Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Δευτέρα 5 Μαΐου 2014

Rocky Mountain Sherpa Reisemountainbike-Konzept und Blizzard Fatbike [Riva 2014]

Στο περίπτερο της Rocky Mountain Bikes για να ανακαλύψετε υπήρχαν δύο σημαντικά σημεία: Πρώτον, η ήδη παρουσίασε πρόσφατα εδώ Fatbike "Blizzard", από την άλλη πλευρά, το ποδήλατο έννοιας "Sherpa". Ενώ η Blizzard θα πρέπει να είναι διαθέσιμα σύντομα, είναι η Sherpa προς το παρόν μόνο μια Konzeptrad που θα προκαλέσει αντιδράσεις.

# 1  Rocky Mountain έκπληξη στη λίμνη Garda με ένα συναρπαστικό Konzeptrad: Η Sherpa


Όταν Blizzard είναι τρεις ιδιότητες κάνουν τη διαφορά:
  1. Η γεωμετρία πλαίσιο σχεδιασμένο για να πιρούνι ανάρτησης, η οποία δεν απέχει πολύ από το πρότυπο της Fatbikes.
  2. Το ακόμα μάλλον χαμηλό βάρος: Στη σειρά θέλει να το ωθήσει προς την κατεύθυνση του 14 kg, η οποία δεν θα είναι μια κακή τιμή.
  3. Η μετάφραση που είναι σταθερά προσανατολισμένη στην Fatbike εφαρμογές: Ένας δακτύλιος της αλυσίδας 24 δόντια, μέχρι 10 φορές. Για υψηλές ταχύτητες θα επιτευχθεί μάλλον σπάνια στην προβλεπόμενη χρήση.
Big Απόδοση: Η Rocky Mountain Blizzard με Bluto πιρούνι εμπρός, ...

# 2 Big Επιδόσεις: Η Rocky Mountain Blizzard με Bluto πιρούνι εμπρός, ...

Και ... 197 χιλιοστά ανάρτηση στο πίσω μέρος.

# 3 ... και 197 χιλιοστά ανάρτηση στο πίσω μέρος.

# 4 Η προαιρετική τσάντα φέρνει αξεσουάρ για την περιπέτεια κάτω από το πλαίσιο.

Η βάση στην τσάντα πλαίσιο λαμβάνει υπόψη το γεγονός ότι Fatbike εκδρομές τείνουν να είναι περιπέτεια. Ένα μικρό κομμάτι του πρόσθετου εξοπλισμού, που είναι μέρος του να πάρει πραγματικά αυτό, ακόμη και αν σπάσει χωρίς το σακίδιο. Ιδιαίτερα εντυπωσιακό, αλλά βρήκαμε ειδικά το άγριο βλέμμα της Bluto πιρούνι και 197 mm πίσω, τρίγωνο!

Rocky Mountain Sherpa

"Unique" περιγράφει το ποδήλατο έννοιας "Sherpa" μάλλον η καλύτερη. Ο τροχός ορίζει ένα μέτρο δεν είναι πραγματικά υπάρχουσα γκάμα της εφαρμογής, ακόμη και αν η παραγωγή παραμένει στα αστέρια, μας αρέσει η προσέγγιση: Κατ 'αναλογία με το ομώνυμο, το Sherpa είναι ίσως να ονομάζεται alpinistically έμπειρους βαρέων φορτίων. Λιγότερο θλιβερό θα ήταν ο όρος «ταξίδι mountain bike".

# 5 Ένα ορειβατικό ποδήλατο με κοφίνια είναι αρκετά σπάνιο, αλλά η Sherpa είναι μερικές ασυνήθιστες λύσεις που πρέπει να βρεθούν.

