Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Πέμπτη 8 Μαΐου 2014

Ομιλία του Πρωθυπουργού Αντώνη Σαμαρά, στην Κοινοβουλευτική ομάδα της Νέ...

Speech by Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, the Parliamentary Group of the New Republic

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Ladies and gentlemen,

We are at the most critical time for our country in recent decades. But beware: It is "the most critical," not because we expect long and difficult hours. But for the opposite reason: because many sacrifices overcame the most difficult and we are close to actually do things that we all like always, but most considered the "unthinkable" as much recently.

The Greece is not, in any sense, as there was two years ago. We had to exit the euro. And now everyone welcomes the unprecedented fiscal consolidation achieved.
-The primary surpluses that we did and will continue to pull in the coming years.
The social-dividend return to society. For the first time without borrowing.
-The recession ended and a recovery approaching ...
-The major structural changes promoted and restore the confidence of international markets to Greece ... All this seemed unbelievable two years ago!

For many! Outside of Greece and through ... But now, it is 'data'! And for all these congratulates Greece everyone else. But the dispute this fact, some within our country! Who? The representatives of misery, the nostalgia of yesterday, the preachers of division. Those for enemy has designated the country's success!

Indeed, the country suffered a lot and still suffers ... But hardly passed anymore. And now it has only "upwards".Indeed our people have suffered too much ... But Argentina, as some would have, we have not! No burnt our towns, not closed our banks, not slumped in exuberant domestic currency, we were not excluded for years from markets, unable to import fuel, food, medicines and spare parts, condemned to poverty for decades without precedent and without visible outlet . All these spared!

And I'm just an optimist, I'm sure that soon, in a few years, we will be back to the same standard of living they had before the crisis! But much more solid, healthy foundation for our economy, for our democracy and for our social cohesion.

Some tell us: What can we do these achievements? Prosper only numbers! With people what? The answer is simple: It now began to prosper numbers. But when undertaken two years ago , did not prosper nor numbers! note: We first care for people, not for their numbers ... Why skits society interest. No economic indicators ... But when sinking numbers and indicators that are supposedly "good" to people? We say it is the worst premonition of what will happen in a moment and humans, when sinking numbers!

For remember: Before the crisis for years "flourishing" and people into a false prosperity with borrowed! And after the crisis erupted and began to unhappiness people. Well, now is the opposite: the economy stabilized and will shortly begin to feel it all. To feel it, feel it enough ... The fact that there is now stabilize the economy, that all point now where I finished the "below" and enter the "only upwards" from now on, everyone understands what it means: That little slowly, will have growth, more jobs, more income, more opportunities for everyone.

That's why I told you that our country is at a critical turning point, a historic crossroads ... never been so much in so little time. In one month from today we will close the two years. Never were so shrunken reforms. Never corrected so deep distortions, so long entanglements and so soon. And now that the country has avoided the worst, now that everyone intuitively - and correctly - that the country page turns, changing times. Now give him some "for everything" fight, not let her get up. To turn the back, to the crisis! So we are opposed to any bold radical reform ...

They want us to go back to their understandings! So I bothered so much that we went to the markets ...

Until now we were told that we had, supposedly, "deliver the country to moneylenders - lenders'! And now we suddenly say the opposite: that we had to go to "borrow" our, until now the complainants, and to borrow at interest rate of 1.5%. Bothered we left the markets alone ... They did not understand that they finished borrowed from the Memorandum! As they did not understand until now that borrows from those they call "loan sharks" with low interest rates unimaginable for most countries of Europe and the world! Generally not understand anything! Or do you not understand ...

One is the truth: We entered the Memorandum because we threw out the markets and started us lend our partners putting harsh conditions. And now completed and this debt and we got our goals. So ends and the Memorandum.We accept markets as a reliable country, thus ending the embargo and led us in the Memorandum. And the debate on the sustainability of our debt, which will be completed in the autumn. So ends permanently lending crisis and the era memoranda, overall!

This promised so we did! Two years ago we promised that we will not allow the country to leave the euro ... And we did! At the same time the nostalgia of yesteryear wanted to get out of the euro. They are not crossed. And then began the internal discord. Others with the drachma, most ... Less the euro. All, however, uneasy!

Instead, we promised to pull Greece out of the crisis as soon as possible. And within two years, leading the country except memoranda.

Yes, mistakes were made along the way. These errors corrected. And we will correct everything. Yes, there were many injustices. These injustices begin to be restored. And will restore all. Yes, in 2012 we found Greece in a desperate situation. And we had to choose:
-To let it slide down to destruction or to choose the uphill test. We chose the hill! We tried to get this country out of the ordeal as quickly as possible. And within two years, Greece turned page ...

And the nostalgia of yesteryear promise today, what exactly? To remove what? Understandings already leave behind!

