Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Σάββατο 18 Απριλίου 2015

A Female Battalion of Peshmerga Protecting Mosul Dam Aljazeera tv arabic 1

Νέα αντιαρματικό σύστημα ρωσικής τέχνης σε όλο της το μεγαλείο

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 14 Απρ 2015
Another great idea for the Turkish armed forces. The Otokar Cobra light infantry military vehicle will serve the Turkish Military well in future conflicts. The Cobra (Turkish: Kobra) is an infantry mobility vehicle developed by Turkish firm Otokar which uses some mechanical components and sub-systems of the HMMWV[1][2]

Type Infantry mobility vehicle
Place of origin Turkey
Service history
In service 1997–present
Used by Operators
Wars War in Afghanistan (2001–present)
Russo-Georgian War
Kurdish–Turkish conflict
Production history
Designer Otokar
Manufacturer Otokar
Weight 6200 kg
Length 5.23m
Width 2.22m
Height 2.1m
Crew 1+8
Engine Water cooled turbo charged 6.5 litre
Power/weight 31 horsepower per ton
Suspension Helical coil suspension
752 km
Speed 115 km/h (72Mph)

The monocoque steel v-hull provides protection against small arms fire, artillery shell shrapnel, anti-personnel/tank mines and IEDs. Front wheel arches are designed to be blown away to free blast pockets.[1]

The Cobra vehicle forms a common platform which can be adapted for various roles and mission requirements including: Armoured Personnel Carrier, Anti-Tank Vehicle, Reconnaissance Vehicle, Ground Surveillance Radar Vehicle, Forward Observation Vehicle, Armoured Ambulance, Armoured Command Post, turreted vehicle for 12.7mm machine gun, 20mm cannon, anti-tank missiles such as the TOW missile/Spike missile or surface-to-air missiles.[1]

Cobra can be used as an amphibious vehicle in combat. Turkish Naval Forces is now looking for a new amphibious vehicle and Otokar Cobra is listed amongst the candidates for acquisitions. There is new version it is name Otokar Cobra 2.

Combat history[edit]
During the Battle of Tskhinvali of the 2008 South Ossetia war, Cobra vehicles were used by special forces of Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs during their assault on the city. Some of the vehicles were equipped with 12.7 mm heavy machine guns ("Utyos") and some with 40 mm automatic grenade launchers (AGL).[3]

Otokar Cobra is also used by the Turkish Army in Afghanistan and in Anti-Terrorist operations in northern Iraq.

The Nigerian Military used the Cobra extensively during operations against the terrorist Boko Haram Insurgency in the North-East of the country in 2013.[4]

The Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) (Turkish: Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri (TSK)) are the military forces of the Republic of Turkey. They consist of the Army, the Navy and the Air Force. The Gendarmerie and the Coast Guard, both of which have law enforcement and military functions, operate as components of the internal security forces in peacetime, and are subordinate to the Ministry of Interior. In wartime, they are subordinate to the Army and Navy. The President of Turkey is the military's overall head.

The current Chief of the General staff is General Necdet Özel. The Chief of the General Staff is the Commander of the Armed Forces. In wartime, he acts as the Commander in Chief on behalf of the President of Turkey, who represents the Supreme Military Command of the TAF on behalf of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.[8] Commanding the Armed Forces and establishing the policies and programs related with the preparation for combat of personnel, intelligence, operations, organization, training and logistic services are the responsibilities of the General Staff. Furthermore, the General Staff coordinates the military relations of TAF with NATO member states and other friendly nations.

After becoming a member of NATO on 18 February 1952, Turkey initiated a comprehensive modernization program for its Armed Forces. The Turkish Army sent troops to fight in Korea, where they played pivotal roles at some points. Towards the end of the 1980s, a second restructuring process was initiated. The TAF participate in European Union battlegroups under control of the European Council, as a part of the Italian-Romanian-Turkish Battlegroup, which was on standby for duty during June–December 2010. It also contributes operational staff to the Eurocorps multinational army corps initiative of the EU and NATO.