# 6 θύρα USB κάτω από το καπάκι - πρακτικό για τους ποδηλάτες

# 7 Οι τσάντες που προορίζονται ως ένα λειτουργικό μοντέλο, αλλά φαίνονται αρκετά πρακτικά.

# 8 Όταν η ζωγραφική που αρχικά ανέμεναν καμία Rocky Mountain - αλλά είναι πάντα chic

# 9 ήταν αν σκεφτεί για την ανάπτυξη της ένα ταξίδι ποδηλασία μέσα από το Νεπάλ;

# 10 Fat Tire, αποσκευών, και την αναστολή

# 11 στο τιμόνι και τη θέση του καθίσματος πρέπει να είναι περίπου 30 λίτρα του χώρου.

# 12 Περιμένετε: Ακόμη και με τα ελαστικά είναι κάτι διαφορετικό από το συνηθισμένο:

# 13 Ενώ η έλλειψη ντεραγιέ δεν μπορεί να πάει έσπασε, εξοικονόμηση βάρους.

# 14 Μια ελάχιστη προστασία ψεκασμού που χορηγήθηκε στο φτερό στο πιρούνι ...

Η καταλληλότητα ως ένα ποδήλατο touring υποστηρίζεται από το τοποθετημένο στο τιμόνι και σέλα, ειδικά σακούλες αποσκευές, καθώς και να χρεώνονται από την τοποθετημένη στο πρόσθιο δυναμό πλήμνης τροχού με διασύνδεση USB στο καπάκι με το GPS ή προβολέα. Οι Semifat ελαστικά με διαστάσεις 27,5 Χ 2,8 "σε μήκος 50 χιλιοστομέτρων ζάντες και το δαχτυλίδι 42T γιαγιά μιλήσει για τον πίσω τροχό που φτωχών δρόμους και απότομους λόφους μπορούν να αντιμετωπιστούν με την Sherpa. Στη συνέχεια απελευθέρωσε τις σακούλες ποδήλατο, έτσι μπορείτε να πάρετε μια πλήρη αναστολή ποδήλατο βουνού με το οποίο μπορείτε να έχετε τη διασκέδαση στην ημερήσια εκδρομή από την κατασκήνωση βάσης τακτοποιημένο.

# 15 ... το δυναμό powered θύρα USB

# 16 πετάλια θα είναι πρότυπο για τους περισσότερους ταξιδιώτες ποδήλατο

# 17 Καλώ το νέο μέτρο απλώς φορές Ημι-Fat - επίσης, υπάρχει μια καθαρή ιδέα

# 18 Όμορφα γίνονται πρότυπα

Τι νομίζετε ότι της έννοιας αυτής; Λείπει κάτι στο υπόγειό σας; Θα ήθελα να δοκιμάσετε μια τέτοια τροχό, καλύτερα, για παράδειγμα, στην Ισλανδία.

Κυριακή 4 Μαΐου 2014


Richat δομή, τη Μαυριτανία
Ένα γιγαντιαίο, γεωλογικό θαύμα στην έρημο Σαχάρα της Μαυριτανίας απεικονίζεται σε αυτή την δορυφορική εικόνα.
Η 40 χιλιομέτρων διαμέτρου κυκλική Richat δομή είναι ένα από τα γεωλογικά χαρακτηριστικά που είναι πιο εύκολο να παρατηρήσουμε από το διάστημα από ό, τι από κάτω στο έδαφος, και έχει ένα γνωστό ορόσημο για τους αστροναύτες από τις πρώτες αποστολές.
Μόλις πιστεύεται ότι είναι το αποτέλεσμα μιας σύγκρουση μετεωρίτη, οι ερευνητές πιστεύουν τώρα ότι προκλήθηκε από ένα μεγάλο θόλο του λιωμένου βράχου ανάτασης και, μία φορά στην επιφάνεια, που διαμορφώνεται από τον άνεμο και το νερό σε ό, τι βλέπουμε σήμερα.Ομόκεντρες ζώνες με ανθεκτικά πετρώματα χαλαζίτη σχηματίζουν κορυφογραμμές, κοιλάδες των λιγότερο ανθεκτικών βράχο μεταξύ τους.
Η σκοτεινή περιοχή στα αριστερά είναι μέρος του οροπεδίου Adrar ιζηματογενούς πετρώματος στέκεται περίπου 200 m πάνω από τα γύρω άμμο της ερήμου. Μια μεγάλη περιοχή που καλύπτεται από αμμόλοφους - ονομάζεται erg - μπορεί να δει κανείς στο κάτω δεξιό μέρος της εικόνας, και η άμμος καταπατά στη νότια πλευρά του κτιρίου.
Εστιάζοντας στη νότια πλευρά της στόχαστρο, μπορούμε να δούμε μεμονωμένα δέντρα και θάμνοι ως μικρές κουκκίδες. Αυτά ακολουθούν μια δομή που μοιάζει με ποτάμι που φαίνεται να έχουν ξηρό, όταν αποκτήθηκε αυτή η εικόνα, λίγες εβδομάδες μετά την περίοδο των βροχών. Ορισμένες περιοχές στα νότια και ανατολικά της Richat φαίνεται να καλυφθούν με προσωρινές λίμνες, οι οποίες είναι ξηρό για το μεγαλύτερο μέρος του έτους.
Αυτή η εικόνα, χαρακτηρίστηκε επίσης στηνΓη από το τηλεοπτικό πρόγραμμα Space, αποκτήθηκε στις 23 Νοεμβρίου 2010 από την Ειδική Ορατό και Near Infrared Radiometer εκ μέρους της Ιαπωνίας ALOS δορυφόρο. 
Credits: JAXA / ESA