Why exactly is the problem: That ending understandings. That we leave behind. And what will they do now without tearing memoranda and report? What promise? What would you suggest? What will be the SYRIZA without ... "barbarians," now?

Emerged during the crisis. And the longer understand: They will disappear when you pass judgment! Emerged denouncing understandings. And will disappear when there will be no memoranda. Since they feed. Since the crisis fed. And the enemy have been developing.

So I try to bring the country to crisis. Nostalgic for the past, because they represent the last, represent all these pathologies, now overcome. Nostalgic era, where the masked burnt our towns, pillaged when the promiscuity of guilds, when extreme groups paralyze the economic life when vested interests did what they wanted, when the state was sinking deficits when our universities were delivered undocumented and had been outbreaks of lawlessness, when illegal immigrants entered the country unimpeded and calling upon others to come! These nostalgic! They see that anymore overcome permanently. And they want to bring back. There want to go back to the country.

Turn the page for that country. And they want to be left Greece stuck in yesterday!

They want to return to Greece in chaos. We do Greece a normal country. Restore its position in Europe. We removed the uncertainty about the euro. Neutralization deficits, restore the credibility of international and internal stability. He leads us on to Greece tomorrow!

We guarantee stability, leading ahead. Those who insist on a standstill, leading back to yesterday. They have not and they know tomorrow. So I do not want nor Greece have tomorrow! They drive investment, but no longer passes the ... Investment continually come. Invite people to rise up, but now no one listens to them ... Remember how many times urged people to overthrow the government. And every time gather more and more few ...

That is why the country is currently the most critical moment of it. Why paved the way for tomorrow.
And those who do not want people trying to block it, give the last battle to frustrate! They give the "pro everything" race to bring us back to the crisis overcome, the chaos from which we escaped, the understandings we leave permanently.

What does country without deficits? It means first of all that as a People, as a country recovering its dignity. But the SYRIZA not want this! And so it promises money not there, without telling us where to find them, who will lend ... Only there's no one to lend.

What does country competitiveness? It means that Greece regains her freedom. Why there is no liberty, if a country does not produce anything and introduces everything. But the SYRIZA it wants! So I want to turn away investment ...

What does country with dignity? It means that Greece is no longer dependent on their creditors, make debt sustainable, and recover the confidence of international markets, as any normal country. But the SYRIZA not want this. So I dreaming new understandings ... But no new Memoranda! As there will be no new austerity measures!

What does country prosperous? It means that Greece ushered in Development! Why only the development produces jobs, opportunities for all, for all income and revenue for the state But the SYRIZA not want this ...

And now that contradicted the predictions of trying to destabilize the country's path to tomorrow. SYRIZA is synonymous with instability. Its flag, as its basic objective, the destabilization and instability. But it will pass ...

Dear Friends,

The medium we are discussing today in the House, provided that the country will grow rapidly over the coming years.

-Provision for recovery this year, after six years of recession.

-Anticipated net growth rate of 2.9% of the time in 2015.

-Anticipated net growth of 3.7% next year, 2016.

-It is envisaged that by 2018 would reduce unemployment by 10 points or more. You know what that means? That over 550,000 unemployed will find work!

And you know something else? These are the more modest the more 'moderate' forecasts. But you saw the last two years, doing better than the official projections.

You know what they all mean? That by 2020 we will recover to pre-crisis our standard of living. That until then unemployment will fall below the average in Europe. That have been put on the road, not only to return to the levels of prosperity that we had before, but to grow and then even better, even faster, even more.

Enough - beware - do not do no wrong in between. Enough to stay on our way, the path to stability and steadily we carve. And that will be judged at the next election. And local and regional elections.

-SYRIZA provided that will not achieve the Budget 2013 and denied,

-SYRIZA provided that in the first quarter will collapse the Budget 2014 and denied

-SYRIZA envisaged that it will take new austerity measures for 2013 and 2014 and was denied again and again,

-SYRIZA predicted that there will be no primary surplus in 2013 and that, if any, will not be able to give social dividend. Denied once again.

-SYRIZA provided that will not get in Markets. Disproved.

Today fears that Greece actually obstructs Development!

And gives the "ultimate fight" the "last battle" to destabilize the country, to thwart the all to come back to the need for lenders to return to chaos.

That is why we are now at a critical moment. Because we go out for the good of the vicious cycle of crisis, deficits, and the memoranda of the recession. Because coming out of your sick yesterday. And the forces of SYRIZA - yesterday, today, tomorrow, why remain the same - give the ultimate battle to hold us back, let us reroll the crisis. They will not pass!

At this critical moment, we ask the Greek people to give faction in our power to permanently dislodge the country from the quagmire. To give our faction strength to go on tomorrow.

Until two years ago, this tomorrow seemed distant and elusive. In the intervening two years, we did so much and changed so much, that tomorrow a strong, stable and prosperous Greece in Europe, tomorrow a new Greece within a new Europe, no longer distant, is immediate. No longer is "impossible dream" is entirely possible.

