Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Τρίτη 5 Ιανουαρίου 2016

Κομισιόν: Η πρόταση για το ασφαλιστικό αξιολογείται

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 5 Ιαν 2016
Η πρόταση της ελληνικής κυβέρνησης για τη μεταρρύθμιση του ασφαλιστικού βρίσκεται στη διάθεση των θεσμών από χθες το βράδυ και αξιολογείται, δήλωσε σήμερα το μεσημέρι, ο εκπρόσωπος της Κομισιόν, Μαργαρίτης Σχοινάς.

culture--Schloss Linderhof, Bavaria, Germany

Linderhof Palace (GermanSchloss Linderhof) is a Schloss in Germany, in southwest Bavaria nearEttal Abbey. It is the smallest of the three palaces built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria and the only one which he lived to see completed.

Development of the building
Ludwig already knew the area around Linderhof from his youth when he had accompanied his father King Maximilian II of Bavaria on his hunting trips in the Bavarian Alps. When Ludwig II became king in 1864 he inherited the so-called Königshäuschen from his father, and in 1869 began enlarging the building. In 1874 he decided to tear down the Königshäuschen and rebuild it on its present-day location in the park. At the same time three new rooms and the staircase were added to the remaining U-shaped complex, and the previous wooden exterior was clad with stone façades. The building was designed in the style of the second rococo-period. Between 1863 and 1886 a total of 8,460,937 marks was spent constructing Linderhof.[1]

Symbolic background

Although Linderhof is much smaller than Versailles, it is evident that the palace of the French Sun-King Louis XIV (who was an idol for Ludwig) was its inspiration. The staircase, for example, is a reduction of the famous Ambassador's staircase in Versailles, which would be copied in full inHerrenchiemsee. Stylistically, however, the building and its decor take their cues from the mid-18th century Rococo of Louis XV, and the small palace in the Graswang was more directly based on that king's Petit Trianon on the Versailles grounds.[2] The symbol of the sun that can be found everywhere in the decoration of the rooms represents the French notion of absolutism that, for Ludwig, was the perfect incorporation of his ideal of a God-given monarchy with total royal power. Such a monarchy could no longer be realised in Europe in the second half of the nineteenth century. The bedroom was important to the ceremonial life of an absolute monarch; Louis XIV of France used to give his first (lever) and last audience (coucher) of the day in his bedchamber. In imitation of Versailles, the bedroom is the largest chamber of Linderhof Palace. By facing north, however, the Linderhof bedroom inverts the symbolism of its Versailles counterpart, showing Ludwig's self-image as a "Night-King."
The location of the palace near Ettal Abbey again presents another interesting point. Because of its architecture Ludwig saw the church of the monastery as the room where the holy grail was preserved. This fact connects the idea of a baroque palace to the one of a "medieval" castle such asNeuschwanstein and reminds of the operas of Richard Wagner whose patron Ludwig was.

The rooms

Linderhof, in comparison to other palaces, has a rather private atmosphere. In fact, there are only four rooms that have a real function.

Hall of Mirrors

This room was used by the king as some kind of living room. He enjoyed sitting in the niche, sometimes reading there the whole night. Because Ludwig II used to sleep in the daytime and stay awake in the night, the mirrors created an unimaginable effect for him when they reflected the light of the candles a thousand times. The parallel placement of some mirrors evoke the illusion of a never ending avenue.
The middle table has a top with lapis-lazuli, amethyst and chalcedony inlay work and shows the Bavarian coat of arms in glass mosaic.
A carpet made of ostrich plumes.
An ivory candelabra in the alcove with 16 branches.
Two mantelpieces clad with lapis-lazuli and decorated with gilded bronze ornaments.

Eastern and Western Tapestry Chambers

The two tapestry chambers are almost identical and have no specific function. The western one is sometimes called "Music Room" because of the Aeolodion (an instrument combining piano and harmonium) in it. Only the curtains and the coverings on the furniture are real products of the Parisian Gobelin Manufactory. The scenes on the walls are painted on rough canvas in order to imitate real tapestries.

Audience Chamber

The audience chamber is located to the west of the palace and is flanked by the yellow and lilac cabinets. The cabinets were only used as antechambers to the larger rooms. Ludwig II never used this room to hold an audience. This would have been against the private character of Linderhof and the chamber would have been much too small for it. He rather used it as a study where he thought about new building projects. That there is an audience chamber in Linderhof, however, reminds us of the demand of the king on an absolute monarchy.