Σάββατο 3 Μαΐου 2014

Odessa slaughter: How vicious mob burnt Ukraine anti-govt activists alive (GRAPHIC IMAGES)

Odessa slaughter: How vicious mob burnt Ukraine anti-govt activists alive (GRAPHIC IMAGES)

Published time: May 03, 2014 12:32
A protester throws a petrol bomb at the trade union building in Odessa May 2, 2014. (Reuters/Yevgeny Volokin)
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Dozens of people died in flames in Odessa, when radicals set ablaze the local House of Trade Unions with anti-government protesters blocked inside. The city is now in mourning for those who died, suffocated in smoke or had to jump out of windows.
What triggered the tragedy were violent clashes, which erupted on Friday afternoon between two rival rallies in Ukraine's port-city of Odessa.

Around 1,500 supporters of the Kiev authorities, accompanied by aggressive fans of the local football club, Chernomorets, tried to march through the center of the city chanting “Glory to Ukraine,” “Death to enemies,” “Knife the Moskals [derogatory for Russians].” Some of the people in the group were wearing ultra-nationalist Right Sector movement insignia, were armed with chains and bats and carried shields.
Several hundred anti-government activists eventually confronted the procession. Fighting broke out as a result, with members of the rival groups throwing stones, Molotov cocktails and smoke grenades at each other and at police. The pavements were spattered with blood.
The police failed to draw the rival groups apart. As a result, 4 people were killed and 37 wounded in the violence. Police were among the injured.
This still grabbed on TV images released by INTER, shows a man covering the bloodied body of a man with an Ukrainian flag during a demonstration on May 2, 2014 in Odessa. (AFP/Inter)
This still grabbed on TV images released by INTER, shows a man covering the bloodied body of a man with an Ukrainian flag during a demonstration on May 2, 2014 in Odessa. (AFP/Inter)

Ukrainian police help an injured colleague during clashes between pro-Russian activists and supporters of the Kiev government in the streets of Odessa May 2, 2014. (Reuters/Yevgeny Volokin)
Ukrainian police help an injured colleague during clashes between pro-Russian activists and supporters of the Kiev government in the streets of Odessa May 2, 2014. (Reuters/Yevgeny Volokin)

Street clashes appeared to be only the beginning of the Odessa Friday nightmare, as radicals started to drive anti-government activists back to their tent camp in front of the local House of Trade Unions. Many anti-Kiev protesters eventually hid inside the building.
Women and children were hiding in the Trade Union’s building,” an eye-witness told RT. “First the armed men set fire to tents, then they started throwing Molotov cocktails and grenades at the building. We heard shots fired and saw smoke,” she added.
The first floor of the Trade Unions building was soon engulfed in flames. The people inside appeared to be trapped.
Dozens eventually burnt alive or suffocated to death. To escape the fire and smoke, people were hanging out of windows and sitting on windowsills. In sheer desperation, some of them eventually jumped to the ground.
People wait to be rescued on the second storey's ledge during a fire at the trade union building in Odessa May 2, 2014. (Reuters/Yevgeny Volokin)
People wait to be rescued on the second storey's ledge during a fire at the trade union building in Odessa May 2, 2014. (Reuters/Yevgeny Volokin)

People wait to be rescued on upper storeys at the trade union building in Odessa May 2, 2014. (Reuters/Yevgeny Volokin)
People wait to be rescued on upper storeys at the trade union building in Odessa May 2, 2014. (Reuters/Yevgeny Volokin)

Many of those who managed to escape the fire were then brutally beaten by armed men, believed to be from the ultra-nationalist Right Sector group, who had the building under siege.

