Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Τετάρτη 7 Οκτωβρίου 2015

New Subaru Outback and Next Impreza Previewed by Tokyo Concepts

New Subaru Outback and Next Impreza Previewed by Tokyo Concepts

 October 7, 2015 at 11:44 am by 
While the Tokyo auto show is often a venue for Japanese automakers to get extra-weird with their concept cars, Subaru’s two show cars amount to a fairly straightforward preview of the next-generation Outback andImpreza hatchback.
Autodesk VRED Design 2016 SP3
The star of the show for Subaru is the Viziv Future Concept—”Viziv” is said to be derived from “Vision for Innovation,” and “Future Concept” is pretty self-explanatory. Draped in some of the most stylish, well-proportioned sheetmetal we’ve seen from Subaru, the Viziv is a two-door, but its design is said to preview the next-generation Outback.
Subaru isn’t detailing the Viziv Future Concept’s powertrain, beyond saying it’s powered by a downsized boxer turbo with a hybrid, which we are interpreting to mean it’s the 1.6-liter turbo married to some version of the hybrid system from the gas-electric XV Crosstrek. A single electric motor mounted on the rear axle does away with the need for a prop shaft, and offers a new interpretation the company’s signature all-wheel-drive platform, saving weight while maximizing fuel economy and minimizing emissions.
The Viziv also gets the latest iteration of the company’s EyeSight technology, which features revised stereo cameras and radar to deliver not only adaptive cruise control and automatic braking, but all-around crash avoidance that also detects bicycles and pedestrians. It also can park the car automatically. Upgraded telematics are said to allow the Viziv to predict traffic congestion and seek out viable detours.
Autodesk VRED Design 2016
Inside, the Viziv gets a three-tone cream, orange, and black color scheme accented with aluminum trim. The cockpit also features a large central touch screen and digital instruments.

Subaru’s second world premiere at Tokyo will be the Impreza 5-door Concept, of which the company has released two sketches. Incorporating Subaru’s new design language, the Impreza hatchback employs C-shaped headlamps, a sloping greenhouse, and interconnected front and rear fender flares. No powertrain details are forthcoming, but we’ll learn more once the concept makes its in-the-flesh debut later this month.

Return to Antikythera--New Sunken Treasure Discovered In The Ancient Antikythera Shipwreck

Στα 52 μέτρα βάθος για το Ναυάγιο των Αντικυθήρων, ο Alex Tourtas χάρτες ανακαλύψεις τεχνούργημα σε πραγματικό χρόνο σε ένα iPad σε ένα περίβλημα iDive.

New Sunken Treasure Discovered In The Ancient Antikythera Shipwreck

Underwater excavation of artifacts.
photo credit: The excavation included a 10-man team equipped with closed-circuit rebreathers and trimix breathing gases. Brett Seymour, EUA/ARGO
More than a century ago, Captain Dimitrios Kondos gave the order to wait out a violent storm on the Greek island of Antikythera. While there, the crew dived off the island's coast in search of treasure of another kind – golden sponges. After one fateful dive, a man popped back up to the surface describing a horrific scene of corpses littering the sea floor. This was not, however, a murder scene but in fact a discovery of stunning proportions. 
The seabed was strewn with marble sculptures of mythological heroes and gods, bronze statues of athletes and philosophers, and the skeletal remains of the crew. More than 100 years later and the submerged shipwreck has yet to give up all her secrets, with more than50 new discoveries uncovered from the sea’s sediment on this latest expedition. The finds include a bone flute, a pawn from an ancient “chessman” board game, and an armrest possibly from a bronze throne.
"This shipwreck is far from exhausted," said project co-director Brendan Foley, a marine archaeologist with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), in a statement. "Every single dive on it delivers fabulous finds, and reveals how the ‘1%’ lived in the time of Caesar."
An item recovered from the shipwreck. Screenshot from Antikythera - Anticythère / Youtube – the official video of the 2015 "Return to Antikythera" expedition.​
In an attempt to guard the centuries-old bones and artifacts from the crumble of time,researchers began the first-ever systematic excavation of this shipwreck in 2014. Bad weather limited them to just four days of dives, but in this year's expedition, marine archaeologists have spent a total of 40 hours underwater, scavenging the shipwreck scattered over an area more than 40 by 50 meters (130 by 165 feet), with the deepest dives requiring a 55-meter (180-foot) descent. 
The wealth of riches sank to the bottom of the seafloor more than 2,000 years ago, circa 65 B.C.E. The artifacts, some of which may have been looted from Greece by the Roman crew, suggest their owners may have led an opulent life. Fine glassware, luxury ceramics, and an intact amphora (a two-handled pot often used to carry wine) were among the remains.
The artifacts were recovered over 10 days and 61 dives. Screenshot from Antikythera - Anticythère / Youtube – the official video of the 2015 "Return to Antikythera" expedition.​
"These artifacts show us the life of a newly emerging elite in Greece and Rome, with enormous wealth distributed among a larger elite than ever before in history," Foley told theHuffington Post. "The ship and its cargo represent the start of an economy based on consumption of products from a wide area, borne on sea lanes, and supported by new mechanisms of insurance and diversification of risk."
The archaeologists also performed autonomous robotic mapping prior to their dive efforts and made 3D reconstructions of the artifacts. DNA analysis of ceramic jars revealed the remnants of more than 2,000-year-old food, drinks, medicines, and perfumes. The researchers are hopeful that isotopic analysis of lead objects uncovered at the site will determine where the material was mined, and thus reveal the home port of the ship itself.
Other items found include a lead salvage ring, two anchor stocks, fragments from lead hull sheathing, a table jug, broken ceramics, and a chiseled stone object with 12 holes. Screenshot from Antikythera - Anticythère / Youtube – the official video of the 2015 "Return to Antikythera" expedition.​
The most famous artifact from the wreck was discovered in 1900 – the Antikythera mechanism, a device that was designed to calculate the positions of the planets, phases of the moons and the event of an eclipse. It is debated as the world’s oldest analog computer. The astronomical tool is by far the most complex artifact so far discovered from the sunken treasure, with a number of gears, dials and cogs.
"We believe there may be as many as six more life-sized bronze statues of gods and heroes still on the wreck," Foley said. This is in addition to plenty more luxury goods and the bones of the ship's passengers and crew.
To see snippets of the shipwreck excavation, watch the video below.