According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), in 2010 the Turkish Armed Forces had an active strength of around 510,000 personnel. In addition, it was estimated that there were 378,700 reserve personnel and 152,200 paramilitary personnel (Turkish Gendarmerie and Turkish Coast Guard), giving a combined active and reserve strength of around 1,041,900 personnel.[25] In 2010, the defence budget amounted to 26 billion liras.[26] The Law on the Court of Accounts was supposed to initiate external ex-post audits of armed forces' expenditure and pave the way for audits of extra budgetary resources earmarked for the defence sector, including the Defence Industry Support Fund.[27] However, the Ministry of Defense has not provided the necessary information,

Παρασκευή 17 Απριλίου 2015


The police carried out an operation in 27ºBPM Antares community in the West Zone on 04/17/15 to suppress drug trafficking leaving two dead drug dealers with guns and drugs that were seized by the police that was held by traffickers.

Escrito por Factual RJ na sexta-feira, 17 de abril de 2015 | 11:15

Policias do 27ºBPM realizaram uma operação na comunidade de Antares na Zona Oeste do no dia 17/04/15 para reprimir o trafico de drogas deixando 2 traficantes mortos com armas e drogas que foram apreendido pelos policias que estava em poder dos traficantes.
Fotos reprodução Jadson Marques

Δευτέρα 13 Απριλίου 2015

Intensity Turkey - Vatican for the Armenian genocide

Intensity Turkey - Vatican for the Armenian genocide

In the Armenian genocide was reported today by Pope Francis addressed the crowd of Catholic faithful who had gathered in St. Peter's Square. "Our humanity, the last century, lived three unheard tragedies. The first, that is usually considered as the first genocide of the twentieth century, struck the Armenian your people first Christian nation, "said the pontiff. In St. Peter's Square and into the basilica, noted, was present and large delegation Armenian believers and officials.

"Dear faithful Armenians, today we honor the memory of the heart injured by the pain, but also full of hope of the Resurrection of Christ, the one hundred years from this tragic event, this huge extermination, resulting insanity, suffered by Your ancestors, "added Latin American pope. The pope said, no, that year marks the centenary of the "martyrdom", but is reported that "today we live in a kind of genocide, because of the widespread and massive indifference." The explicit mention of Pope Francis was the persecution of Christians in many parts of the world.Present in the current functioning of the Basilica church of Saint Peter, was the Orthodox Patriarch and Catholicos passes Armenians Karekin II's.

"Pope Francis, before thousands of Armenians who came to Rome from around the world spoke about the massacres committed by the Turks in 1915, using the word that abhors the Turkish government, the word genocide," she says, typically, the web version The Italian newspaper La Stampa. The pontiff finally underlined that along with the Armenians, the torment that struck Greeks, Assyrians and Chaldeans.
Recall the Turkish ambassador to Vatican
Biased and inappropriate featured Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu statements of Pope Francis, referring to the Armenian genocide. 
"Reading these painful events in a tendentious way is improper on the part of the Pope and the authority representing" dilosestin Turkish television.
Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu had characterized unfounded and far from the historical reality using the word "genocide." On his Twitter account said the statement can not be accepted. 
Earlier, the Turkish Foreign Ministry announced the recall of the Turkish ambassador to the Vatican for consultations in Ankara.
Moreover, the Turkish authorities asked the Vatican ambassador in Ankara to protest.

Κυριακή 12 Απριλίου 2015


Χρονια πολλα και χριστος ανεστη και υγεια και ευτυχια σε ολο τον κοσμο!
Ιεροσολυμα 2015.Τελετη αγιου φωτος απο τον πατριαρχη ιεροσολυμων!

Σάββατο 11 Απριλίου 2015

The bells will not hit everywhere

WORLD 10:12
The bells will not hit everywhere

The prayers of the Christian church in Damascus accompanied by anxiety about their fate and thousands of their co-religionists, not only in Syria but also in other countries in the Middle East and Africa. Where the expectation of resurrection shades fear of the brutal murderous jihadist violence.