As people were dying in the burning building, some of the pro-Kiev activists jeered on Twitter that “Colorado beetles are being roasted up in Odessa,” using a derogatory term for pro-Russian activists wearing St. George’s ribbons.
Video stills from ustream channel opposition-ru
Video stills from ustream channel opposition-ru

About 50 people got to the roof of the burning building and waited for help there. RT managed to speak to one of them, after they were later rescued by police.

We were hiding there [on the roof] from this angry mob, which forced us inside this building and threw Molotov cocktails and stones at us,” he said. “People were burned alive inside the building, they couldn't get out. We couldn't go down, we were seeing people from other floors being brought down and then those rioters down there attacked them like a pack of wolves. We were escorted from the roof and from the building. We had to step over dead bodies when we were descending the stairs.
A total of 46 people died in Odessa’s violence on Friday and almost 200 others sustained injuries, Odessa Region prosecutor Igor Borshulyak told journalists on Saturday.

39 of the dead lost their lives in the fire at the Odessa Trade Unions House, according to the Ukrainian emergencies agency, which released a statement saying that “31 of the dead were found inside the building, eight more were found outside by law enforcement officers.”
A protester walks past a burning tent camp and a fire in the trade union building in Odessa May 2, 2014. (Reuters/Yevgeny Volokin)
A protester walks past a burning tent camp and a fire in the trade union building in Odessa May 2, 2014. (Reuters/Yevgeny Volokin)

Odessa announced on Saturday a three-day mourning for the victims of the tragedy.

Later, Ukraine’s acting President Aleksandr Turchinov signed a decree signaling two days of national mourning for those who died in the special military operation in eastern Ukraine and in mass clashes in Odessa.

Residents of Odessa have since Saturday morning been laying flowers outside the burnt out Trade Union building.

Russians have been bringing candles to the Ukrainian embassy in Moscow to commemorate the dead in Odessa.
People watch as firefighters work at the burned Trade Union building late on May 2, 2014 in Odessa. (AFP Photo)
People watch as firefighters work at the burned Trade Union building late on May 2, 2014 in Odessa. (AFP Photo)

Παρασκευή 2 Μαΐου 2014

2015 Volvo S60 and V60 Polestar Review

2015 Volvo S60 and V60 Polestar Review

Häckeberga Castle, Sweden -- Volvo is a company on the precipice. The Swedish car company has been searching for a new direction ever since it left the Ford umbrella to become a part of Geely Automotive, a Chinese car company.
It has previewed a new styling direction during this past auto show season with a trio of bold concepts that have got every designer on the planet in a sweat of envy. Later this year, the redesigned Volvo next XC90 crossover, will appear, the first of a slew of products being developed on an all-new architecture.
Of course, it was proving a little difficult to think about this, since we are roaring around the southern tip of Sweden in the 2015 Volvo S60 Polestar and 2015 Volvo V60 Polestar, two high-performance cars that would make even a Swede forget to be sober and sensible for a few moments.

Polestar is a car, not what you think it is

Polestar refers not to a package or trim level but rather to an independent company that has run Volvo racing teams since 1996, and which has just made a race-winning debut in Australian touring car racing. Polestar is a very small operation with about thirty-five employees, but it harbors ambitions of challenging German performance sub brands. It tempted us with a souped up C30 in 2011 that very nearly made production, then teased us with the radical 508-hp 2013 Volvo S60 Concept, which was built in a limited quantity for Volvo fanatics around the globe.
Polestar has been contributing assorted hot rod pieces to special editions of Volvo cars for some time, including engine computer chips, but now it’s serious. The 2015 Volvo S60 Polestar and 2015 Volvo V60 Polestar represent the first production cars from the company. These all-wheel-drive cars look very much the same as the S60 Concept, riding low on twenty-inch wheels and wearing the same Smurf-like shade of blue paint (other colors will be offered).
Both these all-wheel-drive Polestar cars feature Volvo’s turbocharged, inline-6 engine, only it makes 345-hp, some 20 hp more than even the R-design versions of the S60 and V60 that carry Polestar chips in their engine computers. This is a sensible amount, although it doesn’t blow us away. “You’d need 100 horsepower more to impress people at the bar,” admits Polestar managing director Hans Bååth.
The powertrain does impress from the driver’s seat. The formally subdued 3.0-liter inline-six now rumbles through a new exhaust system—a muffler bypass opens above 4000 rpm or whenever the automatic transmission is in sport mode. A prominent whoosh announces the upgraded turbo’s contributions during hard acceleration. The six-speed automatic has been upgraded to provide quicker, sharper shifts in sport mode.
The S60 and V60 Polestar models even incorporate a launch mode. You put your left foot on the brake, right foot to the floor, then left off the brake and off you go to 60 mph in 4.7 seconds (5.0 in the wagon). Bååth coyly points out that drivers will be able to do this as much as they want without voiding their warranties.