We ask the Greek people to give us the strength to overcome the last resistance of nostalgic yesterday of shame, of yesterday glued to decline and make the leap into tomorrow. We all want, we all expect that all we see anymore ... In future we deserve, you owe it to the future to our children.

The 1974 lineup of Constantine Karamanlis, stabilize democracy in this place! Then many considered it incredible that he could never Greece to obtain stable parliamentary institutions and orderly democratic life. Yet Google!

In 1981 his party, our party of Constantine Karamanlis, have established Greece as a full member of the European Union. Then many people considered unthinkable. Yet Google!

Today, our faction, loyal to the historical libraries, do it again actually something that until recently many thought unthinkable: Greece Puts the path of growth with competitiveness and extroversion, the path of prosperity and opportunities for all, gives Greece a role in of opens roads to get the energy to Greece to gain power and influence far beyond our borders.

What some people do not want some scares. So I ask the Greek people to give us the strength to overcome the last resistance and move to New Greece!

Dear Friends,

I want first of all and above all, thank you all the members of our party, New Democracy. You gave the toughest race in the last two years. You tested more than everyone and stay upright. Thanks to you we got here. And we are currently the most stable, the most compact power within the House. Despite the pressures and despite the trials, the New Republic is the pillar of stability of our democracy, is to guarantee the path to tomorrow. It is, above all, your own achievement. And your value you entered this fight with an upright conscience and love, with a passion for the Motherland ... And won on behalf of the whole country!

I want to ask you at this critical time to give the game to the last minute, throughout Greece. As the last minute, to turn around the country and do what you know, what you need.

Remember that our worst enemy is the looseness! Not to go some to vote at all, or vote with a sense of looseness.Explain the relevance of this moment. The criticality of the following day. The criticality of the coming months. That nothing is "given", nothing is "predetermined" that the country has started to stand up, but very small errors can make even now a lot of damage. And that everyone keeps their hands to vote to not allow it to become such a loss. For every loss, there would simply back into crisis ... will lead to much worse than what we had so far. That's why we insist that the critical moment as a country. Because now it's up to us to make the leap forward. But up to us to relapse back. And the latter only by the looseness of voting may occur anymore. This must forestalling ...

I expect you to give battle honorably, strong, confident. Supporting the practice lineup and options. What I expect from you. Homeland This waiting you. And now that the situation is beginning to clear now that paved the way for the country, and the Greek people begin to hope, now the victory is in our hands.

SYRIZA tried to create a wave overturning of everything. Ultimately, it failed to create a single 'stream' favor.Populism for the first time losing ground. SYRIZA tried to create electricity and sink into the swamp!

Unfortunately this is SYRIZA today: the image of stagnation, the representation of stagnation, the same quagmire in which he had stuck to Greece for decades. And now surpasses the ...

They see it and his people believe. Everyone understands. Will lift tons and foster polarization, will try again to cause confusion and division. Dividing the like, not proliferation. But he can not speak for tomorrow, not himself tomorrow, so it will only succeed ultimately is to accentuate his own confusion and internal polarization.

To remind the world:

-They have the audacity and shake our finger! Who? Those executives and MPs defend contracted terrorists convicted for murder. And they never booed!

-They have the audacity and talk. Who? Those candidate MEP them with statements questioned the Treaty of Lausanne. Heard some voices to delete it. And finally evacuated activist Sabiha Suleiman.

Without ever explaining why. No need. All figured ...

- They have the audacity to talk about the great visions of the Left. We disagree with the Left, our ideology is completely different and we are proud of our ideas. But there exists in Europe Left that inspires respect. All you have nothing to do with her. There was once the Italian Left condemning terrorists. Where did rallies everywhere in Italy to isolate them morally and politically. They do not defend, do not caressed.

But the SYRIZA has nothing to do with them all. The vision is a nightmare for any modern society, European.Nightmare that all European peoples have overcome. Now overreach and here in Greece. About time!

-They have the audacity to call us in dialogue, when permanently unleash incredibly divisive sermons and tirades.

-They have the audacity to speak and dialogue when they themselves do not dare to go to the European forums.Go on elections for European offices apousiazontas from all discussions.

And where to go? And what to say to Europe?

-That ... "is not a fetish" the euro? They want to get out of NATO?

That Europe is ... "imperialist power"?

Who will show as allies? Kommatidia margin from different countries!

Some of them voted against supporting Greece in national parliaments ...
And some others coming, if possible, even from occupied Cyprus! They want to add together the forces of the margin of Europe. Not to help build a new Europe. The party the benefit of their care. Only. So I did not support any reform. So I constantly try to divide the world ...

