoke and flames are seen as men run from a site damaged from what activists claim was a car explosion in a market near Damascus on June 28, 2014. All of the previous factors taken together has led to a collapse of regime authority and law and order within the Syrian capital. The Times reports that checkpoints in the center of the city are understaffed, while the Syrian police are rarely seen on the streets to enforce even the most basic of laws. 
Meanwhile, entire neighborhoods have become de facto controlled by Hezbollah as the regime becomes increasingly stretched. 

The rebels have consolidated

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Syria Rebels Idlib
(Khalil Ashawi/REUTERS) A rebel fighter carries his weapon as he stands on a tank ahead of what the rebels said was an offensive to take control of the northwestern town of Jisr al-Shughour and the surrounding areas, which are controlled by forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad April 20, 2015. The ongoing rebel campaign in the north of Syria focused around Idlib province marks a significant turning point in the war. A mixture of al Qaeda-affiliated groups, Islamists, and moderate rebels have come together to take Idlib and Jisr al-Shegour, the first major gains the rebels have experienced against the regime in 2 years.
This concentration of fighters has swung the momentum in the rebels' favor, threatening the heartland of Assad support along the Mediterranean coast. It's also created conditions for a wider offensive throughout the north of the country in a single consolidated campaign. 

Unique fish fossils identified

Kenyaichthys. Credit: M. Altner, LMU
A team of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich has identified the first fossil specimens of a major group of killifishes that is widely distributed in freshwater habitats today. The 6-million-year-old material sheds new light on the evolution of the bony fishes.

Killifish are true survivors. These colorful little fish are perfectly adapted to the demands of their ephemeral habitats. They spend their short lives in temporary freshwater pools that form during the rainy season, and owe their long-term survival to the fact that their eggs are resistant to desiccation. Although they are a species-rich group, and are widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics, their fossil record is sparse. But now LMU palaeontologists Professor Bettina Reichenbacher and Melanie Altner have identified the first fossil representatives of one of the two extant suborders of killifish. "The specimens are exceptionally well preserved, date from about 6 million years ago, and were discovered in Kenya by French palaeoanthropologists," says Reichenbacher. "Our studies have now shown that they are members of a previously unknown genus that is now extinct, which we have named Kenyaichthys – the fish from Kenya."

A cache that includes 77 complete specimens

The fossils originate from a site located in the Tugen Hills, which lie in the Eastern arm of the East African Rift Valley. During the Late Miocene – about six million years ago – the site formed part of a lake, and the newly described specimens, each 2 to 4 cm long, were preserved in the sediment beds that accumulated on the lake bottom. "The sample comprises a total of 169 individuals, and 77 of these are complete," says Altner. The anatomical details discernible in the impressions left in the sediments enabled the two researchers to conclusively identify all of these individuals as killifishes. "Analysis of the structures of the tailfin, the pelvic fins and the bones in the skull, in particular, yielded crucial information that convinced us that this material constituted the first fossils attributable to the killifish Suborder Aplocheiloidei. This group also encompasses modern African killifishes, such as Pachypanchax from Madagascar, the striped panchaxes of Southeast Asia and the rivulids of South America," Altner explains.

In addition to the fossil aplocheiloids, only a few other freshwater forms were found at the site. Reichenbacher and Altner assume that the prevailing environmental conditions were too extreme for less specialized species. During the Late Miocene, the climate got drier and extensive areas of savannah developed. "We believe that, like modern killifish species, Kenyaichthys was well equipped to survive long periods of drought, and could cope better with such conditions than other species of fish," says Reichenbacher.

A unique combination of traits

Since many killifish species are short-lived they are used to study aging processes. But the group is also of interest to evolutionary biologists because they offer useful models for the study of speciation – and in this context some of the characters displayed by Kenyaichthys are especially intriguing: "Our fossils exhibit morphological traits that are found in extant African species of killifish. But they also possess one specific trait that is typical for contemporary rivulids from South America. This combination is very unusual, and may indicate that Kenyaichthys is closely related to forms that are now restricted to South America. Alternatively, this particular character may have been lost in the lineage that gave rise to modern African aprocheiloids," Altner explains.

Furthermore, many features of the new fossils – including elements of the tailfin and the dorsal fins, and the relative sizes of the different body parts – vary markedly from one individual to the next. As the closest surviving relatives of Kenyaichthys do not display such a wide range of variability, the fossil material from the Tugen Hills appears to document a particularly fascinating evolutionary process – the diversification of a so-called species flock. The term 'species flock' refers to a group of closely related species that have evolved from a single progenitor species in an isolated population and developed distinct specializations that enable them to coexist. Darwin's finches, which occupy different ecological niches on the Galapagos, are perhaps the best known example of a species flock. "So, this is an exciting find in many respects, which provides wholly new insights into the evolutionary history of the killifishes and their relatives," says Reichenbacher.