Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Τρίτη 5 Μαΐου 2015

Turkey: Roman mosaics 'ruined' in botched restoration

Turkey: Roman mosaics 'ruined' in botched restoration

Before and after images of the mosaics
Mehmet Daskapan says "unforgivable errors" were made during restoration work
A number of valuable Roman mosaics have been badly damaged during botched restoration work at a museum in southern Turkey, it's reported.
An investigation has been launched after concerns were raised by a local craftsman over the condition of at least 10 mosaics at the Hatay Archaeology Museum, the Hurriyet Daily News website reports. Mehmet Daskapan first spoke out in an interview with a local paper in February, but the news was only picked up by mainstream Turkish media on Monday. "Valuable pieces from the Roman period have been ruined," Mr Daskapan told the Antakya Gazetesi website at the time. "They have become caricatures of their former selves. Some are in an especially poor condition and have lost their originality and value."
Before and after photos of the mosaics taken by Mr Daskapan show the "restored" versions look significantly different to the originals. Some stones appear to have been replaced with different colours and shapes, changing the facial expressions of the characters depicted. As a precaution, Turkey's culture ministry has suspended all restoration work at the site, which houses mosaics dating from the 2nd Century to the 6th Century AD. In December, the museum opened a huge new building, and curators are currently in the process of moving artefacts into the space. When the move is complete, it will devote 5,000 sq m (54,000 sq ft) to displaying mosaics.
Turkish media have likened the episode to an elderly Spanish woman's attempt to restore a Jesus Christ fresco in 2012. The finished product, on the wall of a church near Zaragoza, looked nothing like the original image.
Before and after images of the mosaics
Turkey's culture ministry has formed a commission to investigate the apparent damage

Archaeological dig at ancient fortress site in Egypt reveals massive gate and graves of fallen warriors

The ruins of the fortress near the ancient fortified city of Tell Habua (Tjaru) after recent excavations.

Archaeological dig at ancient fortress site in Egypt reveals massive gate and graves of fallen warriors

Remnants of an ancient Egyptian army camp and mass graves containing fallen warriors have been found buried in the desert ruins site of Tjaru by a team of archaeologists.
The impressive size of the eastern gate of the ancient Tjaru fortress is revealed by the fragments uncovered at the site. Bearing inscriptions of Pharaoh Ramses II, the limestone pieces are 15 meters (49 feet) long and one meter (3 feet) wide. This massive gate secured the Way of Horus between Palestine and Egypt.
Large limestone fragments of the ancient gate at Tjaru Fortress, Egypt.
Large limestone fragments of the ancient gate at Tjaru Fortress, Egypt. Credit: Egypt Antiquities Ministry photo
Mamdouh al-Damaty, Minister of Antiquities in Egypt announced the discovery of the Egyptian army camp from the time of Thutmose III (Thutmosis) and Ramses II. The camp, located at the Tjaru Fortress in North Sinai (near present day Qantara) was led by the respective Pharaohs in the battles of Megiddo and Kadesh, reports Egypt Independent.

A bas-relief carving of Seti I and Ramses II at Abydos. A collection of reliefs of these two men was found during the recent digs around Tharu.
A bas-relief carving of Seti I and Ramses II at Abydos. A collection of reliefs of these two men was found during the recent digs around Tharu. (Wikimedia Commons photo by Kurohito)
The 3,000-year-old ruin site of Tjaru was home to an ancient fortress on the Way of Horus. Due to its remote and hostile environment it was also said to be a place of exile for criminals.  The Way of Horus, or the Horus Military Road, led out of Egypt into Canaan (present day Gaza Strip). Along the route was a series of military forts with water reservoirs. These measures served as protection for ancient Egypt’s eastern borders.
“It was a key starting point for military campaigns during Egypt’s New Kingdom period (1580 B.C. – 1080 B.C.)” reports The Cairo Post.
This Google Map shows the present-day route of the ancient Horus Military Route from Qantara to Rafah. The body of water to the north is the Mediterranean Sea.
This Google Map shows the present-day route of the ancient Horus Military Route from Qantara to Rafah. The body of water to the north is the Mediterranean Sea.
Archaeologists, working 3 kilometers (approximately 2 miles) east of the Suez Canal, also discovered several storage sites with seals bearing the name of Pharaoh Tuthmose III, as well as the graves and skeletal remains of soldiers who were killed in battle during the 26th Dynasty.
Thutmose III smiting his enemies. Relief on the seventh pylon in Karnak.
Thutmose III smiting his enemies. Relief on the seventh pylon in Karnak. Wikipedia
Thutmose III was the sixth Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty. During the first 22 years of his reign, he was co-regent with his stepmother and aunt Hatshepsut, famous for taking on the male role of Pharaoh. After her death and his later rise to pharaoh of the kingdom, Thutmose III created the largest empire Egypt had ever seen, through numerous successful campaigns.

