Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Δευτέρα 4 Ιανουαρίου 2016

Huge Meteor/Fireballs Explode Across the States of AZ & NM in U..S.

NASA’s All Sky Fireball Network

Intro: The NASA All-sky Fireball Network is a network of cameras set up by the NASA Meteoroid Environment Office (MEO) with the goal of observing meteors brighter than the planet Venus, which are called fireballs. The collected data will be used by the MEO in constructing models of the meteoroid environment, which are important to spacecraft designers.

Network: The network currently consists of 15 cameras, 6 of which are placed in locations in north Alabama, north Georgia, southern Tennessee, and southern North Carolina. 4 are in the northern Ohio/Pennsylvania area, and the remaining 5 are located in southern New Mexico and Arizona. The network is still growing, despite having achieved its initial goal of 15 cameras in schools, science centers, planetaria, and observatories in the United States, predominantly east of the Mississippi River, where there are few such systems.

“What was that bright light in the sky last night?”

Cameras: Cameras in the network are specialized black and white video cameras with lenses that allow for a view of the whole night sky overhead.

Data: The cameras have overlapping fields of view, which means that the same fireball can be detected by more than one camera. This allows us to calculate the height of the fireball and how fast it is going. We can even work out the orbit of the meteoroid responsible for creating the fireball, which gives us clues about whether it came from a comet or an asteroid. If the fireball is traveling slow enough, and makes it low enough, it is possible that it can survive to the ground as a meteorite.

This website: This website displays fireball data in the form of images, movies, diagrams, and text files. The data is organized by date. Click on a date in the list on the left to see the fireballs detected that night. If the page appears blank that means no fireballs were detected, probably because of bad weather. The website is automatically updated every morning at 8:00 am Central Time. Only the last 3 weeks of data is available online.

For more information, contact Dr. Bill Cooke or check out theMEO website.

Κυριακή 3 Ιανουαρίου 2016

2016 ξεκίνησε το Σάββατο με άσχημα νέα, αφού δέκα θεατές τραυματίστηκαν

Dakar Rally 2016 ξεκίνησε το Σάββατο με άσχημα νέα, αφού δέκα θεατές τραυματίστηκαν μετά από ένα αυτοκίνητο που οδηγείται από οδηγό της κινεζικής υπηκοότητας despistara και χτύπησε σε αυτά στην αρχή Πρόλογος του ανταγωνισμού, κοντά στην πόλη Μπουένος Άιρες Reef. Αυτό είναι Santino Rodríguez, Μελαχρινή Γκονκόρα, Ainara Albarracin, Luis Cesar Μπούργκος, Yesica Azcurra, Araceli Cabral, Γκαστόν Lopez, Carlos Rodriguez Χουάν, Φράνκο Stier και ο πατέρας του, του οποίου το όνομα είναι άγνωστο, όπως αναφέρεται Ύφαλοι News. ιστοσελίδα Πατέρας και γιος Stier είναι από Pilar και είναι εκείνοι με τους τραυματισμούς πιο σοβαρό, έτσι ελήφθησαν με ελικόπτερο στο νοσοκομείο Austral σε Pilar. Το υπόλοιπο παραμένει στο νοσοκομείο στην «Σάντα Φραντσέσκα" Δημοτικό Νοσοκομείο Reef . Νέοι Araceli Cabral είναι έγκυος, αλλά και το μωρό που κουβαλάει στην κοιλιά της είναι μια χαρά. Το ατύχημα συνέβη περίπου 18:30, όταν το Mini οδηγείται από την κινεζική Guo Meiling (αριθμός 360) παραπλανήθηκε στην 6.6 χλμ της διαδρομής 8, και συνετρίβη σε ένα δικαστήριο τροφίμων, τραυματίζοντας μια ομάδα ανθρώπων που ήταν εκεί. Αμέσως, το ιατρικό προσωπικό πήγε στην περιοχή για να βοηθήσουν τους τραυματίες και να τους σε κοντινά νοσοκομεία, σαν να ορισμένοι από αυτούς υπέστησαν ήσσονος σημασίας πολλαπλά τραύματα, ενώ άλλοι ήταν σοβαρές.Από το 2016 Ράλι Ντακάρ οργάνωση ανέφερε ότι το ατύχημα συνέβη κοντά Reef, και ως αποτέλεσμα αυτού, το ειδικό σύστημα ελέγχου για τα φορτηγά και άλλα αυτοκίνητα ανεστάλη. Η κινεζική πιλότος, 47, ένας ντόπιος του Πεκίνου, ήταν η πρώτη φορά που ανταγωνίζονται στο Ράλι Ντακάρ, και μέχρι στιγμής οι λόγοι της απόλυσης είναι άγνωστη. στην επίσημη ιστοσελίδα της διοργάνωσης δήλωσε ότι μετά το ατύχημα " η οργάνωση έχει αναπτυχθεί ταχύτατα όλα τα μέσα που έχει στη διάθεσή της στη σκηνή: "4 Ιατρική ελικόπτερα, 3 ιατρικές οχήματα του οργανισμού, εκτός από την ενίσχυση της τοπικής ασθενοφόρα 8. Μετά την πρώτη ιατρική εκτίμηση που διενεργείται επί τόπου από τους γιατρούς" ο οργανισμός να προχωρήσει στην ταχεία απομάκρυνση των τραυματιών στα νοσοκομεία της περιοχής. Η διεύθυνση της δοκιμής αποφάσισε αμέσως να εξουδετερώσει τον αγώνα. Τα οχήματα που θα ταξιδέψουν στην Ροζάριο bivouac σε λειτουργία αντιστοίχισης ", πρόσθεσαν. Πηγή: Diario Uno