We are uniting the Greeks! Everyone! Over and over ... parties unite all Greeks with the steady, sure voice of the New Republic. But it gives to those who divide and divide ... We are opening the way for tomorrow! But it gives those who remain stuck in yesterday ... We stabilize the country, and drive forward. But it gives those who want to reroll into chaos.

Our strength is the Greek people, who wants to detach himself, finally, the country from the quagmire. Always wanted. Now begins to believe! For the first time he thinks ...

This is the great power of Greece: To believe in the Greek forces!

And getting his fortunes in his hands. To overcome fatalism. To overcome the "not made here such things."Everything can be done in Greece! All we can do. Enough to believe in ourselves and to remain united.

And now we are very close to achieving the leap into tomorrow. Already today, the leading power, the GOP won once again ranked first in student elections. By far ... And sends a message to the 18 to 25 and the May. The GOP once again lies ahead. Although hooded hordes came and did again in two three schools. They stole the polls, beat and sent to hospital teachers. Only now are individual episodes sporadically. Where was the old regime to all campuses. So perhaps, to remind us of the nightmare they represent. And we finally - to champion our youth - finally leave behind.

We ask the Greek people to believe in himself, to stay united and give us the strength to make the leap into tomorrow.

Already yesterday we announced the most sweeping constitutional reform ever made in Greece over the past decades. To make our country a modern democratic state, by modern European standards. Next week, we announce our development plan. For the first time our country will gain a comprehensive plan for development in all sectors, to give opportunities to all Greeks, to produce prosperity for all. Without statism, without bureaucracy, without watertight and intermediaries ... Never before has there been such a comprehensive plan for the regeneration of the country - and development and state. Already we reform an entire cosmogony. And conclude with the true transformation of Greece. We ask the Greek people to give us the strength to make it happen.

This is the most critical time in decades for our country. After so many sacrifices, tomorrow is in our hands.Tomorrow, the dream can become reality. No illusions. Not the obsessions that led to nightmares. No permanent lie.No misery. No strategy instability ...

The dream of a modern European Greece. The dream of a strong and competitive Greece. The dream of a democratic state, with modern institutions. The dream of economic development with social cohesion. The dream of a society that provides opportunities for creative Greeks and releases the enormous productive potential of its people.

This dream is in our hands. Ask people to give us the strength to make it happen. We owe it to our history, we owe it to ourselves, we owe it to our children. Request with arguments, with optimism, looking people in the eye.

Looking ahead, when others only looking back. And the people he knows, hears, understands ...

And to be sure, the match, we will respond!

Thank you very much

Τετάρτη 7 Μαΐου 2014

YOU LOOKING FOR TWO Marc Márquez’s 100th GP

Marc Márquez’s 100th GP
By Joseph Caron Dawe on 6 May 2014 in MotoGP

Marked with another win in Jerez, documents the World Champion’s achievement in photos.

Rossi gives it a go up the inside

Rossi gives it a go up the inside

Valentino Rossi got in front of Márquez at Dry Sack on lap one of the race, desperate not to let the World Champion get away. The Doctor couldn't hold his rival up for long though...© Repsol Media Service

GoogleMárquez makes like the wind

Márquez makes like the wind

The MotoGP World Champion was back in front before the opening lap had even finished, and by lap four was 1.5s ahead of the rest. Rossi, Jorge Lorenzo and Dani Pedrosa were left to fight for the remaining podium spots.© GEPA / Gold & Goose

GoogleGet the champagne on ice

Get the champagne on ice

Cruising across the line for his fourth straight win of the season, all from pole position, Márquez has a 100 percent record in 2014. The last rider to win the opening four rounds of a season was Mick Doohan in 1992.© GEPA / Gold & Goose

On top of the world

On top of the world

A pumped Jerez crowd appreciated Márquez's masterclass and he acknowledged their support on the warm down lap. With his victory at Jerez, Márquez has now won in at least one category at every track on the calendar.© GEPA / Gold & Goose

GoogleFour from four

Four from four

With four wins from four poles so far in 2014, Márquez has a maximum points haul of 100, and is already 28 ahead of closest rival and Repsol Honda team-mate Dani Pedrosa.© Repsol Media Service

GoogleSmiles all round: Rossi, Márquez and Pedrosa

Smiles all round: Rossi, Márquez and Pedrosa

Rossi, Márquez and Pedrosa celebrate on the podium. Pedrosa's 87th rostrum finish in the MotoGP class brought him level with legend Giacomo Agostini.© Repsol Media Service

GoogleKeeping the boss happy!

Keeping the boss happy!

Márquez shares a laugh with HRC Vice President Shuhei Nakamoto, whose decision to replace the retiring Casey Stoner with the rookie for the 2013 season continues to pay off handsomely.© GEPA / Gold & Goose

GoogleAnd that’s how you mark 100

And that’s how you mark 100

Márquez has won 36 of his 100 career GPs to date, and finished on the podium in an incredible 59 of those. He has three World Championship titles to his name, in the 125cc, Moto2 and MotoGP classes too.