Al Jazeera--Scientists puzzled by whale shark Gulf gathering

Scientists are perplexed by the world's largest gathering of whale sharks in the middle of the Gulf.Each year between May and September more than 100 whale sharks feed in the warm surface water near the offshore Al Shaheen oil field, 80km north of Qatar.

Local fishermen and offshore platform workers had noticed the sharks before, but the magnitude of gathering is only now attracting serious research.
A team of scientists working for Maersk Oil, which operate the platforms, have been putting satellite tags on the sharks, which can grow up over nine meters in length.
"We really want to know where the females are going," says Steffen Bach, a marine biologist with Maersk Oil.
"We really don't know where they give birth, and hopefully the tags here can tell us a little bit more."
The scientists have identified 400 different whale sharks in the area and believe they come to the area to feed on the invisible eggs of small mackerel tuna that spawn in their millions.
The whale sharks appear to be undeterred by  sea surface temperatures that reach up to 34C in the summer - uncomfortably warm for whale sharks.
"We definitely think the secret of this place is the currents, cyclones, cyclonic current, that sucks up the water," says Bach.
The platforms may also be attracting the sharks.
They are closed to the public and have become artificial reefs attracting a rich and diverse population of fish, and may help to concentrate the mackerel tuna spawning.
"It is a unique place to study whale sharks," says David Robinson, a researcher from Heriot Watt University.
"You haven't got the anthropogenic influence of people being in the water with them."
The research team are planning to monitor the satellite tracking tags over the coming months, and say the data could reveal where the sharks are giving birth to their young.
They hope to present this information to some of the world's leading experts in the field when they meet at the next Whale Shark Conference taking place in Qatar in May next year.

Τρίτη 6 Οκτωβρίου 2015

Refugee sea arrivals in Greece this year approach 400,000

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 2 Οκτ 2015
In spite of worsening weather conditions in recent days, refugee and migrant arrivals in Greece continue to climb and are expected to reach the 400,000 mark shortly. Greece remains by far the largest single entry point for new sea arrivals in the Mediterranean, followed by Italy with 131,000 arrivals so far in 2015.
With the new figures from Greece, the total number of refugees and migrants crossing the Mediterranean this year stands now close to the 530,000 mark. The small island of Lesvos, once a popular tourist resort, has been at the frontline of this influx of arrivals.