Dining Room

This room is located to the east and is flanked by the pink and blue cabinets. The pink cabinet, unlike the other cabinets, had a real function. The king used it as a robing room. The dining room is famous for its disappearing dumb-waiter called "Tischlein deck dich". This table was installed so that Ludwig could dine alone here. Yet the staff had to lay the table for at least four persons because it is said that the king used to talk to imaginary people like Louis XV, Mme de Pompadour or Marie Antoinettewhile he was eating. For Ludwig II enjoyed the company of those people and admired them. You can find portraits of them in the cabinets, and scenes of their lives everywhere in the palace's rooms.
Meissen porcelain centrepiece with china flowers.


The model for this room was not Louis XIV's bedchamber in Versailles but the bedroom of the Rich Rooms in Munich Residence. This room was completely rebuilt in 1884 and could not be totally finished until the king's death two years later. The position of the bed itself on steps in the alcove that is closed off by a gilded balustrade gives it the appearance of an altar and thereby glorifies Ludwig II as he slept during the day.

The park

The gardens surrounding Linderhof Palace are considered one of the most beautiful creations of historicist garden design, designed by Court Garden Director Carl von Effner. The park combines formal elements of Baroque style or Italian Renaissance gardens with landscaped sections that are similar to the English garden.

Linderhof's Linden or The Old "Königslinde"

Deriving from the romantic image of animated nature Ludwig was fascinated by trees. For this reason a tall, 300-year-old linden tree was allowed to remain in the formal gardens although disturbing its symmetry. Historic pictures show a seat in it, where Ludwig used to take his "breakfast" at sunset hidden from view amongst the branches. Contrary to common understanding the tree did not give the palace its name. It came from a family called "Linder" that used to cultivate the farm (in German "Hof" = farm) that over centuries had been in the place where now Linderhof palace is.

Formal gardens

The palace is surrounded by formal gardens that are subdivided into five sections that are decorated with allegoric sculptures of the continents, the seasons and the elements:
The northern part is characterized by a cascade of thirty marble steps. The bottom end of the cascade is formed by the Neptune fountain and at the top there is a Music Pavilion.
The centre of the western parterre is formed by basin with the gilt figure of "Fama". In the west there is a pavilion with the bust of Louis XIV. In front of it you see a fountain with the gilt sculpture "Amorwith dolphins". The garden is decorated with four majolica vases.
The crowning of the eastern parterre is a wooden pavilion containing the bust of Louis XVI. Twenty-four steps below it there is a fountain basin with a gilt sculpture "Amor shooting an arrow". A sculpture of "Venus and Adonis" is placed between the basin and the palace.
The water parterre in front of the palace is dominated by a large basin with the gilt fountain group "Flora and puttos". The fountain's water jet itself is nearly 25 meters high.
The terrace gardens form the southern part of the park and correspond to the cascade in the north. On the landing of the first flight there is the "Naiad fountain" consisting of three basins and the sculptures of water nymphs. In the middle arch of the niche you see the bust of Marie Antoinette of France. These gardens are crowned by a round temple with a statue of Venus formed after a painting by Antoine Watteau (The Embarkation for Cythera).

Landscape garden and structures in the park

The landscape garden covers an area of about 50 hectares (125 acres) and is perfectly integrated in the surrounding natural alpine landscape. There are several buildings of different appearance located in the park.
Venus Grotto
The building is wholly artificial and was built for the king as an illustration of the First Act of Wagner's "Tannhäuser". Ludwig liked to be rowed over the lake in his golden swan-boat but at the same time he wanted his own blue grotto of Capri. Therefore 24 dynamos had been installed and so already in the time of Ludwig II it was possible to illuminate the grotto in changing colours.
Hunding's Hut
This hut was inspired by Richard Wagner's directions for the First Act of the "Valkyrie". Ludwig used to celebrate Germanic feasts in this house.
Gurnemanz Hermitage
Ludwig came here for contemplation every year on Good Friday. For this day he wanted a flowering meadow. If there was no such meadow because there was still snow lying, the garden director had to plant one for the king.
These three structures, the "Venus Grotto", "Hunding's Hut" and "Gurnemanz Hermitage" remind us another time of the operas of Richard Wagner. But besides that and the baroque architecture Ludwig was also interested in the oriental world.
Moorish Kiosk
This building was designed by the Berliner architect Karl von Diebitsch for the International Exhibition in Paris 1867. Ludwig II wanted to buy it but was forestalled by the railroad king Bethel Henry Strousberg. Ludwig bought the pavilion after the bankruptcy of Strousberg. The most notable piece of furniture of this building is the peacock throne.
Moroccan House
This house was actually built in Morocco for the International Exhibition in Vienna 1873. The king bought it in 1878 and redecorated it in a more royal way.