S0 News May 7, 2014: Severe Warnings, Major Sunspots

Τρίτη 6 Μαΐου 2014

Boko Haram: Who are the radicals kidnapping Nigeria's schoolgirls? - last updated Tue 6 May 2014

Boko Haram: Who are the radicals kidnapping Nigeria's schoolgirls?

A wanted poster for Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau shown in May 2013.
A wanted poster for Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau shown in May 2013. Photo: Reuters
Islamist militant group Boko Haram has attracted global attention after claiming responsibility for the kidnap of more than 200 schoolgirls in north-eastern Nigeria.
What is Boko Haram?
Boko Haram - the rough translation of which is "western education is sin" - was founded in north-eastern Nigeria in 2002, by radical cleric Mohammed Yusuf.
The aim of the organisation is to make the country a fully Islamic state, with criminal courts governed by sharia law.
Initially the group was not known to be violent - instead opting to publicly criticise Muslims who participating in "western norms" such as voting and secular education.
Boko Haram were accused of brutal highway attacks on Nigerian drivers.
Boko Haram were accused of brutal highway attacks on Nigerian drivers. Credit: Reuters
Opposition turns violent
However, from 2009, Boko Haram became more active in its attempts to overthrow the government, amid increasing clashes between Muslims and Christians in the country and accusations of state-sponsored brutality.
The first major bloodshed involving the sect was seen in a series of clashes with Nigerian security forces in northern states.
Estimates suggest these clashes resulted in at least 800 deaths - including that of Yusuf, the group's leader, whose execution in police custody was televised.
Boko Haram released a chilling video claiming it planned to sell the missing schoolgirls.
Boko Haram released a chilling video claiming it planned to sell the missing schoolgirls. Credit: AFP
Rise in attacks on civilians
Since then the group, under the new leadership of Abubakar Shekau, has been associated with increasingly frequent, high-profile attacks.
In September 2010, an attack on a prison led to hundreds of convicts escaping, including an estimated 150 Boko Haram members.
Just under two years later, the group bombed UN offices in the capital, Abuja, killing 23 people.
A demonstrator after the recent kidnapping of more than 200 schoolgirls.
A demonstrator after the recent kidnapping of more than 200 schoolgirls. Credit: Reuters
'58 attacks since January'
Amnesty International told ITV News that their latest estimates indicate suspected Boko Haram members have carried out at least 58 attacks between January and the end of April this year alone.
Violence against civilians has grown in the lead up to the recent abduction of teenage girls, with the group accused of brutally murdering drivers on Nigeria's highways and killing more than 70 people in a recent bomb attack on a bus station.
Two boys stand near the charred chassis of a vehicle after a bomb attack in Maidugur.
Two boys stand near the charred chassis of a vehicle after a bomb attack in Maidugur. Credit: Reuters
State of emergency
The sharp rise in civilian bloodshed has prompted an attempted crackdown by the Nigerian government - itself accused of allowing the torture and killing of thousands in custody since the violence began.
A state of emergency was declared in three north-eastern states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe in May last year, though Amnesty says this has done nothing to reduce the violence in the region.

Schoolgirl describes dramatic escape from kidnappers

A Nigerian girl who escaped capture by Boko Haram has described how gunmen from the terror group told her "don't worry, we're soldiers" before kidnapping her and more than 200 of her fellow pupils.
Speaking to the Associated Press news agency, the 16-year-old said the gunmen claimed "we're not going to harm you", before gathering hundreds of children outside the school and setting fire to part of the building.
Four female students of Chibok pictured with their families after being abducted.
Four female students of Chibok pictured with their families after being abducted. Credit: Haruna Umar/AP
After all the students were herded into pickup trucks and driven away, the girl and her friend managed to escape when the car of fighters behind them broke down.
The girls "ran and ran so fast" before clinging to nearby bushes and waiting for the vehicles to pass.

    Eventually they were spotted by a man on a bicycle who accompanied them home.

    Nigerian protesters 'molested, arrested and intimidated'

    A woman protesting the abduction of more than 200 schoolgirls in Nigeria claims demonstrators in the country often face arrest, molestation and intimidation.
    "No amount of intimidation can stop a true Nigerian who believes in humanity," she told the Reuters news agency during a march in the capital, Abuja.