News Stories, 2 October 2015

© UNHCR/Achilleas Zavallis
A group of refugees disembark an inflatable boat after reaching the Greek island of Lesvos.
ATHENS, Greece, October 2 (UNHCR) -- The UN refugee agency said on Friday that refugee and migrant arrivals in Greece are expected to hit the 400,000 mark soon, despite adverse weather conditions. Greece remains by far the largest single entry point for new sea arrivals in the Mediterranean, followed by Italy with 131,000 arrivals so far in 2015.
With the new figures from Greece, the total number of refugees and migrants crossing the Mediterranean this year is nearly 530,000. In September, 168,000 people crossed the Mediterranean, the highest monthly figure ever recorded and almost five times the number in September 2014.
UNHCR spokesman Adrian Edwards told journalists in Geneva that the continuing high rate of arrivals underlines the need for a fast implementation of Europe's relocation programme, jointly with the establishment of robust facilities to receive, assist, register and screen all people arriving by sea. "These are steps needed for stabilizing the crisis," he said.
As of this morning, a total of 396,500 people have entered Greece by sea since the beginning of the year, more than 153,000 of them in September alone. The nine-month 2015 total compares to 43,500 such arrivals in Greece in all of 2014. Ninety-seven per cent are from the world's top 10 refugee-producing countries, led by Syria (70 per cent), Afghanistan (18 per cent) and Iraq (4 per cent).
"There was a noticeable drop in sea arrivals this week, along with the change in the weather," Edwards said, adding that on Sept. 25, for example, there were some 6,600 arrivals. The next day, it dropped to around 2,200. "From an average of around 5,000 arrivals per day recently, it has fallen to some 3,300 over the past six days with just 1,500 yesterday. Nevertheless, any improvement in the weather is likely to bring another surge in sea arrivals."
The current cooler, windy weather has made the crossing from Turkey to Greece even more perilous. Yesterday, there were at least two rescue operations in waters off Lesvos. On Wednesday, there were four separate rescue operations on Lesvos in which 283 people were recovered. But the death of a woman and a young boy brought the total toll of dead and missing in Greek waters to at least 102 this year. In all, nearly 3,000 people have died or gone missing this year crossing the Mediterranean Sea.
"The pace and scale of the movement into Greece continues to put enormous pressure on the government and many communities," the UNHCR spokesman said.
While authorities have worked to improve reception and registration facilities and operations on the islands, bottlenecks still occur. In spite of these efforts the registration process should be enhanced and fully consistent with applicable European Union norms for all arrivals. Despite daily ferry departures carrying between 3,000 and 6,000 refugees and migrants from the islands to Athens, new arrivals continue and island ports can still be crowded with some 10,000-14,000 people on any given day awaiting transfer.
UNHCR is concerned that the lack of reception capacity in Greece could seriously jeopardize the relocation programme agreed upon by the European Council, as eligible refugees have nowhere to stay while awaiting relocation. If this is not immediately addressed secondary movements to neighbouring countries are likely to continue.
UNHCR continues to boost its capacity in Greece and currently has some 120 staff across the country. The agency's efforts are focused on supporting and working with local authorities, NGOs and the central government to improve the response; supporting the registration process; providing information to refugees; identifying and referring people with specific needs; and providing support to help improve reception conditions. UNHCR is also delivering basic humanitarian assistance.
By Ron Redmond in Athens, Greece

Islamic State militants blow up ancient Arch of Triumph in Palmyra

Islamic State militants have blown up the Arch of Triumph, a major monument in the 2,000-year-old Roman city of Palmyra, Syria's antiquities chief said on Sunday, after they destroyed two ancient temples at the central Syrian site in recent months.
Maamoun Abdulkarim told Reuters that sources in Palmyra had confirmed that the Arch of Triumph, a jewel in the exquisite collection of ruins in the oasis city, had been blown up.
Islamic State militants have blown up temples at the Roman-era UNESCO World Heritage site, which it has controlled since capturing Palmyra from Syrian government forces in May and mined other monuments and historic buildings. The group considers the buildings sacrilegious.
"It's as though there is a curse that has befallen this city and I expect only news that will shock us. If the city remains in their hands the city is doomed," Abdulkarim told Reuters.
"It is now wanton destruction ... their acts of vengeance are no longer ideologically driven because they are now blowing up buildings with no religious meaning," he added.
In August, the Sunni Muslim militants blew up the temple of Baal Shamin, then the Temple of Bel, one of the best preserved Roman-era sites.
Earlier this month it was also confirmed the militants had destroyed some of the best preserved of Palmyra's funeral towers, sandstone constructions built to hold the remains of the ancient city's richest families.
Palmyra was one of the most important cultural centres of the ancient world, according to cultural agency UNESCO, which has described it as the crossroads of several civilizations.
Islamic State has declared a caliphate in territory it holds across Syria and Iraq and has destroyed other monuments it says are pagan and sacrilegious.
UNESCO has called such acts war crimes and says Islamic State seeks to wipe out evidence of Syria's diverse heritage.
Before the capture of the city, Syrian officials said they had moved hundreds of ancient statues to safe locations.