Durante el prólogo de la edición 2016 del rally Dakar se produjo el primer accidente de la competencia. El despiste del auto conducido por la china Gou Meiling dejó un saldo de al menos 10 personas heridas, tres de ellas de gravedad.

Más imágenes del terrible accidente

Ponte de 72 Metros Desaba em Menos de 4 Anos de "Vida" (MS) 02/01/2016

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 2 Ιαν 2016
Uma ponte de concreto localizada na MS-382, em Guia Lopes da Laguna, 227 km ao sul de Campo Grande, inaugurada há 3 anos, caiu neste sábado (2) pela manhã. A passagem fica sobre o rio Santo Antonio, ligando a cidade à vizinha, Antonio João, e atende dois assentamentos, o Rio Feio, com 72 famílias, e o Retirada da Laguna, com 94 famílias.
Segundo informações de um leitor, que não quis se identificar, a ponte teria problemas estruturais, agravados em decorrência de chuvas fortes dos últimos dias.

Ontem (1), a Agesul (Agência Estadual de Gestão de Empreendimentos) e uma equipe da Prefeitura de Guia Lopes foram até o local para retirar terra e pedaços de pau que ficavam se acumulando na sustentação das bases da ponte. Mas, hoje pela manhã a estrutura inteira, que mede cerca de 72 metros, desmoronou.

De acordo com informações de um morador de Guia Lopes, que também pediu para não ser identificado, a cabeceira da ponte sempre ficava juntando terra e paus o que também ajudou a comprometer a estrutura e a base de sustentação.

Representantes da regional da Agesul no município, bem como da prefeitura local, foram procurados pela reportagem, por telefone, na tarde deste sábado, para comentarem a situação. Até o fechamento deste texto, havia sido encontrado.
"Não estavam fazendo a manutenção preventiva da ponte, nem a prefeitura, nem a Agesul, e como a obra deve ter sido mal executada, a ponte não aguentou e acabou caindo", disse.

A ponte fica a 752 quilômetros da cidade, e segundo o morador, as famílias dos dois assentamentos contam com uma via para chegar até a cidade, porém não é asfaltada e é bem precária. "A ponte foi bem cara, e há um mês caiu uma ponte nessa mesma estrada", afirma.

A reportagem do Campo Grande News tentou contato com o chefe regional da Agesul e o prefeito de Guia Lopes, mas o telefone de ambos estava desligado.
A ponte é conhecida como ponte do cemitério, e acabou desmoronando rio abaixo, conforme registro de um leitor, ninguém estava no local no momento em que a ponte cai, quase como que em um efeito dominó. Confira o vídeo.

Drone footage montage from Syria/Iraq (2015)