A lighted candle in the rubble of a destroyed church in ruins Aleppo in Syria. A prayer for the two missing Orthodox metropolitans Christians kidnapped three years ago. A brisk "Christ is risen" in tent in a refugee camp somewhere in Central Iraq. A female shadow that glides with a thousand precautions midnight in "church slaves" in the neighborhood controlled by radical Islamists in Tripoli, Libya, to light the lamp. At Sinai the abbot of the historic monastery of St. Catherine exclaims "Come receive the Light", under the protection of arms Bedouin ... Easter in the Middle East, birthplace of Christianity. The week of passions endless.Christians in another congregation cross expect in the resurrection, but looks away. "The people have faith and hope, after the crucifixion comes the resurrection," says the "K" the dean of the Orthodox Theological University Balampant Lebanese father Porphyry Gkiozi. liquidation Religious Persecution continues unabated, with little, however, to no view of the growing plight of persecuted. The horrors of jihadist displaced by the global news religious liquidation which still systematically engage the fans of "Islamic State" in Syria and Iraq and now Libya. And they had to bring the massacres last month 21 Christian Copts in Benghazi from ISIS and 147 Christian students in Kenya by Somali jihadists Holy Week Easter Catholics to shake the world Christendom making her realize in the most dramatic way that Islamic terrorism crossed the Red Sea and threatening the Christians of Africa. Faith acierate the observance of tradition and religious practice, say the theologians. But how many believers can respond to the call for religious activities when the stakes are the same as life, as now in the Middle East? In these circumstances, however, and with a base in Lebanon and Damascus where things is somewhat better, the Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch John tries daring visits to towns and villages to encourage them remaining loyal but increasingly scarcer, and intensifies the feeling of insecurity. "Only then can you sterioseis people to your site," said the rector of Balampant and adds: "Here in Lebanon where holed million Christians, everything will be done properly. In Syria are some areas for security reasons people do not exercise their religious duties. There is impossible to make functions. The entire Northeast Syria occupied by the ISIS and there are no Christians. In Maaloula, the city where they speak the language spoken by Christ, have returned some Christians, but the Monastery of Agia Thekla is in poor condition having been badly damaged by the attack jihadists and nuns can not turn around.There is a parish church where they operated the few Christians. In Damascus will become procession epitaphs and Resurrection. "In Aleppo there are some parishes, few, that make operation. The Christian Church is still alive. Nobody knows how many have left, I would say that it remains 25% of Christians than those who were. They stayed and people are the hope of the resurrection will come. The people have faith. " The assistant of the Patriarch, Bishop Damascus Moses, in a telephone communication with the "K" of the Syrian capital, said that the "free sites" meaning those controls Assad, will be celebrated in all the churches the liturgy and even Easter Monday will broadcast the glorification of the Resurrection from the public broadcaster. Minimum bells will sound to announce the Resurrection of Christ in Iraq and those in some, few, Christian churches in the capital Baghdad, where but not the procession Epitaph To avoid Muslims. In the refugee camps of the Central and Southern Iraq some scenes will turn the night of Resurrection briefly churches to hear "Christ is Risen", while reason can not be used during religious ceremonies held by the "Islamic State" areas. "At best, someone lit a candle crypto ruins of a demolished church if he decides to take risks ..." says the "K" an Iraqi refugee, Catholic Christian, who fled Mosul and temporarily living in Thessaloniki. In Tripoli Libya At the risk of her life, a woman in Tripoli, Libya may try to light the candles in the Church of St. George, the only plus in this country after its dissolution and the advent of jihadists. This Greek woman married to a local, in which -and leaving anagkastika- Metropolitan Libya Theofylaktos left the keys to open sometimes the "church slaves," as it is called, because it was built in the 15th century for the needs of some Greek sponge divers Christians were sold as slaves of the Ottomans. "If they succeed, they will be good, I will work and pray on behalf of my flock, who had a whole to leave Libya for fear of Islamists from a church in Katerini, where I am now in exile ..." says the "K" Mr. Theofylaktos. "Until the revolution did procession of the Epitaph and the center of the capital, Tripoli. This Easter will be the first without either Christian sample in Libya ... "he said. In the biblical Mount Sinai, the monks and Christians who dare because of rising Islamist attacks of bloody incidents in the peninsula, to travel on pilgrimage to the historic Greek Orthodox Christian Monastery of St. Catherine, will celebrate the Liturgy of the Burial and Resurrection with Byzantine splendor, but also with ... barrels of guns Bedouin "projecting" the danger of raids jihadists, who have already made ​​their appearance with repulsive actions Mount Moses. Is Bedouin tribes, Muslim by religion, they have created the monastery shield against extreme their coreligionists, and for them a source of life due to tourism. "We pray ...""The plague rampant now in Africa, pray for lives of Christians here. What else can we do? "He said in a telephone conversation with the" K "member Christian mission in Nairobi. The massacre of Christians in Kenya Garissa University made ​​more gloomy backdrop of the persecution of Christians this year's Easter and has shocked the Christian world, causing great concern. The Christian churches in Kenya guarded after the last murderous attack by security forces who fear a new round of violence by Islamic extremists. Under the watchful eye of the police will become the rites of the epitaph and the Resurrection and Egypt. The fear of terrorist attacks against Coptic Christians has increased to the highest level its protection measures, especially after the massacre of twenty-one of them in Libya where they worked. For extreme Islam, an Arab Christian equivalent to treason and the punishment is one: death.