Δευτέρα 5 Οκτωβρίου 2015


Για το χριστιανό κάθε λεπτό κάθε μέρα είναι μέρα αφιερωμένη στον Άγιο Δημιουργό του σύμπαντος κόσμου. Έτσι κι η σημερινή παγκόσμια ημέρα των ζώων.

Tropical Storm in China on Saturday, 03 October, 2015

A strong tropical storm was bearing down Saturday on China's southern resort island of Hainan at the height of the country's weeklong National Day holiday. Tropical Storm Mujigae is expected to strengthen into a typhoon by the time it lands on Hainan around noon Sunday with wind speeds of more than 151 kilometers (94 miles) per hour, according to the national meteorological agency. Heavy rain is expected for the island as well as neighboring Guangdong province. As of midday Saturday, the storm was moving northwest at about 22 kph (13 mph). Parts of northern Vietnam were also bracing for heavy rain and high winds before the storm dissipates around Tuesday after arriving on the Chinese mainland. Sunday marks the midpoint of the National Day holiday, when thousands of Chinese tourists flock to Hainan and other popular vacation destinations. The Hainan provincial government's website said fishing boats had been ordered to remain in port, but gave no word on evacuations or other emergency measures.

NORTHWESTERN PACIFIC OCEAN Tropical Choi-Wan Over Open Ocean

Tropical storm Choi-wan was spinning over open waters of the Northwestern Pacific Ocean when Japan's MTSAT satellite captured an infrared image of the storm. At 2100 UTC (5 pm EDT) it was centered near 21.8 North latitude and 155.9 East longitude. That's about 794 nautical miles miles NE of Andersen AFB, Guam. Choi-Wan was moving to the west-northwest at 13 knots. Maximum sustained winds were near 55 knots (63 mph/1001.9 kph).
The Joint Typhoon Warning Center said that animated enhanced infrared satellite imagery continues to show deepened curved convection (stronger thunderstorms) along the western edge that has built closer to the center of the storm.
Choi-wan is forecast to move west, later northwest and strengthen into a typhoon before turning north.

Σάββατο 3 Οκτωβρίου 2015


Ένα σπάνιο ψηφιδωτό της βυζαντινής εποχής, που εικονίζει δρόμους και κτίρια, το οποίο 

ανακαλύφθηκε πριν από δύο χρόνια στο νότιο Ισραήλ, θα παρουσιαστεί την Πέμπτη στο κοινό, μετά την αποκατάστασή του, ανακοίνωσε σήμερα η ισραηλινή Υπηρεσία Αρχαιοτήτων.
Το ψηφιδωτό, που είναι τετράγωνο, μεγέθους περίπου 3,5 x 3,5 μέτρων, κάλυπτε το πάτωμα μιας εκκλησίας η οποία σήμερα έχει καταστραφεί ολοσχερώς. "Η απεικόνιση κτιρίων σε ψηφιδωτά στο πάτωμα είναι πολύ σπάνια στο Ισραήλ, Τα κτίρια είναι διατεταγμένα κατά μήκος ενός δρόμου με κίονες, σαν να επρόκειτο για αρχαίο χάρτη" εξήγησαν οι αρχαιολόγοι που είχαν αναλάβει την ανασκαφή.
"Το σχέδιο εικονίζει μια πόλη στις όχθες του ποταμού Νείλου, με τρισδιάστατα κτίρια, με μπαλκόνια, στοές, στέγες και παράθυρα", ανέφεραν. "Ο καλλιτέχνης χρησιμοποίησε 17 διαφορετικά χρώματα για να φιλοτεχνήσει το ψηφιδωτό αυτό", είπε ο αρχαιολόγος Σάαρ Γκανόρ. "Η ποιότητά του είναι τέτοια που το καθιστούν μια από τις ωραιότερες ανακαλύψεις στο Ισραήλ", πρόσθεσε.
Το ψηφιδωτό είναι ηλικίας 1.500 ετών και ανακαλύφθηκε σε μια βιομηχανική ζώνη της πόλης Κίριατ Γκατ που απέχει περίπου 70 χιλιόμετρα από την Ιερουσαλήμ. Θα παρουσιαστεί την Πέμπτη στα πλαίσια μιας έκθεσης που οργανώνεται για την επέτειο των 60 ετών από την ίδρυση της πόλης αυτής του νοτίου Ισραήλ.