Σάββατο 2 Ιανουαρίου 2016


That Was One Big Shark

That Was One Big Shark

Shark Tooth (Carcharodon megalodon) from the Miocene (25 million years ago) of the Hawthorne Formation, South Carolina, USA.
You know with a big tooth like that a lot of people are going to write a lot of words talking about it. I have added some additional information from wiki. I did try to only add important info and I left a whole lot out. If you want more take a look at the Wikipedia article. There is enough in this to keep you busy for a while.
Information from wiki
Megalodon, meaning “big tooth”, is an extinct species of shark that lived approximately 15.9 to 2.6 million years ago, during the Cenozoic Era (middle Miocene to end of Pliocene).
Regarded as one of the largest and most powerful predators in vertebrate history, C. megalodon probably had a profound impact on the structure of marine communities. Fossil remains suggest that this giant shark reached a length of 18 metres (59 ft), and also indicate that it had a cosmopolitan distribution. Scientists suggest that C. megalodon looked like a stockier version of the great white shark.
C. megalodon had a cosmopolitan distribution; its fossils have been excavated from many parts of the world, including Europe, Africa and both North and South America, as well as Puerto Rico, Cuba, Jamaica, the Canary Islands, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Malta, the Grenadines and India. Megalodon teeth have been excavated from regions far away from continental lands, such as the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean.
The most common megalodon fossils are its teeth. Diagnostic characteristics include: triangular shape, robust structure, large size, fine serrations, and visible V-shaped neck. Megalodon teeth can measure over 180 millimetres (7.1 in) in slant height or diagonal length, and are the largest of any known shark species
Due to fragmentary remains, estimating the size of C. megalodon has been challenging. However, the scientific community has concluded that C. megalodon was larger than the whale shark, Rhincodon typus. Scientists focused on two aspects of size: total length and body mass.
A team of Japanese scientists, T. Uyeno, O. Sakamoto, and H. Sekine, discovered and excavated partial remains of a megalodon, with its nearly complete associated set of teeth, from Saitama, Japan, in 1989. Another nearly complete associated megalodon dentition was excavated from the Yorktown Formations of Lee Creek, North Carolina, in the United States and served as the basis of a jaw reconstruction of C. megalodon at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. These associated tooth sets solved the mystery of how many teeth would be in each row of the jaws of the megalodon. As a result, highly accurate jaw reconstructions became possible. More associated megalodon dentitions were found in later years. Based on these discoveries, scientists S. Applegate and L. Espinosa published an artificial dental formula (representation of dentition of an animal with respect to types of teeth and their arrangement within the animal’s jaw) for megalodon in 1996. Most accurate modern C. megalodon jaw reconstructions are based on this dental formula.
The extraordinary bite forces in C. megalodon must be considered in the context of its great size and of paleontological evidence suggesting that C. megalodon was an active predator of large whales.
Megalodon had enough adaptability to inhabit a wide range of marine environments (i.e., shallow coastal waters, areas of coastal upwelling, swampy coastal lagoons, sandy littorals, and offshore deep water environments), and exhibited a transient lifestyle. Adult megalodon were not abundant in shallow water environments and mostly lurked offshore. C. megalodon may have moved between coastal and oceanic waters, particularly in different stages of its life cycle.
Fossil evidence suggests that the preferred nursery sites of C. megalodon were warm water coastal environments, where threats were minor and food plentiful. Nursery sites were identified in the Gatun Formation of Panama, the Calvert Formation of Maryland, Banco de Concepción in the Canary Islands, and the Bone Valley Formation of Florida. As is the case with most sharks, C. megalodon gave birth to live young. The size of neonate megalodon teeth indicate that megalodon pups were around 2 to 4 metres (6.6 to 13.1 ft) in total length at birth. Their dietary preferences display an ontogenetic shift. Young megalodon commonly preyed on fish, giant sea turtles, dugongs and small cetaceans; mature megalodon moved to off-shore cetacean high-use areas and consumed large cetaceans

Παρασκευή 1 Ιανουαρίου 2016

Ποδαρικό το Blue Star Delos στον Πειραιά … με το πρώτο παιδί για το 2016

Ποδαρικό το Blue Star Delos στον Πειραιά … με το πρώτο παιδί για το 2016

Ποδαρικό έκανε το Blue Star Delos στο λιμάνι του Πειραιά για το 2016 μπαίνοντας στο λιμάνι με την Αλλαγή του Χρόνου.
Το ομορφότερο όμως δεν ήταν αυτό,αλλα η γέννηση του πρώτου παιδιού για το 2016 μέσα στο πλοίο την ώρα που έμπαινε στον Πειραιά. Στο Blue Star Delos είχε επιβιβαστεί νωρίτερα έγκυος επιβάτιδα απο την Πάρο , η οποία με τη βοήθεια του πληρώματος γέννησε στις 00.01 ενα υγιέστατο κοριτσάκι.
Η χαρμόσυνη είδηση ανακοινώθηκε κατά την διάρκεια της τελετής υποδοχής του πλοίου στον Υπουργό Ναυτιλίας και Αιγαίου  Θοδωρή Δρίτσα και στους υπόλοιπους Αξιωματικούς του Λιμενικού Σώματος, απο τον πλοίαρχο του πλοίου  Cpt Κυριάκο Χωριανόπουλο.

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