Πέμπτη 9 Απριλίου 2015

Face Off: The Coming War between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Face Off: The Coming War between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Another day, another deadly battle between Azerbaijan and Armenia in the southern Caucasus mountains. This time at least three people were killed. There is a lot of attention-grabbing, armed conflict in the world these days. Diplomacy is barely keeping the lid on a conventional war in Ukraine; from Nigeria to the Fertile Crescent war is about as common as peace. But to make accurate predictions about tomorrow’s conflicts, we need to look away from the preoccupations of the moment and turn our attention to the places that trouble is festering unnoticed.
To that end, let me introduce readers to my choice for 2015’s sleeper hotspot:Nagorno-Karabakh. This obscure enclave in the Southern Caucasus is heating up, and the possibility of military conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan is increasing. Nagorno-Karabakh is a mountainous region of western Azerbaijan.In the early 1990s, ethnic tensions between Christian Armenians and Muslim Azeris in the area resulted in a war that in many ways resembled the simultaneous and better-known wars in former Yugoslavia.
Hundreds of thousands were displaced, but the Armenians were eventually victorious. Nagorno-Karabakh has been de-facto independent since the end of the war between the then-newly independent nations of Armenia and Azerbaijan.

The mostly Armenian population of the disputed region now lives under the control of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, a micronation that is supported by Armenia and is effectively part of that country. Despite a Russian-brokered ceasefire, the war never officially ended, and Azerbaijan still vigorously disputes the status of Nagorno-Karabakh, to put it mildly.
What is it that makes Nagorno-Karabakh particularly dangerous?
First, there is virtually no room for compromise between the two sides: Azerbaijan refuses to settle for anything less than full control of the entire area, while Armenia will not countenance anything more than a purely symbolic restoration of Azeri sovereignty. It is difficult to imagine Azerbaijan surrendering its claim to almost one-fifth of Azerbaijan’s official territory for any reason.
Azeri President Ilham Aliyev continues to assert Azerbaijan’s claim with increasing forcefulness. Armenia is also unlikely to relinquish any land, because Nagorno-Karabakh effectively increases the size of Armenian territory by one-third, which is very valuable for a small, thin and landlocked nation with little strategic depth and historic enemies on almost all sides. The Karabakh conflict is a zero-sum game.
Secondly, the dispute is only growing more militarized and dangerous. Both Armenia and Azerbaijan have professionalized and rearmed their forces significantly since the first war.  The Azerbaijani Army and the Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army face each other along over a hundred kilometers of a fortified, land-mined and impassable border. Elaboratetrenches, bunkers, revetments and artillery positions abound on both sides of the disputed line of demarcation and the forward positions of the two sides are often less than one hundred meters apart.
Since the ceasefire, hundreds have died in frequent raids and exchanges of fire across the lines that always contain the possibility for escalation. Raids and skirmishes are increasing in frequency and intensity. Since the summer of 2014, these limited but dangerous clashes have taken place almost daily, although they only attract international attention when someone is killed. Azeri forces shot down an Armenian Mi-24 helicopter in November and there was fighting on the ground as the Armenians attempted to recover bodies from no-mans land. Most recently, on January 31 of this year, the Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army “launched a preemptive attack” on several Azeri positions and killed a number of Azeri soldiers.