    Το μελον ειναι εδω.Αυτο θα ειναι το πρωτο ιπταμενο ηλεκτρικο αυτοκινητο που θα κυκλοφορηση για το ευρη κοινο.Λεγετε οτι θα κοστιζη γυρω στις τριακοσιες χιλιαδες δολαρια,θα φορτιζετε και θα μπορη να πεταη γυρω στα 850 χιλιομετρα.Πλεονεκτημα του ειναι οτι θα μπορει να απογειωνεται και να προσγειωνετε καθετα,γεγονος που θα σας κανη να αποφευγετε το μποτιλιαρισμα.
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    The TF-X™

     TF-X will fit in a single car garage.  But you may want to leave it where the neighbors can see it.  TF-X provides vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) capability with highly reliable electric motors and custom-made quiet rotors to get you closer to your destination.  TF-X gets its power in forward flight from a powerful turbine engine.  Get to your destination quickly, safely, and easily.
    TF-X™ is the practical realization of the dream of countless visions of the future; it is designed to be the flying car for all of us.  In order to achieve this long-sought-after vision, Terrafugia will focus the TF-X™ program with clear goals that enhance the safety, simplicity, and convenience of personal transportation.  We believe these goals are achievable today.

    TF-XTM Goals:

    • Operating a TF-X™ vehicle should be statistically safer than driving a modern automobile.
    • TF-X™ vehicles will be capable of automatically avoiding other air traffic, bad weather, and restricted and tower-controlled airspace.
    • TF-X™ will have a backup full-vehicle parachute system which can be activated by the operator in an emergency if the operator believes the TF-X™ to be incapable of auto-landing.
    • If a TF-X™ operator declares an emergency (which will automatically notify authorities of the situation), the TF-X™ can be landed in non-approved landing zones.
    • If the operator becomes unresponsive, TF-X™ would automatically implement an emergency auto-land at the nearest airport.


    • Learning how to safely operate a TF-X™ vehicle should take an average driver no more than five hours.
    • TF-X™ will give the operator significant freedom in flight – controlled in a manner similar to steering a car.
    • TF-X™ will be able to fly in either "manual" or "automatic" modes between approved landing zones or airports.


    • TF-X™ will carry four people in car-like comfort.
    • TF-X™ will have a non-stop flight range of at least 500 miles.
    • TF-X™ will fit into a standard construction single car garage.
    • TF-X™ will be able to takeoff vertically from a level clearing of at least 100ft in diameter.
    • TF-X™ will be able to drive on roads and highways – providing true door-to-door convenience and an automotive level of weather insensitivity.
    In order to facilitate the achievement of this new dimension of personal freedom, the TF-X™ will be priced as low as possible while still allowing Terrafugia to grow to support our customers.  The final pricing will not be set until we are much closer to delivery.  The biggest price driver is the cost of production.  It is likely that TF-X™ will be more expensive than a “normal car” due to the higher costs of the enabling light-weight materials, but with investment in automotive scale production, early studies indicate that it is possible that the final price point could be on-par with very high-end luxury cars of today.  As demand increases, new materials and manufacturing processes will surely be developed and the price may come down further in the distant future.

    Vision of TF-X™ Technical Operations:

    • TF-X™ is a fixed wing street-legal aircraft with electric ground drive and electric power assist on takeoff and landing.
    • TF-X™ will be able to recharge its batteries either from its engine or by plugging in to electric car charging stations.
    • TF-X™ will be capable of “auto-landing” at approved landing sites within approved weather limits.
    • Prior to departure, the operator selects a primary target landing zone and backup landing zones.  If the TF-X™ calculates insufficient energy on board to conduct last minute aborts at the first two sites and safely navigate to and land at the third within a 30 minute reserve, or if the forecast weather in any of the three landing zones would be outside the allowable limits, or if any of the selected landing zones are in temporarily restricted airspace (TFRs), departure will not be allowed until appropriate landing zones are selected.
    • If manual operation (sightseeing) or changing weather causes the second backup landing zone to fall outside the range of the limits, the operator will be notified and prompted to select new landing zones within the new restrictions.
    • The TF-X™ operator will have final say over whether an approved landing zone is actually a safe place in which to land, and they may abort the landing attempt at any time.
    • Aborting the third landing at the end of an extended flight would result in the automatic declaration of an emergency and a horizontal (airplane-like) landing at the nearest airport.
    • Normal TF-X™ operations will be conducted only in non-tower controlled airspace (Class E and G) and on the ground.  Operators who wish to operate in tower controlled airspace (Class B, C, or D) can get additional training.
    • Licensed TF-X™ operators will be allowed to apply to add new landing zones to an approved landing zone database.
    • TF-X™ will advise the operator if they are approaching restricted or tower-controlled airspace, or unnecessarily increasing the risk to human life (as could happen through carelessness, bad intentions, or if the operator becomes incapacitated).  If the operator does not take the appropriate corrective action, the TF-X™ vehicle will automatically notify authorities by “declaring an emergency” on behalf of the operator.
    Development of TF-X™ is expected to last 8-12 years.  If you wish to be one of the first to own a TF-X™ vehicle, consider reserving a Transition® today.  The Transition® will be delivered long before the TF-X™ is ready, and as loyal Terrafugia customers, Transition® buyers will be given the option to purchase TF-X™ vehicles before the rest of the public.  The knowledge and experience you gain as a Transition® owner will help prepare you for TF-X™, and your feedback on our first product will help us craft the second. 
    Become a part of the Terrafugia transportation revolution today!
    - See more at:

    Δευτέρα 5 Μαΐου 2014

    Rocky Mountain Sherpa Reisemountainbike-Konzept und Blizzard Fatbike [Riva 2014]

    Στο περίπτερο της Rocky Mountain Bikes για να ανακαλύψετε υπήρχαν δύο σημαντικά σημεία: Πρώτον, η ήδη παρουσίασε πρόσφατα εδώ Fatbike "Blizzard", από την άλλη πλευρά, το ποδήλατο έννοιας "Sherpa". Ενώ η Blizzard θα πρέπει να είναι διαθέσιμα σύντομα, είναι η Sherpa προς το παρόν μόνο μια Konzeptrad που θα προκαλέσει αντιδράσεις.

    # 1  Rocky Mountain έκπληξη στη λίμνη Garda με ένα συναρπαστικό Konzeptrad: Η Sherpa


    Όταν Blizzard είναι τρεις ιδιότητες κάνουν τη διαφορά:
    1. Η γεωμετρία πλαίσιο σχεδιασμένο για να πιρούνι ανάρτησης, η οποία δεν απέχει πολύ από το πρότυπο της Fatbikes.
    2. Το ακόμα μάλλον χαμηλό βάρος: Στη σειρά θέλει να το ωθήσει προς την κατεύθυνση του 14 kg, η οποία δεν θα είναι μια κακή τιμή.
    3. Η μετάφραση που είναι σταθερά προσανατολισμένη στην Fatbike εφαρμογές: Ένας δακτύλιος της αλυσίδας 24 δόντια, μέχρι 10 φορές. Για υψηλές ταχύτητες θα επιτευχθεί μάλλον σπάνια στην προβλεπόμενη χρήση.
    Big Απόδοση: Η Rocky Mountain Blizzard με Bluto πιρούνι εμπρός, ...

    # 2 Big Επιδόσεις: Η Rocky Mountain Blizzard με Bluto πιρούνι εμπρός, ...

    Και ... 197 χιλιοστά ανάρτηση στο πίσω μέρος.

    # 3 ... και 197 χιλιοστά ανάρτηση στο πίσω μέρος.

    # 4 Η προαιρετική τσάντα φέρνει αξεσουάρ για την περιπέτεια κάτω από το πλαίσιο.

    Η βάση στην τσάντα πλαίσιο λαμβάνει υπόψη το γεγονός ότι Fatbike εκδρομές τείνουν να είναι περιπέτεια. Ένα μικρό κομμάτι του πρόσθετου εξοπλισμού, που είναι μέρος του να πάρει πραγματικά αυτό, ακόμη και αν σπάσει χωρίς το σακίδιο. Ιδιαίτερα εντυπωσιακό, αλλά βρήκαμε ειδικά το άγριο βλέμμα της Bluto πιρούνι και 197 mm πίσω, τρίγωνο!

    Rocky Mountain Sherpa

    "Unique" περιγράφει το ποδήλατο έννοιας "Sherpa" μάλλον η καλύτερη. Ο τροχός ορίζει ένα μέτρο δεν είναι πραγματικά υπάρχουσα γκάμα της εφαρμογής, ακόμη και αν η παραγωγή παραμένει στα αστέρια, μας αρέσει η προσέγγιση: Κατ 'αναλογία με το ομώνυμο, το Sherpa είναι ίσως να ονομάζεται alpinistically έμπειρους βαρέων φορτίων. Λιγότερο θλιβερό θα ήταν ο όρος «ταξίδι mountain bike".

    # 5 Ένα ορειβατικό ποδήλατο με κοφίνια είναι αρκετά σπάνιο, αλλά η Sherpa είναι μερικές ασυνήθιστες λύσεις που πρέπει να βρεθούν.