International Space Station bathroom tour

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 5 Μαΐ 2015
Join ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti as she shows how astronauts on the International Space Station keep clean.

From soap to water and cutting your nails, everything is different in space. Samantha demonstrates her ways to ‘shower’ depending on how much time she has.

The astronauts on the Space Station spend as much time as possible on science. During her 40-hour working week Samantha runs many experiments from Italy’s ASI space agency and ESA, and takes part in even more from scientists all over the world.

Samantha is living and working on board the International Space Station as part of the six-strong Expedition 42 and 43 crew

Iranian Supreme Leader following Lausanne Declaration: Nothing Has Been ...

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 5 Μαΐ 2015
In a speech delivered following the Lausanne declaration, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said: "Our officials and those in charge of the nuclear portfolio tell us that nothing has been achieved in this respect. Nothing binding has been reached between the two parties." The speech was broadcast on the Iranian Al-Alam TV channel on April 10, 2015.

NEW 2016 BMW S 1000 XR review

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 5 Μαΐ 2015
Following on from the S 1000 RR and HP4 superbikes as well as the S 1000 R roadster, BMW Motorrad is now unveiling the fourth member in the BMW Motorrad line-up of high-power motorcycles with straight-four-cylinder engines and a distinctly sporty bias. Building on the tantalising and unique mix of innovative technology, performance and safety already inherent to the existing models in this series, BMW Motorrad has taken the next step by bringing out the S 1000 XR, which offers this repertoire of core characteristics in a brand-new blend dubbed “adventure sport”. This encompasses dynamic touring qualities, sporty performance and high levels of comfort as well as outstanding everyday usability. In short, the new S 1000 XR serves up its own individual mix of sporting and touring flair at the same time as injecting a generous dose of emotion.

The straight-four-cylinder engine on the new BMW S 1000 XR is basically derived from the S 1000 R roadster. It has an output of 118 kW (160 hp) at 11,000 rpm and generates maximum torque of 112 Nm (83 lb-ft) at 9,250 rpm. This power unit produces torque in abundance, making it ideal for providing the punchy response at low and medium revs that riders seek when powering along country roads or carrying a passenger. The straight-four-cylinder unit combines tremendous pulling power and exhilarating acceleration with a high peak output, while offering the rider a usable rev range that spans over 10,000 rpm. This makes it just as adept at highly pleasurable touring as it is at sporty rides down winding country roads or holiday trips complete with passenger and luggage.

To enable the riding characteristics to be adapted to the prevailing road conditions as effectively as possible, the new S 1000 XR already comes with the “Rain” and “Road” riding modes as standard. The standard-fit Automatic Stability Control (ASC) ensures a high standard of riding safety by optimising traction. The new S 1000 XR can be equipped ex-works with the Pro riding modes option, which includes the additional riding modes “Dynamic” and “Dynamic Pro” along with Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) and ABS Pro.

Burundi : la crise s'aggrave après les violents affrontements entre mani...

BURUNDI - Dans le quartier de Musaga, à Bujumbura, la police a tiré à balles réelles, et selon la Croix-Rouge il y aurait eu plusieurs morts. Dans un autre quartier, les mêmes accusations à l'encontre de la police : "ça, ce sont des cartouches qui ont été tirées par la police du Burundi", dit ce manifestant, les mains remplies de douilles de différents calibres. Du côté des autorités burundaises, on estime que les policiers ont tiré en réponse à des jets de grenades du côté des manifestants, considérés comme des "terroristes". Les tensions sont extrêmement vives à Bujumbura, où la protestation contre la candidature de Pierre Nkurunziza à un 3ème mandat se faiblit pas. Le récit de Nicolas Germain.

Syria: Barrel bomb hits a nursery in Aleppo - BBC News

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 5 Μαΐ 2015
At least 10 people, including four children and teacher, were killed on Sunday when a barrel bomb hit a nursery school in the Saif al-Dawla district. Local journalist Zaina Erhaim told the BBC on Monday that she heard the sound of children's screams and saw rescuers struggling to pull victims from the rubble.

T-14 Armata, RS-24 y otras máquinas del Ejército del Futuro cruzan Moscú...

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 5 Μαΐ 2015
El nuevo tanque del Ejército ruso T-14 Armata será el "punto culminante" del programa de la columna mecanizada del desfile del Día de la Victoria del próximo 9 de mayo en la Plaza Roja. La novedosa tecnología utilizada en su diseño lo sitúa en una posición de liderazgo en relación a los modelos occidentales de vehículos blindados, afirma AP.