Δευτέρα 4 Ιανουαρίου 2016

Major earthquake hits India-Myanmar border

Huge Meteor/Fireballs Explode Across the States of AZ & NM in U..S.

NASA’s All Sky Fireball Network

Intro: The NASA All-sky Fireball Network is a network of cameras set up by the NASA Meteoroid Environment Office (MEO) with the goal of observing meteors brighter than the planet Venus, which are called fireballs. The collected data will be used by the MEO in constructing models of the meteoroid environment, which are important to spacecraft designers.

Network: The network currently consists of 15 cameras, 6 of which are placed in locations in north Alabama, north Georgia, southern Tennessee, and southern North Carolina. 4 are in the northern Ohio/Pennsylvania area, and the remaining 5 are located in southern New Mexico and Arizona. The network is still growing, despite having achieved its initial goal of 15 cameras in schools, science centers, planetaria, and observatories in the United States, predominantly east of the Mississippi River, where there are few such systems.

“What was that bright light in the sky last night?”

Cameras: Cameras in the network are specialized black and white video cameras with lenses that allow for a view of the whole night sky overhead.

Data: The cameras have overlapping fields of view, which means that the same fireball can be detected by more than one camera. This allows us to calculate the height of the fireball and how fast it is going. We can even work out the orbit of the meteoroid responsible for creating the fireball, which gives us clues about whether it came from a comet or an asteroid. If the fireball is traveling slow enough, and makes it low enough, it is possible that it can survive to the ground as a meteorite.

This website: This website displays fireball data in the form of images, movies, diagrams, and text files. The data is organized by date. Click on a date in the list on the left to see the fireballs detected that night. If the page appears blank that means no fireballs were detected, probably because of bad weather. The website is automatically updated every morning at 8:00 am Central Time. Only the last 3 weeks of data is available online.

For more information, contact Dr. Bill Cooke or check out theMEO website.

Κυριακή 3 Ιανουαρίου 2016

2016 ξεκίνησε το Σάββατο με άσχημα νέα, αφού δέκα θεατές τραυματίστηκαν

Dakar Rally 2016 ξεκίνησε το Σάββατο με άσχημα νέα, αφού δέκα θεατές τραυματίστηκαν μετά από ένα αυτοκίνητο που οδηγείται από οδηγό της κινεζικής υπηκοότητας despistara και χτύπησε σε αυτά στην αρχή Πρόλογος του ανταγωνισμού, κοντά στην πόλη Μπουένος Άιρες Reef. Αυτό είναι Santino Rodríguez, Μελαχρινή Γκονκόρα, Ainara Albarracin, Luis Cesar Μπούργκος, Yesica Azcurra, Araceli Cabral, Γκαστόν Lopez, Carlos Rodriguez Χουάν, Φράνκο Stier και ο πατέρας του, του οποίου το όνομα είναι άγνωστο, όπως αναφέρεται Ύφαλοι News. ιστοσελίδα Πατέρας και γιος Stier είναι από Pilar και είναι εκείνοι με τους τραυματισμούς πιο σοβαρό, έτσι ελήφθησαν με ελικόπτερο στο νοσοκομείο Austral σε Pilar. Το υπόλοιπο παραμένει στο νοσοκομείο στην «Σάντα Φραντσέσκα" Δημοτικό Νοσοκομείο Reef . Νέοι Araceli Cabral είναι έγκυος, αλλά και το μωρό που κουβαλάει στην κοιλιά της είναι μια χαρά. Το ατύχημα συνέβη περίπου 18:30, όταν το Mini οδηγείται από την κινεζική Guo Meiling (αριθμός 360) παραπλανήθηκε στην 6.6 χλμ της διαδρομής 8, και συνετρίβη σε ένα δικαστήριο τροφίμων, τραυματίζοντας μια ομάδα ανθρώπων που ήταν εκεί. Αμέσως, το ιατρικό προσωπικό πήγε στην περιοχή για να βοηθήσουν τους τραυματίες και να τους σε κοντινά νοσοκομεία, σαν να ορισμένοι από αυτούς υπέστησαν ήσσονος σημασίας πολλαπλά τραύματα, ενώ άλλοι ήταν σοβαρές.Από το 2016 Ράλι Ντακάρ οργάνωση ανέφερε ότι το ατύχημα συνέβη κοντά Reef, και ως αποτέλεσμα αυτού, το ειδικό σύστημα ελέγχου για τα φορτηγά και άλλα αυτοκίνητα ανεστάλη. Η κινεζική πιλότος, 47, ένας ντόπιος του Πεκίνου, ήταν η πρώτη φορά που ανταγωνίζονται στο Ράλι Ντακάρ, και μέχρι στιγμής οι λόγοι της απόλυσης είναι άγνωστη. στην επίσημη ιστοσελίδα της διοργάνωσης δήλωσε ότι μετά το ατύχημα " η οργάνωση έχει αναπτυχθεί ταχύτατα όλα τα μέσα που έχει στη διάθεσή της στη σκηνή: "4 Ιατρική ελικόπτερα, 3 ιατρικές οχήματα του οργανισμού, εκτός από την ενίσχυση της τοπικής ασθενοφόρα 8. Μετά την πρώτη ιατρική εκτίμηση που διενεργείται επί τόπου από τους γιατρούς" ο οργανισμός να προχωρήσει στην ταχεία απομάκρυνση των τραυματιών στα νοσοκομεία της περιοχής. Η διεύθυνση της δοκιμής αποφάσισε αμέσως να εξουδετερώσει τον αγώνα. Τα οχήματα που θα ταξιδέψουν στην Ροζάριο bivouac σε λειτουργία αντιστοίχισης ", πρόσθεσαν. Πηγή: Diario Uno