    # 6 θύρα USB κάτω από το καπάκι - πρακτικό για τους ποδηλάτες

    # 7 Οι τσάντες που προορίζονται ως ένα λειτουργικό μοντέλο, αλλά φαίνονται αρκετά πρακτικά.

    # 8 Όταν η ζωγραφική που αρχικά ανέμεναν καμία Rocky Mountain - αλλά είναι πάντα chic

    # 9 ήταν αν σκεφτεί για την ανάπτυξη της ένα ταξίδι ποδηλασία μέσα από το Νεπάλ;

    # 10 Fat Tire, αποσκευών, και την αναστολή

    # 11 στο τιμόνι και τη θέση του καθίσματος πρέπει να είναι περίπου 30 λίτρα του χώρου.

    # 12 Περιμένετε: Ακόμη και με τα ελαστικά είναι κάτι διαφορετικό από το συνηθισμένο:

    # 13 Ενώ η έλλειψη ντεραγιέ δεν μπορεί να πάει έσπασε, εξοικονόμηση βάρους.

    # 14 Μια ελάχιστη προστασία ψεκασμού που χορηγήθηκε στο φτερό στο πιρούνι ...

    Η καταλληλότητα ως ένα ποδήλατο touring υποστηρίζεται από το τοποθετημένο στο τιμόνι και σέλα, ειδικά σακούλες αποσκευές, καθώς και να χρεώνονται από την τοποθετημένη στο πρόσθιο δυναμό πλήμνης τροχού με διασύνδεση USB στο καπάκι με το GPS ή προβολέα. Οι Semifat ελαστικά με διαστάσεις 27,5 Χ 2,8 "σε μήκος 50 χιλιοστομέτρων ζάντες και το δαχτυλίδι 42T γιαγιά μιλήσει για τον πίσω τροχό που φτωχών δρόμους και απότομους λόφους μπορούν να αντιμετωπιστούν με την Sherpa. Στη συνέχεια απελευθέρωσε τις σακούλες ποδήλατο, έτσι μπορείτε να πάρετε μια πλήρη αναστολή ποδήλατο βουνού με το οποίο μπορείτε να έχετε τη διασκέδαση στην ημερήσια εκδρομή από την κατασκήνωση βάσης τακτοποιημένο.

    # 15 ... το δυναμό powered θύρα USB

    # 16 πετάλια θα είναι πρότυπο για τους περισσότερους ταξιδιώτες ποδήλατο

    # 17 Καλώ το νέο μέτρο απλώς φορές Ημι-Fat - επίσης, υπάρχει μια καθαρή ιδέα

    # 18 Όμορφα γίνονται πρότυπα

    Τι νομίζετε ότι της έννοιας αυτής; Λείπει κάτι στο υπόγειό σας; Θα ήθελα να δοκιμάσετε μια τέτοια τροχό, καλύτερα, για παράδειγμα, στην Ισλανδία.

    Κυριακή 4 Μαΐου 2014


    Richat δομή, τη Μαυριτανία
    Ένα γιγαντιαίο, γεωλογικό θαύμα στην έρημο Σαχάρα της Μαυριτανίας απεικονίζεται σε αυτή την δορυφορική εικόνα.
    Η 40 χιλιομέτρων διαμέτρου κυκλική Richat δομή είναι ένα από τα γεωλογικά χαρακτηριστικά που είναι πιο εύκολο να παρατηρήσουμε από το διάστημα από ό, τι από κάτω στο έδαφος, και έχει ένα γνωστό ορόσημο για τους αστροναύτες από τις πρώτες αποστολές.
    Μόλις πιστεύεται ότι είναι το αποτέλεσμα μιας σύγκρουση μετεωρίτη, οι ερευνητές πιστεύουν τώρα ότι προκλήθηκε από ένα μεγάλο θόλο του λιωμένου βράχου ανάτασης και, μία φορά στην επιφάνεια, που διαμορφώνεται από τον άνεμο και το νερό σε ό, τι βλέπουμε σήμερα.Ομόκεντρες ζώνες με ανθεκτικά πετρώματα χαλαζίτη σχηματίζουν κορυφογραμμές, κοιλάδες των λιγότερο ανθεκτικών βράχο μεταξύ τους.
    Η σκοτεινή περιοχή στα αριστερά είναι μέρος του οροπεδίου Adrar ιζηματογενούς πετρώματος στέκεται περίπου 200 m πάνω από τα γύρω άμμο της ερήμου. Μια μεγάλη περιοχή που καλύπτεται από αμμόλοφους - ονομάζεται erg - μπορεί να δει κανείς στο κάτω δεξιό μέρος της εικόνας, και η άμμος καταπατά στη νότια πλευρά του κτιρίου.
    Εστιάζοντας στη νότια πλευρά της στόχαστρο, μπορούμε να δούμε μεμονωμένα δέντρα και θάμνοι ως μικρές κουκκίδες. Αυτά ακολουθούν μια δομή που μοιάζει με ποτάμι που φαίνεται να έχουν ξηρό, όταν αποκτήθηκε αυτή η εικόνα, λίγες εβδομάδες μετά την περίοδο των βροχών. Ορισμένες περιοχές στα νότια και ανατολικά της Richat φαίνεται να καλυφθούν με προσωρινές λίμνες, οι οποίες είναι ξηρό για το μεγαλύτερο μέρος του έτους.
    Αυτή η εικόνα, χαρακτηρίστηκε επίσης στηνΓη από το τηλεοπτικό πρόγραμμα Space, αποκτήθηκε στις 23 Νοεμβρίου 2010 από την Ειδική Ορατό και Near Infrared Radiometer εκ μέρους της Ιαπωνίας ALOS δορυφόρο. 
    Credits: JAXA / ESA