Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Δευτέρα 14 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

H Candice Swanepoel φωτογραφήθηκε με καυτό μπικίνι στo νησί St. Baths.

Η Candice Swanepoel με τέλειο μπικίνι στη Καραϊβική!

H Candice Swanepoel φωτογραφήθηκε με καυτό μπικίνι στo νησί St. Baths. Οι καυτές πόζες είναι για μια νέα σειρά της Victoria Secret φυσικά!

14 Δεκ. 15 (13:22) | upd: 14 Δεκ. 15 (13:22)

H Candice Swanepoel εθεάθη με καυτό μπικίνι στo νησί St. Baths της Kαραϊβικής.Πραγματοποιούσε επαγγελματική φωτογράφιση μέσα στη θάλασσα. Οι καυτές πόζες είναι για μια νέα σειρά της Victoria Secret φυσικά!

Το διάσημο μοντέλο της Βραζιλίας δείχνει ανανεωμένο , ίσως και λόγω του ρομαντικού αρραβώνα της με το μοντέλο Hermann Nicoli.



Aah, the great battles of history. David versus Goliath, Saint George and the Dragon, Muhammad Ali and George Foreman, shark versus underwater drone ... Wait, what? Okay, so this particular showdown won't make the history books, but it's still pretty cool.
Shark Drone 2015 12 11

According to a post over at Hackaday, this awesome shark-versus-drone encounter comes to us thanks to a partnership between the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and the Discovery Channel. Back in 2013, the team took an AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle), called REMUS, fitted it with five GoPro cameras and an acoustic homing array, and then deployed it the waters off Mexico's Guadalupe Island to film great white sharks doing their thing in their natural environment. 
The animals had been tagged with acoustic beacons, allowing the REMUS AUV to track them through the water and send information about their movements and behaviour back to the researchers.  
When their AUV began behaving strangely and lost communication, the team knew something was up. As soon as the device surfaced, some distinct gashes in its aluminum hull came into view. A look at the GoPro footage quickly revealed the culprit.

The footage, complete with metal-crunching sounds, shows a great white attacking from below the AUV in what the team suspects was a case of mistaken identity. At the time of filming, the sharks were feeding on seals, so the most likely explanation is the great white thought the drone was just another tasty lunchtime treat.
Aside from capturing underwater battles and allowing top predators to test their mettle (see what I did there?), autonomous drones like this one help researchers gather invaluable information about the daily lives of sharks and other marine creatures. They’re also relatively inexpensive and can be operated from a laptop computer, making them a great option for scientists around the globe.

Top 10 NBA Assists of the Week: 12/6-12/12

Top 10 NBA Dunks of the Week: 12/6-12/12

Σάββατο 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Cypriot Tasoula Hadjitofi vows to halt illicit art trafficking by terrorists

Cypriot Tasoula Hadjitofi vows to halt illicit art trafficking by terrorists

Saturday, 12 December, 2015
New strategies for combating illicit art and antiquities trafficking were discussed at a London event following an initiative of the city’s Mayor, Boris Johnson, coupled with the dynamic involvement of Walk of Truth and its newly-launched platform, Culture Crime Watchers Worldwide (CCWW).

Founder of the non-governmental organisation, Walk of Truth, is Cypriot Tasoula Hadjitofi, who
said that she founded the organisation which invites people from all over the world to contribute to the protection of cultural heritage from violence and crime. The CCWW, she said, aims to empower people to share any information they have on illegal trade of cultural heritage.

According to a press release, in an era where the wars in Iraq and Syria threaten the cultural heritage of the Middle East, where illicit art trafficking is flourishing, the London Mayor hosted a ceremony on November 30 and welcomed Members of Parliament. Invited speakers included Tasoula Hadjitofi, Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO, renowned Archaeologist Lord Collin Renfrew, Claire Hutcheon of the Art and Antiquities Unit at Scotland Yard, and Peter Stone Blue Shield.

In his speech, David Burrowes MP, founder and co-chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for the Protection of Cultural Heritage (also participating in this initiative), alluded to Hadjitofi, as the “driving force behind this event and the APPG” as well as a “Monuments Lady”, who has dedicated her life to the repatriation of looted cultural artifacts originating from her beloved Cyprus and all over the world.

In his presentation, the London Mayor announced efforts for combating the illicit trafficking of antiquities from terrorists and declared London’s willingness to become a safe haven for looted artefacts emerging from conflict zones. These artifacts, as he clarified, will ideally be repatriated in their country of origin following the conflict resolution.

The City Hall of London meeting was organized on the occasion of the launch of an APPG for the protection of cultural heritage.

"ISIS-Daesh and other terrorist organisations are hell bent on committing appalling acts of terrorism and murder around the world. In addition, they seek to destroy democracy and obliterate history. London stands ready to provide a safe haven for the temporary storage of these irreplaceable artefacts until they can be returned to their home countries", Johnson said.

Η στιγμή της εκτόξευσης, "Siniva" διηπειρωτικού πυραύλου από τη λεκάνη της Θάλασσας του Μπάρεντς

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 12 Δεκ 2015
Υπουργείο Άμυνας Ανακοίνωσε Ρωσικό Ότι Το Υποβρύχιο «Verkhotorre" Alalastratejah Ξεκίνησε Το Σάββατο 12 Δεκεμβρίου / Δεκέμβριος Επιτυχία "Siniva" Πυραύλου Από Διηπειρωτικού ΤΗ Λεκάνη Της Θάλασσας Του Μπάρεν ημέρα Τ

Βομβιστική επίθεση με αυτοκίνητο στη γειτονιά αλ-Zahra Χομς και η πτώση των 15 μαρτύρων

ΤΡΑΙΝΟ VS ΝΤΑΛΙΚΑ Εικόνες από την Τσεχική Δημοκρατία ..