Durante el prólogo de la edición 2016 del rally Dakar se produjo el primer accidente de la competencia. El despiste del auto conducido por la china Gou Meiling dejó un saldo de al menos 10 personas heridas, tres de ellas de gravedad.

Más imágenes del terrible accidente

Ponte de 72 Metros Desaba em Menos de 4 Anos de "Vida" (MS) 02/01/2016

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 2 Ιαν 2016
Uma ponte de concreto localizada na MS-382, em Guia Lopes da Laguna, 227 km ao sul de Campo Grande, inaugurada há 3 anos, caiu neste sábado (2) pela manhã. A passagem fica sobre o rio Santo Antonio, ligando a cidade à vizinha, Antonio João, e atende dois assentamentos, o Rio Feio, com 72 famílias, e o Retirada da Laguna, com 94 famílias.
Segundo informações de um leitor, que não quis se identificar, a ponte teria problemas estruturais, agravados em decorrência de chuvas fortes dos últimos dias.

Ontem (1), a Agesul (Agência Estadual de Gestão de Empreendimentos) e uma equipe da Prefeitura de Guia Lopes foram até o local para retirar terra e pedaços de pau que ficavam se acumulando na sustentação das bases da ponte. Mas, hoje pela manhã a estrutura inteira, que mede cerca de 72 metros, desmoronou.

De acordo com informações de um morador de Guia Lopes, que também pediu para não ser identificado, a cabeceira da ponte sempre ficava juntando terra e paus o que também ajudou a comprometer a estrutura e a base de sustentação.

Representantes da regional da Agesul no município, bem como da prefeitura local, foram procurados pela reportagem, por telefone, na tarde deste sábado, para comentarem a situação. Até o fechamento deste texto, havia sido encontrado.
"Não estavam fazendo a manutenção preventiva da ponte, nem a prefeitura, nem a Agesul, e como a obra deve ter sido mal executada, a ponte não aguentou e acabou caindo", disse.

A ponte fica a 752 quilômetros da cidade, e segundo o morador, as famílias dos dois assentamentos contam com uma via para chegar até a cidade, porém não é asfaltada e é bem precária. "A ponte foi bem cara, e há um mês caiu uma ponte nessa mesma estrada", afirma.

A reportagem do Campo Grande News tentou contato com o chefe regional da Agesul e o prefeito de Guia Lopes, mas o telefone de ambos estava desligado.
A ponte é conhecida como ponte do cemitério, e acabou desmoronando rio abaixo, conforme registro de um leitor, ninguém estava no local no momento em que a ponte cai, quase como que em um efeito dominó. Confira o vídeo.

Drone footage montage from Syria/Iraq (2015)