So you think you can dance?

Both the S60 Polestar and V60 Polestar ride on not only stiffer springs but also Öhlins high-pressure gas dampers that offer no fewer than ten settings, a level of overkill that would have impressed Tim Allen on “Home Improvement.” Polestar suspects few owners will ever fuss with the adjustments, which must be made manually on the shocks themselves. (On the wagon, you’d actually have to lower the rear shocks from their mounts.) The factory setting calls for halfway between hard and soft, and this suited us just fine on the narrow roads in southern Sweden. The cars felt planted and stable in quick transitions, a real feat considering the curb weights for both sedan and wagon hover around 4000 pounds. Lush fields of yellow flowers blur by, and we strain to see if a Scania truck or tour bus is coming the other way before diving through the next corner. No, this is definitely not what one pictures when hearing the words “Volvo” and “Sweden.”
Polestar also let us loose on the Knutstorp Ring, a small race track that hosts Scandinavian Touring Car Championship. Nevertheless, Baath warned us, “It’s important for us to stress this is not a track day car,” says Bååth. This sandbagging seems to reflect the pride and prejudice of a company that’s still primarily a race team rather than any actual shortcomings in the cars.
The Polestar twins have their steering calibrated to the same specification as the Volvo S60 T6 R-design, but the front suspension has been reinforced with stiffer strut mount bushings and a strut tower brace. This, in combination with more body control from the Öhlins dampers and bigger tires, delivers a satisfyingly immediate response. The ratio is quick enough that you can negotiate a hairpin without shuffling the steering wheel through too many turns. Meanwhile the turbo six delivers 369 lb-ft of torque, so the car rockets away from the slow corners. We’d like more brakes, though, as despite an upgrade to a new brake booster and big front brakes from Brembo, the brake pedal still went soft after a couple laps. (Well, maybe we went deeper into the corners than we should have.)
Turning off stability control activates Polestar’s own programming for the all-wheel-drive system, sending more power to the rear wheels. Stability control will still intervene if a driver loses control, but that would take some doing, as the Michelin Pilot Super Sport tires grip tenaciously. Push hard enough and the V60 will understeer, particularly in sharp turns where it can’t rely on all-wheel-drive trickery to rotate the rear end. Bååth recommends setting the rear dampers firmer and the fronts softer for more neutral handling on a tight road course.

Swedes Are Sober and Sensible

It’s quite an accomplishment that Polestar has turned up the performance heat in the 2015 Volvo S60 Polestar and 2015 Volvo V60 Polestar without ruining the things about them that make them Volvos.
Ride quality doesn’t seem to suffer, even though the progressive-rate springs are dramatically stiffer than stock. Under part throttle, the inline-six proves as smooth and refined as ever. In other words, the S60 and V60 Polestar still feel like Volvos. The vehicles are built on the regular production line to Polestar specification, so they shouldn’t suffer in quality. Of course, the interiors are naturally finished with the usual black suede upholstery and carbon- fiber trim in the cabin, and we’re pretty tired of this cliché, even in a performance car.
We can’t help but be a little disappointed that these Polestar cars aren’t quite up to meeting the BMW M-cars on a level playing field, but we recognize that the Polestar people are right when they point out that Volvo buyers aren’t looking to own a hotrod.
Volvo has not yet announced pricing for the 2015 Volvo S60 Polestar and 2015 Volvo V60 Polestar, but said to expect a 15-20 percent premium over a loaded version of the S60 T6 R-design and V60 T6 R-design. Production of these cars will be very limited at first. Only 120 Polestar cars will make it to the United States, and most of these will be wagons.
The good news is, as Volvo ramps up its product onslaught, we can expect to see more from Polestar. “My friends are already working on a ’16 model,” Bååth tells us.


Base price$57,500 (est)
Engine:3.0-liter turbocharged I-6
Power:345 hp
Torque:369 lb-ft
Transmission:6-speed automatic
Fuel Economy:18/27 (city/highway) (est)

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