Παρασκευή 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


The TF-X™

TF-X: Personal Flight  TF-X: Vertical Takeoff and Landing  TF-X: Speed and Safety    
The TF-X™ is the practical realization of the dream of countless visions of the future; it is designed to be the flying car for all of us. In order to achieve this long-sought-after vision, Terrafugia will focus the TF-X™ program with clear goals that enhance the safety, simplicity, and convenience of personal transportation.  We believe these goals are achievable today.

TF-XTM Quick Facts:

  • Timeline: The TF-X™ is still in the early stages of development, with a production date estimated at 8-12 years in the future.
  • Pricing: The price will be consistent with high-end luxury cars. More specific pricing information will become available as we progress in the development of the TF-X™ program.
  • Range: the TF-X™ will have a range of 500 miles with cruise speeds up to 200mph.

TF-XTM Goals:


  • Operating the TF-X™ should be statistically safer than driving a modern automobile.
  • The TF-X™ will be capable of automatically avoiding other air traffic, bad weather, and restricted and tower-controlled airspace.
  • The TF-X™ will have a backup full-vehicle parachute system which can be activated by the operator in an emergency if the operator believes the TF-X™ to be incapable of auto-landing.
  • If a TF-X™ operator declares an emergency (which will automatically notify authorities of the situation), the TF-X™ can be landed in non-approved landing zones.
  • If the operator becomes unresponsive, the TF-X™ would automatically implement an emergency auto-land at the nearest airport.


  • Learning how to safely operate the TF-X™ will take substantially less time than would be required for a traditional aircraft.
  • The TF-X™ will give the operator significant freedom in flight – controlled in a manner similar to steering a car.
  • The TF-X™ will be able to fly in either "manual" or "automatic" modes between approved landing zones or airports.


  • The TF-X™ will carry four people in car-like comfort.
  • The TF-X™ will have a non-stop flight range of at least 500 miles.
  • The TF-X™ will fit into a standard construction single car garage.
  • The TF-X™ will be able to take off vertically from a level clearing of at least 100ft in diameter.
  • The TF-X™ will be able to drive on roads and highways – providing true door-to-door convenience and an automotive level of weather insensitivity.
In order to facilitate the achievement of this new dimension of personal freedom, the TF-X™ will be priced as low as possible while still allowing Terrafugia to grow to support our customers.  The final pricing will not be set until we are much closer to delivery.  The biggest price driver is the cost of production. It is likely that TF-X™ will be more expensive than a “normal car” due to the higher costs of the necessary light-weight materials, but with investment in automotive scale production, early studies indicate that it is possible that the final price point could be on-par with high-end luxury cars of today.  As demand increases, new materials and manufacturing processes will surely be developed and the price may come down further in the distant future.

Vision of TF-X™ Technical Operations:

  • The TF-X™ is a fixed wing street-legal aircraft with electric ground drive and electric power assist on takeoff and landing.
  • The TF-X™ will be able to recharge its batteries either from its engine or by plugging in to electric car charging stations.
  • The TF-X™ will be capable of “auto-landing” at approved landing sites within approved weather limits.
  • Prior to departure, the operator will select a primary target landing zone and backup landing zones.  If the TF-X™ calculates insufficient energy on board to conduct last minute aborts at the first two sites and safely navigate to and land at the third within a 30 minute reserve, or if the forecast weather in any of the three landing zones would be outside the allowable limits, or if any of the selected landing zones are in temporarily restricted airspace (TFRs), departure will not be allowed until appropriate landing zones are selected.
  • If manual operation (sightseeing) or changing weather causes the second backup landing zone to fall outside the range of the limits, the operator will be notified and prompted to select new landing zones within the new restrictions.
  • The TF-X™ operator will have final say over whether an approved landing zone is actually a safe place in which to land, and they may abort the landing attempt at any time.
  • Aborting the third landing at the end of an extended flight would result in the automatic declaration of an emergency and a horizontal (airplane-like) landing at the nearest airport.
  • Normal TF-X™ operations will be conducted only in non-tower controlled airspace (Class E and G) and on the ground.  Operators who wish to operate in tower controlled airspace (Class B, C, or D) will be able to get additional training.
  • Licensed TF-X™ operators will be allowed to apply to add new landing zones to an approved landing zone database.
  • The TF-X™ will advise the operator if they are approaching restricted or tower-controlled airspace, or unnecessarily increasing the risk to human life (as could happen through carelessness, bad intentions, or if the operator becomes incapacitated).  If the operator does not take the appropriate corrective action, the TF-X™ vehicle will automatically notify authorities by “declaring an emergency” on behalf of the operator.
Development of the TF-X™ is expected to last 8-12 years.  If you wish to be one of the first to own a TF-X™ vehicle, consider reserving a Transition® today.  The Transition® will be delivered long before the TF-X™ is ready, and as loyal Terrafugia customers, Transition® buyers will be given the option to purchase TF-X™ vehicles before the rest of the public.  The knowledge and experience you gain as a Transition® owner will help prepare you for the TF-X™, and your feedback on our first product will help us craft the second. 
Become a part of the Terrafugia transportation revolution today!